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Do you think Disney will release the unaltered versions for DVD and blue ray? — Page 8


Ronster said:

danny_boy said:

msycamore said:

I am stunned, actually shocked! Do you actually own a 4K projector!! Why haven't you told us before?!

I also own a laserdisc player(newly acquired), VHS and V2000 player too-quite happy to watch star wars on any of them.

 Without putting your purchase down....Brightness : 2000 Lumens

Seriously the price tag and the Lumens don't match up. Although bulb technology has improved massively the brightness is measured at 2000 candles. For Home theater that you could still enjoy during the day you need at least 4000 Lumens. So I am a bit miffed at Sony and there price tag is unreasonable pulling the wool over people eyes.

It should house at least a 4000 Lumen Bulb to be a bit more flexible at the price tag I saw.



You make a good and fair point but these type of projectors are conducive to light controlled or darkened environments.

If you do not have the option of a bat cave(and obviously the majority of people do not)  then this is not the projector for you.

I actually have a 720p short throw business projector and it has 2500 lumens at it's disposal but the picture is awful!

As for the sony 1000es-here it is showing star wars during a review by projector review.com:

I saw Star Wars in 1977. Many, many, many times. For 3 years it was just Star Wars...period. I saw it in good theaters, cheap theaters and drive-ins with those clunky metal speakers you hang on your window. The screen and sound quality never subtracted from the excitement. I can watch the original cut right now, over 30 years later, on some beat up VHS tape and enjoy it. It's the story that makes this movie. Nothing? else.

kurtb8474 1 week ago



...what version is that?

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Anyway, I'm still convinced a "combo" box is the best solution: everyone will stick to its favourite version.


slask said:

Anyway, I'm still convinced a "combo" box is the best solution: everyone will stick to its favourite version.

 I can't think of a combo box better than this one:

 photo DarthVaderChestBox_Graphic_02_zps9vd43egs.png

If your crop is water, what, exactly, would you dust your crops with?


"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"

 photo DarthVaderChestBox_Graphic_03_zpsqaabpcr2.png

If your crop is water, what, exactly, would you dust your crops with?


I have a feeling that they'll never release the OUT

The Person in Question


Just wait until December...   promotion for the upcoming movie will be huge. I


I'm hopeful, mostly because like many have said, it would be a huge promotion for the new movie coming out.

I also think we would have heard definitively by now if they weren't ever putting it out. Lucas was always super vocal about wanting the originals to be unavailable. From "the special editions, those are the versions I want out there" to "grow up, they're my movies, not yours," Lucas (nor Lucasfilm) never hid the fact that they weren't putting out the originals in any acceptable form.

Disney, on the other hand, haven't said a word. At this point, I feel we would have heard, whether it was as simple "we are not putting out the original versions" or as complicated as a contractual agreement with Lucas to never put out the originals. Clearly Fox is not a real barrier here (as many have speculated), as they were able to work together for the stupid digital release, so as far as I am aware, there is literally nothing stopping them.

I'm hoping we will know something by the end of this weekend. It might be weird announcing something basically a week after the digital release, but I imagine any physical OOT release would be targeting a crowd that mostly had no interest in the digital release. Who knows though.

"These films are extremely important both cinematically and as cultural icons, and deserve to be seen in the finest quality possible." -Robert Harris


Even if we don't hear anything by the end of Celebration, the fact that Battlefront isn't streeting until November gives me some hope. Star Wars dvd releases lined up with videogame dates (The OT and Battlefront, RotS and Battlefront II, the GOUT and Lego Star Wars II, etc). If Battlefront was releasing in September, we'd be hearing right now if a new blu-Ray was on the way. We didn't hear about the GOUT until only four months before its street date. November is still a long way off.

If they are indeed planning an OOT blu-Ray, they may very well be waiting until Comic Con in July to announce a November release day and date with the new game.

As has been said, it would be weird to announce a new blu-Ray only a week after the digital release, even if they're targeting two very different audiences. It just wouldn't make sense business-wise, and they've been advertising the digital version constantly during the livestream.


All 3 of you raise valid points. I was just in a bit of a hopeless mood regarding Star Wars when I posted my doubts. I was thinking about the digital release and how it cements the SE on another medium, but now that I think about it, it would be a bit naive to think that the SE wouldn't continue to be marketed before the OOT even if the OOT was going to be released. I did also worry slightly about Devin Faraci's claims about a hybrid SE, because if they make a hybrid SE I definitely think that that would put any significant demand for the OOT to rest, other than people like us. Then I realized that Faraci realistically has no more concrete sources (probably less) than any of the other site such as Bleeding Cool or Comicbook who state that the OOT would be released in its original form. It was just a few months ago that Faraci stated that his "sources" at Fox claimed that Star Wars would never be released in its original version as long as Lucas was alive, even though just months before he had claimed that he was sure the OOT would be released. His new claims of the SE being changed essentially contradict everything his previous sources said, so his credibility regarding Star Wars is pretty much out the window as far as I'm concerned.

The Person in Question


Even if that rumor about Han shooting first again in the 4k version is true (and it very well may be, Devin is pretty sincere about his sources), I don't see why reversing that one change has any bearing on an OOT release. It could still be the SE in every other way, and they've reversed changes before (Luke's scream in ESB '97).


I mean, in the article he didn't really give any indication to what version it was- he just said there's an HD version where Han "shoots first". This doesn't imply SE or OOT, however.


From what I gathered from it the new version's only major draw was that Han shoots first. I think that if it actually was the OOT through and through then that would have been what Faraci advertised. Also, his sources are too vague (which I completely understand given their risk of being fired if their anonymity should be destroyed) to be any more trustworthy than Bleeding Cool or Comicbook. Like I said, it was just a few months ago that he said that Fox wouldn't release the OOT as long as Lucas was alive, which is something that I'd refuse to believe unless the CEO of 20th Century Fox came out a gave a speech about it. Keep in mind that I'm not questioning Faraci's integrity here, I'm sure he is confident in his sources, I just haven't been impressed by his sources' track records regarding Star Wars.

My concern regarding a hybrid SE is that it would destroy a significant demand for the OOT. A lot of people who hate the SE would be willing to put up with everything else if only the "worst offenders" were removed. It'd be a cheap way for Disney to release a semi-original OT, which would be worse than the SE for me.  

The Person in Question


I'd be happy with a straight boxset too: just first versions (original theatrical) and last versions (2011 blu-ray).

No halfway points (actually 1997 SE wouldn't look so good in HD).


I have no use of 2011 version with all the PT parasites in it.



You don't represent all the fans and buyers ;)


slask said:

(actually 1997 SE wouldn't look so good in HD).



In theory, a new transfer of the 97se would look better in HD than the current 04/11 transfer, mainly because the 97se is in 2k and has the potential to look decent. The 04/11 transfer uses an outdated-in-its-day 8-bit 1080p transfer. I still think that they should completely redo the cgi for any new special editions if they want 4k or higher though :P.

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Wazzles said:Why?

 Dated cgi would look awful. Imagine the 1997 Jabba in HD...


Fang Zei said:

Even if that rumor about Han shooting first again in the 4k version is true (and it very well may be, Devin is pretty sincere about his sources), I don't see why reversing that one change has any bearing on an OOT release. It could still be the SE in every other way, and they've reversed changes before (Luke's scream in ESB '97).

 That was debunked, Greedo still shoots first: http://badassdigest.com/2015/04/09/the-digital-edition-of-star-wars-could-make-a-major-change/


Nocturnaloner said:

Fang Zei said:

Even if that rumor about Han shooting first again in the 4k version is true (and it very well may be, Devin is pretty sincere about his sources), I don't see why reversing that one change has any bearing on an OOT release. It could still be the SE in every other way, and they've reversed changes before (Luke's scream in ESB '97).

 That was debunked, Greedo still shoots first: http://badassdigest.com/2015/04/09/the-digital-edition-of-star-wars-could-make-a-major-change/

I know, that's why I specified "in the 4k version."


slask said:

Wazzles said:Why?

 Dated cgi would look awful. Imagine the 1997 Jabba in HD...

 Pretty much all the other CGI has stayed the same from the 97. It wouldn't look all that different from the 2011.


From 1997 to 2011 many other issues were fixed.