DrCrowTStarwars said:
Hey I am just spitballing ideas here.
Er... maybe I'm campaigning for Vice Mayor of Crazy Town here, but I believe DrCrow is using a little thing called "hyperbole" to illustrate his point. I could be wrong, but I think he is saying "here are the alternatives in stamping out bullying- either you completely infringe on all human rights, or you teach people to stop empowering bullies by caring what they have to say".
Perhaps this comparison is apt: You will never solve "the drug problem" by going after the dealers. As long as there is a high* demand, the supply will find its way to them. However, if you can dry up the demand (somehow), then it doesn't really matter how much supply there is.
Unless we move to a complete police state where every action is monitored and enforced. But NO ONE is suggesting we do that. Probably.