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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released) — Page 10

Well, I've had my Magnolia DVDs for a few weeks now and all I can say is they are wonderful! I knew that there was a decent movie under all of that mess that was called TPM. I can't believe how different and how much better Episode I is now. Truly remarkable work.

The edit of Episode II was equally spectacular. There was one thing that I wished had been done. I would have liked the Padame scene in the Senate added back in. I really like that scene and I think it makes the vote on the military creation act that much more important. But, I can see where the scene is unnecessary. Everything that is explained in the scene is re-explained in the scene in Palpatine's Office. I just like the scene and feel that it belongs in the movie.
Keeping The Star Wars Hoiliday Special alive. Once person at a time. Stir, stir, whip, whip, stir, beat, beat.
Is it just me, or are the transfers of BOTF and TCW that Rikter is distributing have the brightness a bit high?
I find myself darkening the picture when I watch them.
Not trying to complain, just wondering.

My stance on revising fan edits.

I did not receive mine from Rik, but I too noticed the high brightness ... specially on BOTF. I figured it was a product of the editing and reauthoring process, or maybe the re-compression down to one layer.

Having read about the LD restorations going on by some of our laserphiles, the "restore black" process has been in my head for this flick. But if MF still has the original edit without all of the recompression artifacts and original levels (assuming they exist in the re-edited form), then I was wondering how his source compared.

Let me say it again, because I haven't said it in a while: I positively love the prequels now, thanks to MF. I just kinda liked them before, but Episode I has truly become a great film to me. This was the movie I expected in 1999.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
Another question: Is there a Dual-Layer version of the MF edits available, or was it published as single-layer from the master?

There is only ONE version at this time of the TRUE MagnoliaFan Edits and they are single layer discs - LAST I heard he does have planes to do a dula-layer set for his next versions but this all remains to be scene. Until then there are only the version that we have here on the boards

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Is it just me, or are the transfers of BOTF and TCW that Rikter is distributing have the brightness a bit high?
I find myself darkening the picture when I watch them.
Not trying to complain, just wondering.

Well, I'd still like to get copies of the films myself, even if the brightness may be too high and may not be the upcoming dual-layer.
Anyone willing to send them to me via internet or standard mail? I'd gladly pay for them.
Hey Magfan, would you say it'd be wise to plan on buying (from Rikter or who-ever) Dual-layered versions of BOTF and the then-updated TCW along with your EPIII edit when it comes time to purchase it in 2005-6 ish?

My stance on revising fan edits.

Hey everbody. Thanks to the very light poster bwlag, I was able to recieve a copy of Balance of the Force today.

And I watched it when I should have been doing homework. OVerall, it was alright, but I think I prefer the Original version. For one thing, Jar Jar is even more annoying, coming across as a selfish prick, rather than a buffoon. I also thought the knew dialogue of the Nemoidians and Gungans made everything seem a little too dark. (Not to mention the bothersome fact that all the backwards alien dialogue tracts makes it sound like everybody inhales to talk.)

But Jar Jar calling that Bothan an ugly b***** was sort of funny. In a depraved sort of way.


Hey guys,

Okay, I am a neophyte to this sort of thing. I have a high-speed connection. I am on a Mac. And I have no idea what a torrent is. But I would like to see the "Balance of the Force" and "Clone War" re-edits everyone is talking about. Could I convince any kind soul to walk me through the download process? Or, even better, might anyone be generous enough to send me the DVD's? I'd be happy, of course, to cover the cost of blanks and postage...


Thanks, Hal 9000! Will do! Hopefully, he'll be able to help me out...



"I also thought the knew dialogue of the Nemoidians and Gungans made everything seem a little too dark."

I thought it made the Phantom Menace a bit more menacing. I actually found myself leaning forward to see what would happen to Qui-gon and Obi-wan.

(The one thing that kinda takes me out of the films are the few times I recognize a Spanish or German word, but then again, I'm focusing on the subtitles anyways, so it's not a huge problem.)

I'm really looking forward to finishing BOTF.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

It actually makes me miss the old Jar Jar by Darth Chaltab

A few things I noticed on my second viewing of Balance....
One: A digital man's subtitles are MUCH better than MagFan's, so I reccomend using them. They are on track one, so it makes it easy for you.

The biggest probelm is that reading the subtitles causes the visuals to suffer, and the mouths don't lip-sync properly. The talking of the Nemoidians in many cases is obvioulsy a dialogue reel being played backwards, and it is really agrivating. It just seems shoddy. Further more, Jar Jar losses all his personality, and all his best lines are replaced by generic things. (Only in ADM's subtitles. In MagFan's, Jar Jar comes across like a selfish prick)

The biggest problem is that a lot of conversations now make little to no sense, with important words and sentenses removed. This is most blatant when quigon rescues from 'Governer' Nass....Jar Jar.
Jar Jar says "I saved you," and mentions nothing of the Gungans' gods--and in the next scene immediately, Jinn says he saved Jar Jar--and It seems like Jinn just makes the 'gods' up from thin air. It doesn't work.

I did, however like some of the reinserted footage, so it balances the score a little.

BotF with Magfan's subs=5/10
BotF with ADMs subtitles=6/10



You just did that so people who hate TMP will flame me for my review, didn't you


Hey MagnoliaFan, I have a suggestion for a change for "TCW 2.0". (and EpIII I suppose)

How about making Windu's lightsaber blue? The purple always struck me as being retarded. Besides, my Ep1 Mace action figure and Ep1 scrapbook have him as owning a blue lightsaber. Just a thought.

My stance on revising fan edits.

Hmm, thats not a bad idea.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
A purple lightsaber seems like something a royal Jedi, or a very young one would use.

Or the should-have-been hero that died because of some stupid comic book writer naming him after his grandfather and Lucas not liking it because he was cooler than the idiot that Lucas made up for his grandfater.



That's a good idea with Mace's saber. My views on the purple are as follows:

-Dooku should have had the violet blade, not Mace.
-You mentioned royalty, he is a Count.
-This would balance out the colors for each side of the Force. Lightside: Blue and Green, Darkside: Red and Purple.
-He's an ambiguous character who is between light (blue) and dark (red), a mix if you will, purple.
Here are some screenshots of Dooku's yellow saber:






Yes, I like this alteration made by MagnoliaFan. Since he is supposed to be shown more as a rougue Jedi than Sith, yellow makes sense.

I think Mace Windu's purple saber should be made blue, simply because the purple looks retarded. Samuel Jackson in a Star Wars movie weilding a purple saber. Oh, please.


My stance on revising fan edits.

I don't know, Hal...I kind of liked the purple blade...it set Mace apart from the other Jedi, who came off as conformists. I liked the purple blade enough to adopt it in KOTOR as soon as I found a purple crystal.
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Just a thought. The purple looks fine as is, I mean I don't dislike it strongly.

Just seemed childish and silly especially for Samuel Jackson (who doesn't belong in Star Wars to begin with).

My stance on revising fan edits.

Originally posted by: Hal 9000
Just a thought. The purple looks fine as is, I mean I don't dislike it strongly.

Just seemed childish and silly especially for Samuel Jackson (who doesn't belong in Star Wars to begin with).

I see your point. It's a good suggestion, and it does look out of place being used by Samuel L. Jackson.
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Currently Reading: Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover
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