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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread — Page 33


Wow, surprise guest appearance in the new ep. Cool.


And me without Disney XD anymore, dammit!

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Where were you in '77?


Hal 9000 said:

Yoda seems eager to let major issues slide with Ezra that he is very critical of with Luke. I guess his metamorphisis into a crank is only about 65% complete by this point.

Yeah, but Ezra still has a master that will be training him, while Luke was irresponsible and went and got his killed in the previous movie. Yoda was probably just being lazy in Empire… when 900 years old you reach, eager to train young Jedi you will not be.

“That’s impossible, even for a computer!”

“You don't do ‘Star Wars’ in Dobly.”


In-universe explanations aren't usually my cup of tea, but remember that Yoda considers Luke their last hope in ESB. He probably doesn't see the same urgency in training Ezra at the time.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I was never really able to get into Clone Wars, although I loved the animated shorts which kick started the whole thing off.  I've seen a few episodes and didn't hate them, but they really didn't do much for me either.  I think it's because it just reminded me of the prequels which I have grown to dislike more and more.

That being said, I have thus far had a similar outlook on Rebels.  To me it seems that the stories they are telling are just complicating the already convoluted mythos of the GFFA.

But LANDO?  I might have to watch the episode(s) he is featured in just because it's freaking Lando!  And maybe that will help to change my mind and get me into this series.


Haha, yes! Finally! Been waiting for this episode to come around for forever!

About a year before the show launched he accidentally let slip that he'd done some recording for the show. I'm excited to hear that Filoni wants to bring him back for more in the future.

I loved when he appeared in Jedi Outcast, you can never have enough Billy Dee!


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Yeah, the first time I played that, I marveled at Lando's ship. It's like a bachelor pad with hyperdrive. ;)

Would be nice if there was a passing reference to the Lando books of the 80's. I think the timeframe is about right, and Lando might even still own a certain piece of junk.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Just watched the latest episode. That was great!

Oh man, I hope he becomes a regular guest star.

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I liked that the baddie was an old concept Jabba(?) design I recall seeing in one of the The Art Of... books. Can't recall if it was a McQuarrie or Joe Johnston sketch. The protocol droid is definitely McQuarrie's proto Threepio design.

Speaking of that droid, it vanished into thin air when Hera made her escape. Animation error? And what was up with that Imperial's hat being so low? It a wonder he can see where he's going.

Digging Ezra's dual purpose lightsaber. Some critics will no doubt be relieved the kid has a lethal weapon and has ditched the slingshot. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

And what was up with that Imperial's hat being so low? It a wonder he can see where he's going.

 They've been doing that with all of the lower level officers so they don't have to bother modelling a new face.

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Watched 'Path of the Jedi' and it was just wonderful. The Force is all mysterious again! Swapping the word "Padawan" for "Apprentice" would have made it perfect.

Ezra's new weapon looked familiar...

...or maybe it was... ;-)

Was it my imagination, or did Yoda actually sound more like OT Yoda and not wierd PT Yoda? Maybe it was just hearing the voice, which allowed my mind to imagine the original puppet saying the lines?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Well it was Frank Oz. I'm guessing Dave probably asked Frank turn back the clock and channel his OT-self.

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I really really really like this show.

And I for one think Ezra's lightsaber is cool. It embiggens the world. 


I was wary about Lando's appearance, but it worked out very well. They definitely nailed his character.

But I have to say that, again, I really hate the animation on this show. Why does everyone move like they're either made of rubber or are underwater? Everyone's so bouncy and unnatural and it really irks me...guess it's good that I'm watching this one week-to-week instead of binging it all at once like I did with The Clone Wars. I can almost handle this shitty animation when it's spaced out.


Lando was good wasn't he. They made him all sleazy and duplicitous like a pre-joining-the-rebels scoundrel would be :-)

I warmed to Hera a little more in this last episode, she was far less annoying on her own. It's the rellentless smart-aleck attitude she gives the rest of the crew I don't quite enjoy.

Azmorigan's ship was cool. It looked as if the guy who built Jabba's sail-barge was made to construct a replica of The Moldy Crow from memory ;-)

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Lando? There is a new episode already? Thanks for the reminder, I am completely lost since a certain pirate bay was closed down


The fat bad guy was unnecessary, the plot could easily work without him. The chemistry was great. 


By his species' standards, he's actually quite the petite size. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Saw the new one two weeks early.

The villain/spy was predictable.

He already set up Ezra and Kanan once before.

These are the great unknowns who sparked the rebellion, they are barely competent , in this episode they fall for a trap like morons.

And they luckily escape to fight another day, like any other cartoon for children.

Overall Episode 11 Vision of hope was lackluster.

I liked the design for the senate protocol droids, other than that this episode was a miss.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.