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Post #739754

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
6-Dec-2014, 11:23 PM

DrCrowTStarwars said:

SilverWook said:

Dude. Not cool. Even if you personally have no use for organized religion, burning down a church is a crime.

 Yeah not to mention two people have died so far.

 First of all I wasn't being serious, and you didn't mention this in your first post about it so I didn't know that.   It's a shame the two people died, it really is.  And while the church burning is bad and disrespectful (as was my comment, but I did not mean it) it's no worse than any other arson.  Even the bible says the church is the people, not the building.  The building is not holy, and the bible says this.  (other than the Jewish tabernacle, which the bible says is no longer even the case)  If someone was going around burning christians alive, that'd be a real outrage.  (not that burning the building isn't bad enough)

So yes.  I apologize.  That word I said was uncool, and disrespectful, and I wish I hadn't said it. but in my defense you didn't mention the two people being killed.

You're still a moron though, and I couldn't be happier you're ignoring me.   A final solution to the christian problem huh?  God you're a fucking tool.