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Post #746725

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Misc. Doctor Who Edits (Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors) (Released)
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Date created
14-Jan-2015, 2:06 PM

Currently I’ve been delving into various edits of Doctor Who, starting with the Eleventh Doctor and working my way through Capaldi’s turn as the Twelth, currently the projects are:

Eleventh Doctor

-The Angels Take Manhattan: Added "The Inforarium" minisode to the beginning of the episode as new pre-credits and ended the episode with Amy and Rory surviving, the “Good as Gold” minisode is added at the end

-The Bells of St. John: Not altogether that radically different from the original cut, just with a minisode attached to the pre-credits and a scene moved up, also removed is the obvious info dump at the beginning. Everything else remains the same

-Name of the Doctor: Again, added a minisode as the pre-credits (“Clarence and the Whispermen”) and bumped bits of Clara traveling through The Doctor’s time stream at the start to nearer the climax of the episode. Also edited out her telling Hartnell’s Doctor which TARDIS to nick

-Time of the Doctor: Loads changed here, all references to nudity holograms, Eleven’s final speech, Amy’s ghost appearing etc

Twelfth Doctor

-Deep Breath: This edit came out at 45 minutes on both takes, I’ve finished this one it’s just I’m torn on which one to upload for screening. Not all that much removed except the comical stuff with Strax’s examination and the Twelfth Doctor flapping about at the start.

Listen- I’ve managed to turn this into a half-hour story focusing on only the first trip Clara takes with The Doctor.

-Dark Water/Death In Heaven: Haven’t gotten 'round to this yet, but I was thinking of ending it on a cliffhanger with The Doctor uncertain of whether or not to kill Missy/The Master and aiming her weapon at her. Also will kill off Kate and omit Cyber-Brig