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Post #755232

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RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"
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Date created
26-Feb-2015, 9:57 PM

I recently viewed the version on "lye green".  Thank you for this hard work you did years ago.  I respectfully would like to share some thoughts and questions.

Why 29.97 fps instead of 23.976 fps?  None of the sources would be as fast as 29.97.  This means extra duplicated frames are now in the video.  If you watch carefully, there is an annoying jitter.  Just watch the upside down space man passing over the shuttle bay doors during the Kirk / Scotty pass by of the Enterprise.  Once noticed, it can not be unseen.  It occurs over the course of the entire video.  If these duplicated frames were removed, the video would remain in it's original 23.976 fps and play smoothly.  As a bonus, the video file will be smaller as well :)

Why mix in all the difference sources?   Why not just a plain rip of the HDTV broadcast only?  Or perhaps use the laserdisc only?  This would seem much easier, and not have varying differences as it is viewed.

Where did the audio interviews come from?  Nice find!