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Post #765875

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Zahn's Other SW Books (was: Survivor's Quest vs Outbound Flight)
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Date created
23-Apr-2015, 6:39 PM


I was going to start a new thread, but I decided this one was close enough.  I'm hoping to draw out Anchorhead, or anyone else that really liked the Heir to the Empire trilogy, and followed it up almost immediately with Hand of Thrawn.

I read HttE as they came out- I loved the books then, and as I've said on this site somewhere, I have loved re-reading them as an adult- even as a jaded Star Wars fan.  There were levels of complexity I could not appreciate as a young'un that I really dig now.

As mentioned in the first post of this thread, I had never caught up with the Hand of Thrawn.  I thought I had listened to 3 hour abridgments, but I'm now thinking that isn't the case seeing how I remember absolutely none of what I'm reading* now.

So I'm reading* Hand of Thrawn now, about halfway through the second book.  Is it just me, or are these books kind of terrible?  There are enjoyable threads, but on the whole, I'd say they're not very good.  Which very much surprised me given how much I like HttE.

Of course, I didn't like Scoundrels that much... and I'm beginning to wonder how much blame to lay at the feet of the reader.  Yes, * again means an audiobook.  And in fact, it's Mark Thompson- the same reader who might have ruined a couple of other Star Wars books for me.  He does some "alien voices" in Hand of Thrawn that have me reaching for the volume control every time.

So here's my question- there seems to be consensus that Hand of Thrawn is not in the same league as HttE... but is it actually bad?  Or do I need to ditch Mark Thompson?