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Info: Our projects released thread — Page 33


dark_jedi said:

The menu has been tested on MO and you sure can change the audio track while the film is playing, that is what the pop up menu is for.

 Ooops. My bad. I didn't even try the pop up menu button. *facepalm*


dark_jedi said:

Just so everyone knows, my uploads are also 100% free leech, so you have no excuses now for not being able to get our work, I was told that I will be able to set our torrents to free leech myself soon, things are really looking good now.

I also want to give a HUGE thanks to Vinnie, he has really set me up and is really helping out the Team, very, very cool dude!

So anyone else want to join let me know here in the thread, a few have already gotten in.


Thank you for this, I am having some port recognition issues, but I will get on this for you as well ASAP. 


Hello.....Im the owner of Blu-Torrents. Just thought I would stop in and say hi.

*If any are still waiting on a invite you can just PM me as well with email addy.


Vinnie981 said:

Hello.....Im the owner of Blu-Torrents. Just thought I would stop in and say hi.

*If any are still waiting on a invite you can just PM me as well with email addy.

 Hello Vinnie. 

Thank you for making this possible for all fans and for TeamBlu. 

Words cannot express my gratitude. 


No problem bud. Also a few of you have sent me PM for a invite but did not provide me with a valid email address. Please be sure to give me one if you want to be invited.



Any chance of The Wild Life being released on blu-torrents?


Vinnie981 said:

Hello.....Im the owner of Blu-Torrents. Just thought I would stop in and say hi.

*If any are still waiting on a invite you can just PM me as well with email addy.

Hello Vinnie, I have an account already (that I haven't used yet!) and I have some things to upload sometime. I'm sure your tracker and I will have a good relationship in the future! :)

Nice to see that dark_jedi/teamblu have a new home for their releases.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Any chance we can get the rest of the Team Blu's releases up on blu-torrents?  I still have the original files for Night of the Living Dead 1990 if you'd like me to upload that one, however I don't have any of these listed below.  I'll be happy to upload anything/everything I do have access to however if/when I get the files.

Conan The Barbarian US Theatrical

Conan The Barbarian Extended Cut Bonus BD
Night of The Living Dead 1990 Special Edition
The Ninja Trilogy
Private School
The Wild Life
The Terminator
Terminator 2 Judgement Day
The Neverending Story 2-Disc Set


I do not need any help at Blu-Torrents, I will upload there.


Fair enough.  

I plan on trying to do some write-up's in the future on each of the titles released.  I'll likely also redo my write ups on NOTLD and FNII as well since it's been some time since those initial thoughts were done. Thanks for putting so much effort into these releases.  A fair chunk of them I'm not familiar with, but given the amount of polish that goes into each release I've decided to pick up the entire set as I feel each and every release completed deserves it's fair share of attention in much the same way Scream Factory or Arrow releases deserve a look.

TeamBlu truly deserves many thanks for bringing so many fantastic releases to their fans.  


Hello dark_jedi and TeamBlu,

I'm following your releases with interest and since you are always interested in feedback I'd like to give some general remarks. What I'm really missing is some more detailed info for each release like the following:

- Why was this project made?

- What video and audio sources were used?

- What post-processing if any was applied? (color correction/clean up/etc...)

- Where do the extra's come from?

Neither the nfo nor the project specific page do give much info about this. Maybe this info is burried somewhere in the threads? Would be very interesting to have this as part of the nfo and in the intro section of the project page.

Keep up the incredible work. I'm definitely looking forward to future releases of TeamBlu.



eXige said:

What I'm really missing is some more detailed info for each release like the following:

- Why was this project made?

- What video and audio sources were used?

- What post-processing if any was applied? (color correction/clean up/etc...)

- Where do the extra's come from?


I've been curious about this info too.  It seems like the Conan releases and the NOTLD'90 release had a lot of this info in this thread, but later releases had little or none.  It's interesting to read about this stuff.


Space Kaijuu said:

Can I get an invite to Blu-torrents?

You sure can Space, I sent you a PM.


Really looking forward to seeing both of the CONAN THE BARBARIANs (theatrical and european cuts) come up on blu-torrent.  I have a friend who's been a fan since CONAN THE BARBARIAN first came out (it was the first R-rated movie his father took him to see) who would love to see these with the new and improved color timing/saturation.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Does anyone here have this BD?

Trick or Treat


I have read that there is a video glitch in the video some where but now I cannot get the person to verify it or tell me exactly where it is at, so I am wondering has anyone here seen this supposed glitch? I am about to do some work on this and would like to know if there is one there or not, so any help at all would be nice.



These titles are now available at our new home,

Nurse 2D Uncensored
Lake Placid 3 Unrated
Lake Placid: The Final Chapter Unrated
Maximum Overdrive
The White Buffalo
Fright Night Part II
Private School
The Wild Life
Night of The Living Dead 1990 Special Edition


If someone has a spare Blu-torrents invite, please feel free to send me a PM.

Edit: Nevermind.


There are now smaller remuxes done for those that would prefer a MKV file over the full blown BD, as of now only NOTLD 90 SE has been done, I hope Zen does the rest of them for those that prefer this format.


dark_jedi said:

There are now smaller remuxes done for those that would prefer a MKV file over the full blown BD, as of now only NOTLD 90 SE has been done, I hope Zen does the rest of them for those that prefer this format.


Great idea.


We just authored up our 2-disc Set and we have begun testing, so soon another release will be finished!


If anyone has a spare invite to blu torrents please give me a shout, I would really appreciate it!


OK I have to give a HUGE shout out to Vinnie and psycho4151 over at our new Home B-T, I will now have a seedbox to use, so now there is NO reason at all you guys cannot get our releases, and DAMN is this seedbox friggin fast!

Thanks Guys, You guys rock!


Booshman said:

If anyone has a spare invite to blu torrents please give me a shout, I would really appreciate it!

 Thanks to Vinnie, sorted now.


Wow, I've been missing out on some good stuff! I'd be grateful if anyone able to spare a Blu-Torrents invite could help me out.