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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 124


I had one that made it painful to sit for a while, but I've been luckier than many other teenagers.


I'd like to botch about the pimple talk in this thread.


I lost the chord for my wireless ps3 controller.  Wanna know the real kicker?  I don't even have a ps3 so I can't use it wirelessly.  I use it to play games on the computer (mostly emulators) because of it's striking similarity to being a SNES controller only with a joystick.  (on that note, most modern controllers resemble the snes controller... with good reason).  But it is PERFECT for SNES games on an emulator, and also very good for N64 games.  (And PS1 games... but that goes without saying.  But I said it, so fuck you)

Ahhhh, life.


You can get a usb controller with 10 buttons plus D-Pad for roughly $10. I just looked on Amazon and they even some, within that price range, that look like an SNES controller.

Get yourself a nice Christmas present, man! :)


No reason to do that, the ps3 controller is more than adequate.  I'm sure a replacement chord can be had for even less than 10 bucks, plus it's just a great controller.   :P



INT. Thanksgiving Dinner.

Douchebag In Law: "So you say these inner city schools you work at are bad? But isn't it all about the parents? Isn't it all about personal responsibility?"

Me: "Hmmm? How much do you spend sending your kid to that private school?" 

(long pause. Douchebag walks away).


And somehow I'M THE BAD GUY! Cousin brought it up again last night. Argh.


TV's Frink said:

Chord lol.

 Yes, I use my playstation controller to make beautiful music, doesn't everybody?


I prefer using a guitar made from the bones and ligaments of Black Death victims, myself.


I've already got 4 guitars, now I know what I want my 5th one to be.


Specify "no international shipping" on an ebay auction, someone in Europe bids on my stuff anyway. :/

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Mail them a letter that says "NO INTERNATIONAL BIDDING YOU DUMB FUCK"


I just learned that the parents of the May "Mayday" Parker version of Spider-Girl were murdered in Marvel's latest Spider-centric crossover event, leaving her and her little brother orphans. That's right -- in the one universe were Peter and Mary Jane were still happily married, with children leading relatively stable lives, they had to die to facilitate the hack writing of a sadomasochistic fantard-turned-writer.

Here I thought that maybe -- maybe -- I could escape the garbage cluttering up the main Marvel Universe by sticking with out-of-continuity storylines, but no -- the garbage just had to spill over into the other Marvel universes, had to contaminate everything and everyone around it until the entire Marvel Multiverse becomes a quagmire of murder and rape.  

So y'know what? Fuck Marvel. FUCK. MARVEL. Fuck their comics, fuck their movies, fuck their TV shows, fuck their Star Wars, fuck the artists and writers who continue to work for them, FUCK THEM ALL.

From here on out, I'm boycotting that whorehouse charnel of a company and every single product that comes rolling off their bloodstained assembly line.


I don't think the people who make the movies deserve your wrath. Are they the ones making the comics suck? All this dark and dreary stuff will never make it into the films.

Would you hold all of Lucasfilm accountable for the bad decisions George has made?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

I just learned that the parents of the May "Mayday" Parker version of Spider-Girl were murdered in Marvel's latest Spider-centric crossover event, leaving her and her little brother orphans. That's right -- in the one universe were Peter and Mary Jane were still happily married, with children leading relatively stable lives, they had to die to facilitate the hack writing of a sadomasochistic fantard-turned-writer.

Here I thought that maybe -- maybe -- I could escape the garbage cluttering up the main Marvel Universe by sticking with out-of-continuity storylines, but no -- the garbage just had to spill over into the other Marvel universes, had to contaminate everything and everyone around it until the entire Marvel Multiverse becomes a quagmire of murder and rape.  

So y'know what? Fuck Marvel. FUCK. MARVEL. Fuck their comics, fuck their movies, fuck their TV shows, fuck their Star Wars, fuck the artists and writers who continue to work for them, FUCK THEM ALL.

From here on out, I'm boycotting that whorehouse charnel of a company and every single product that comes rolling off their bloodstained assembly line.

 Yeah this is why I am sticking to the films and I am only buying my sister back issues of SpiderGirl that I have checked out. Spidergirl is her favorite character ever and this would drive her nuts.

You want to know why the movies are doing so well and yet the comics are selling so poorly, it's because the comics pull this kind of garbage that you will never see in the films.

I am going to send a message by only seeing the Marvel films that don't have this kind of garbage in them in the hopes that someone will get the message.

I really hope once all these idiots who started writing comics in the late 80s die of old age they are replace by people who came to comics through the films and have no interest in these so called "adult" storylines.

As an adult do you know what type of story lines I can relate to the most?  It's not the ultra dark ones it's one the ones that focus on characters growing up and having to deal with adult problems like raising their kids and making their relationship work while coping with being a superhero. This is one reason I loved the comic Tom Strong. Go ahead and read it and tell me that wouldn't be a much better general direction to take Spider-Man.

I gave up on Marvel comics years ago and this just ensures that I will never go back.


And that kind of rant is exactly why you're on ignore, DE. I often share your opinions but your expression irks me. Hyperbole aside, you seem genuinely offended - like this is personal or something.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


This isn't even a first world problem, it's a zeroth world problem.


bkev said:

And that kind of rant is exactly why you're on ignore, DE. I often share your opinions but your expression irks me. Hyperbole aside, you seem genuinely offended - like this is personal or something.

 How is this any worse then Star Wars fans getting upset by the SEs and making their own edits because they want something close to the versions they grew up with. 

If we didn't care about the characters and the stories why would we buy the comics every month?


Higher up on the page Someone is complaining about their PS3 controller not working, I don't think you can say this complaint is too petty for this thread.


I couldn't get in to see my doctor last week and get my prescription refilled because he was running 90 minutes late and he didn't call to tell me or anything and my mom and I had to go pick up my little brother and sister from school. I can't drive with my condition because my hands shake and freeze up randomly so I have to see him on days when I can get a ride so I will not be able to see him again until the 31st, so until then I am having to take a half dosage of my meds to stretch them out.

Now don't get me wrong my doctor is a great guy and he has helped me a lot, I mean he didn't charge me for two months when money was tight and he went to a lot of trouble to get my insurance to cover my meds when he did have to so he does care and I really like him but he is always running at least 20 minutes late.  Doctor's offices charge you if you show up late so why can't the doctors themselves ever be on time?!


DrCrowTStarwars said:

I don't think you can say this complaint is too petty for this thread.

Yeah, I thought this thread was all about the petty complaints.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Ryan McAvoy said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

I don't think you can say this complaint is too petty for this thread.

Yeah, I thought this thread was all about the petty complaints.

 If it isn't I have have been posting OT this whole time.


SilverWook said:

I don't think the people who make the movies deserve your wrath. Are they the ones making the comics suck? All this dark and dreary stuff will never make it into the films.

I'm angry at the writers of the comics far more than anyone working on the films. But as long as the company continues to allow stuff like this to be made, I'm not going to support anything it makes, movies included.

Would you hold all of Lucasfilm accountable for the bad decisions George has made?

No, but then Lucas, even with his worst decisions, has never stooped as low as the writers for the comics have.


DuracellEnergizer said:

SilverWook said:

I don't think the people who make the movies deserve your wrath. Are they the ones making the comics suck? All this dark and dreary stuff will never make it into the films.

I'm angry at the writers of the comics far more than anyone working on the films. But as long as the company continues to allow stuff like this to be made, I'm not going to support anything it makes, movies included.

Would you hold all of Lucasfilm accountable for the bad decisions George has made?

No, but then Lucas, even with his worst decisions, has never stooped as low as the writers for the comics have.

 Yeah and as Linkara said in that great clip that is your right because it is your money. I on the other hand am going to support the movies in the hope that the company will notice how much better they are doing and finally figure out that maybe if they made the comics a little more like the movies and ditched the dark and brooding stuff they will sell better.


bkev said:

And that kind of rant is exactly why you're on ignore, DE. I often share your opinions but your expression irks me. Hyperbole aside, you seem genuinely offended - like this is personal or something.

Take years of general dislike for the way mainstream superhero comics have been written over the past two decades, combine it with months spent reading, enjoying, and getting invested in the adventures of a particular character who's life -- fictional though it may be -- has suddenly been derailed, and the result is not going to be calm, pretty, or anything close to rational.

My contempt for the Big Two has been simmering for years now, and it was only a matter of time before it overboiled. Now that they've gone out of their way to violate a beloved character that until now was unblemished by their crap, it's happened.