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Post #746722

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Sherlock: The Adventure of Cam (Released)
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Date created
14-Jan-2015, 1:55 PM

Hi guys, I thought I'd update you all on what's happened with this as it now stands

PROGRESS: 100% Complete. Edits are now uploaded and available to view. PM me for links

What's This About? Basically to take the three episodes from the third season of the BBC Sherlock series and re imagine them as slightly shorter episodes

Episode One is The Little That Remains, a trim of "The Empty Hearse" (it's named as such because it uses as little of the episode as possible, in addition to being a quote from the Holmes of the novels), removing such things as Sherlock's explanation as to how he survived so there is some aura of mystery to his methods of survival and focuses principally on the case at hand rather than all the storyline details pertaining to the major arc of the series (except for one tiny detail that pays off in the third episode)

Episode Two is "How It Was Done", based off what was cut from "The Empty Hearse" and the pre-credits of "His Last Vow"

Episode Three is Adventure of Cam, it is the culmination of the principle storyline themes of the third series with a more swift and immediate Sherlock and John working out Mary's case.

Running Time for each

1. The Little That Remains-38 minutes
2. How It Was Done-18 minutes
3. The Adventure of CAM-53 minutes

Revised Cutlist


-Removed Anderson's "bungee cord" theory.

-Added a few minutes of "Many Happy Returns" mini-sode up until Anderson realizes Sherlock is returning. Titles follow.

-Reporters talking about Holmes being vindicated cut.

-John morning Sherlock and going on the tube cut

-John entering the apartment and explaining his upcoming engagement to Mrs. Hudson cut. We end the custom titles on John at the restaurant.

-Sherlock's capture, torture, and meeting with Mycroft cut

-Sherlock being briefed by Mycroft on the terrorist attack cut. Sherlock making plans to surprise John cut

-John explaining his situation to Mrs. Hudson cut

-Sherlock and Molly solving several cases cut

-Jack The Ripper investigation cut

-John's abduction and rescue from the bonfire by Sherlock and Mary cut

-Sherlock meeting with his parents and conversation with John about them being in on his survival cut

-All references to John being abducted and placed in the bonfire cut

-Removed flash of light and fade out when John readies himself for the end

-Removed Sherlock explaining to Anderson how he survived and Anderson's breakdown

-Sherlock meeting Molly's "replacement goldfish" Tom cut

-Charles Augustus Magnusson replaying John's rescue from the bonfire cut, replaced with him investigating Mary’s file

-Added custom “To Be Continued” credit

-Most end credits cut. Will be saved for the third and final installment of the mini-series


A mish-mash of scenes taken out of “The Empty Hearse”, such as John’s Bonfire rescue, the “Jack The Ripper” subplot, Sherlock’s explanation to Anderson regarding how he survived, also inserted is the blackmail of Lady Smallwood from “His Last Vow”


-We open the episode with Sherlock and John discussing Sherlock going out with Janine and Magnusson. Titles come after Magnusson arrives at the house and walks past Mrs. Hudson.

-The drug den aspect of the plot has been pretty much skipped entirely
-Insert the deleted scene after the lights go out when Mary shoots Sherlock. We don't need all that time-consuming clever clogs method of showing Sherlock having visions of friends and enemies as he tries to recover. Way too much padding disguised as thin drama. Insert "Redbeard" music cue over the deleted scene, end the clip on the shot of the black rose (it's timed perfectly with the music)

-Inserted Christmas dinner at the Holmes house after the meeting at the hospital, with “several months later” text (written in Sherlock font), and the Sherlock/John/Mary confrontation at Baker Street occurs after John shows Mary the memory stick (with “several months earlier text to establish the timeline). From there, we jump back to the present and the bulk of the episode plays out unaltered up to the plane flying off into the horizon and the closing credits interrupted by static.

-Removed “Did you Miss Me” reaction montage of all the cast members, cut immediately to Sherlock answering his phone

-Added custom montage to new ending, inserted Sherlock and Molly kissing from the bunjee cord theory removed from the first edit. Closing credits song is “Thunder In Your Heart” from Stan Bush