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team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released) — Page 77


A dream come true! :')

<span>The statement below is true
The statement above is false</span>


team_negative1 said:

As one more preview, here's an update on the newer Intro, and part of the flyover:



Team Negative1

 Looks nice. The image is really stable compared to the GOUT.

It would be great to one day have a blu-ray with seamless branching options for the '77 vs. '81 crawl.


The Intro has been stabilized, and had other corrections done to it.

For our internal Workprint, we are also previewing and will be watching it this week also:


May the Force be with You

Team Negative1


Just to clarify, if you are a member AMPS, or were on AMPSDeux (Reddit) feel free to send your email for a notification of the preview.


Team Negative1


team_negative1 said:

As one more preview, here's an update on the newer Intro, and part of the flyover:



Team Negative1

Yeah just as I had suspected, the text has a matte-line (although interesting only on the top and bottom of the text and not the sides). The matte-line gets thinner as the text gets thinner (seems to be in direct relation to the size of the text as it recedes). This is unique to the first movie, as Empire Strikes back has the stars marking contact with and clearly overlapping the text on all sides without any matte lines. Thanks for finally providing a theatrically-correct HD version!

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


team_negative1 said:

There will be a second release of Empire Strikes Back, with improvements before the final one to hold people over.

Not to complain, but I thought the Grindhouse was more than enough to hold us all over @_@

team_negative1 said:

Just to clarify, if you are a member AMPS, or were on AMPSDeux (Reddit) feel free to send your email for a notification of the preview.


Team Negative1

I am on the Reddit thing, but I thought the preview was for members who were on the blog (which was prior to AMPS). Or are you guys just offering a bonus extension?

This signature uses Markdown syntax, which makes it easy to add formatting like italics, bold, and lists:


The preservation that I tried to create 10 years ago from the EditDroid rip (some sort of LD cap) and a TV rip of the mono mix...

Soon, it will be within reach...

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


would we send our emails via PM for the preview? Looking forward to it. You've been doing a great job guys. 


team_negative1 said:

As one more preview, here's an update on the newer Intro, and part of the flyover:



Team Negative1

The "Star Wars" logo disappears abruptly (maybe the image is too bright?), but otherwise it looks great!

The Original Trilogy’s Timeline Reconstruction: http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Implied-starting-date-of-the-Empire-from-OT-dialogue/post/786201/#TopicPost786201



I am new to the forums, but have been lurking for a while.  I am very impressed with the quality of the recent segments by Team Negative 1.  I am very excited about seeing the release, and it seems to be a great time to start watching this forum.


The crawl is a frame by frame transfer and matches our film. There was a large overlap of Amps members, so that's why we are including them.

The preview is nearly 3 Gigs, so we need to take that into account for the upload.

We will be using AMPSdeux at Reddit for more detailed updates once the previews start.

Team Negative1


Will we be given the links or locations on here to where it will be downloadable when it's ready? Thanks!



mumbles_ said:

Will we be given the links or locations on here to where it will be downloadable when it's ready?

You forgot to tell us what team you are on.

Team Olie


All information about the preview will be in the email when it is sent.

Team Negative1


Just to recap, here are some comparisons of the Intro and cleanup done, also the credits:




Password: OT

Team Negative1


That is some massive restoration there! Amazing! I get goosebumps thinking about the release!


Yes, I'm trembling as well! :)

People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society.


I love the work you've done. It's a historic undertaking. The samples you've posted look great, and I can't wait to see the final product in full glory.

However, I must say I'm not such a big fan of this subdividing the member base of this forum into one elitist group that can see the preview, and others who can't. For a while I was thinking how can I get into the group that get's to see the preview? How can I get on Team Negative1's good side? Then I thought this is ridiculous. I don't want to have to meet all kinds of demands to watch a preview. I'm passionate about Star Wars, just like any member on this forum. If that's not good enough, that's fine. I will wait for the final release.



I'm VERY excited, but I think I'm going to wait until its proper 1080P release anyway.

Anyway, I can't thank you guys enough for all the hard work you've put into it and good luck with those last few yards!


DrDre said:

I love the work you've done. It's a historic undertaking. The samples you've posted look great, and I can't wait to see the final product in full glory.

However, I must say I'm not such a big fan of this subdividing the member base of this forum into one elitist group that can see the preview, and others who can't. For a while I was thinking how can I get into the group that get's to see the preview? How can I get on Team Negative1's good side? Then I thought this is ridiculous. I don't want to have to meet all kinds of demands to watch a preview. I'm passionate about Star Wars, just like any member on this forum. If that's not good enough, that's fine. I will wait for the final release.


 You have to join a team first.  Might we suggest the handsomest one?

Team Olie


Is Team Olie still open to new members? 


Yes, but we require a photo to verify that you meet the required minimum level of attractiveness.

Team Olie


That won't be a problem. To quote Muhammad Ali: "I'm as pretty as a girl". 


1. The preview will be for everyone eventually. We are rewarding supporters first.

2. There have always been exclusive previews. Join up at AMPS at fanres.com for more information.

3. This preview is only for Reel 1. We are still assembling the workprint. Consideration for that will come later.

Team Negative1


I'm a member of fanres, so I will check there, but I think two forums are enough for me. If that means I'm not a supporter so be it. I'm not looking to be rewarded. I'm sure I will see it eventually or when the final product is released.

Anyway, you've done amazing work. Keep it up!