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Post #764430

I shot first
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Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
17-Apr-2015, 8:25 AM

I noticed the fast camera zoom on the falcon right away and while it definitely looks different that any shots in the OT I don't mind it as much as some might because it looks like JJ's style of directing. This movie will have cinematography (ie lens flares) that have JJ's stamp on it.  As long as the story, environments and characters keep the genuine feeling and charm that the OT had, I can overlook a few of those camera movements. 


For the record I'm annoyed as well, but not "f*ck you" annoyed.  So much for seeing this at the theatre I've seen them all in... they'll definitely be doing 3D.

Conversions don't make as much money.  People seem to know the difference between native 3D and postproduction 3D.  
I really hope the Village Theatre in Westwood has 2D showings, too.

 I used to say the same thing until I saw Gravity in Imax 3D. Was shocked when I found out the 3D was done in post.  That being said, I will probably see this in 2d if possible.