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Post #768506

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After the Sequel Trilogy Concludes... Then What?
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Date created
6-May-2015, 11:10 AM

What is everyone hoping for (or expecting) from the franchise once Episode IX is released?

My greatest hope - especially if the ST is of high, near-OT levels of quality - is that Disney-LFL will remake the Prequels. Not an especially realistic hope, I admit (particularly if Lucas is still alive and kicking in the 2020's), but a nine part Saga whose first third is of such drastically lower quality than its latter two is a property that is practically screaming out for repair. I can't imagine they'd let it linger in such a state for very long, especially with "reboots" being a pretty standard facet of modern genre moviemaking.

Apart from that, my other great hope is that they do not make a "Second Sequel Trilogy." Not counting Lucas' very early flirtations with the idea of 12 episodes, and his later PT-era six episode "Tragedy of Darth Vader" BS, the Star Wars Saga has ever (conceptually) existed as nine episodes - a Trilogy of Trilogies, which naturally reflects a three-act story structure on three levels (individual film, individual trilogy, whole saga). It just makes sense. I would hate to see that compromised by the tacking on of an entirely superfluous Episodes X-XII, which would actually be what the PT fanboys wrongly accuse the ST of being.

I'm fine with non-episodic, one-shot and spinoff movies, as the potential to explore the SW universe through films like that was hinted at by Lucas back in the OT days. But the Saga proper should be left alone after the ST is finished (or the PT is remade).

If more episodic, epic storytelling is desired (which the franchise does naturally lend itself to), then I'd hope they'd start an entirely new Saga from scratch. The Saga we now have could be re-branded "Star Wars: Saga I" and the new film could be marketed as "Star Wars: Saga II - Episode I" and could cover another multigenerational arc set at, say, the dawn of the Republic. The concept of "The Journal of the Whills" could be pulled out of the mothballs to make the whole thing seem a little less unwieldy.

Anybody else have such specific hopes and / or expectations for the difficult-to-see, always-in-motion post-ST future?