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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 505


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you!

Your Despecialized Edition HD is INCREDIBLE! I have been telling all my friends about it and a group of us are going to watch it this weekend.

You're amazing. Keep up the fantastic work, you've made this old fan relive the magic of star wars in a way he hasn't felt ... in a long time. :)


Star Wars: Despecialized Edition: Remastered: HD: v2.5: The Search for a Longer Title


TV’s Frink said:

chyron just put a big Ric pic in your sig and be done with it.


chyron8472 said:

Star Wars: Despecialized: Remastered: HD: v2.5: The Search for a Longer Title


In honor of today's announcement, I'd say more like:

Star Wars: Despecialized: Remastered: HD: v2.5: A Long Title Awakens


The interview is pretty good btw. Long, but interesting. And the guy actually did some research before.

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


Nice interview, I read it instead of listening it. The guy asked pretty good questions.

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Great job on the interview Harmy, and thanks for the mentions. Although one of the original team members bought the prints off of Ebay, which is what I was told. Also, you seemed unsure, but there are multiple prints which are complete, not just parts of certain scenes.

It's ok to tell people that, since they can just check on our projects also.

Team Negative1


Yeah, I wasn't sure what you would have wanted me to say, so I held back on the information there - having bits of 35mm prints should be perfectly legal, so I went with that :-)


I watched all 3 DEED movies over the weekend and I must say that it is an impressive work, I don't know anything about video editing but I'm sure there are hundreds or hours behind the project and you must be proud of what you created. My girlfriend never watched the movies before but I convinced here of watching them for the first time and I'm glad she could see the real McCoy on her first time (she loved them btw). I was 12 when the SE came out and after that I never watched the OOT again until now so thank you for the nostalgia as well

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The statement above is false</span>


michaelkirschner said:

I was just re watching version 2.5 and I noticed something out of place. I tried searching for it but found nothing. The issue occurs at around 18:50 and is in the scene when the Jawas come to Luke's home to sell their droids. We all know there is a funny shot when C-3PO is speaking to Uncle Owen and R2-D2 sarcastically turns his dome, as I was watching the scene I noticed the shot was missing, then at around 18:50 when the red droid blows his top and Luke says "what about that one" the missing shot is included. I was one of the early downloaders of 2.5 and I remember people talking about issues so it might be possible that I just downloaded a bad version.  

Looks fine on the file I have. Owen says "I have no need for a protocol droid", C-3PO starts responding then R2-D2 turns his dome at 17:34. The scene matches my GOUT DVD.


Does anyone know where to find the Despecialized Edition anymore?  I can't get an invite to Myspleen, I was told there would be no more invites for the Despecialized Edition.  I have tried several other torrent sites and the closest I've come is downloading 30 .rar files that wont extract, and several downloads that turn out to be some video player.  I'm  ready to jump into a Sarlacc pit.  If anyone could direct me to a good download, I would owe you a Wookie life debt.  Also if I am posting in an inappropriate area just let me know where this should be posted and I will do so.  Thank you, and sorry for the corny references. 


All you need to do is go to Thepiratebay (the most popular torrent site, ffs) and search for either "Despecialized", or "Harmy"...

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


You could also read the first post (ffs, as the kids say).


captrenault said:

Does anyone know where to find the Despecialized Edition anymore?  I can't get an invite to Myspleen, I was told there would be no more invites for the Despecialized Edition.  I have tried several other torrent sites and the closest I've come is downloading 30 .rar files that wont extract, and several downloads that turn out to be some video player.  I'm  ready to jump into a Sarlacc pit.  If anyone could direct me to a good download, I would owe you a Wookie life debt.  Also if I am posting in an inappropriate area just let me know where this should be posted and I will do so.  Thank you, and sorry for the corny references. 


I found the links on tehPARADOX that worked fine for me.  The 30 .rar files are incomplete from that one list; use JDownloader to grab them from the other larger list (don't use the mega files).


Feallan said:

TV's Frink said:

(ffs, as the kids say).

 Actually, I'm 72.

That makes you a kid compared to me.


So, Harmy, whatever happened to the plans to make that "Introducing the Despecialized Editions" documentary? Last I heard (was this back in August?) was that you were looking for a female voice actor and didn't want anyone sharing it until it's finished. Have these plans been abandoned?


Harmy, thanks don't begin to cover my appreciation for the job you have done here, but thanks, thanks, thanks, and more thanks (and thanks to everyone else involved)!

A friend and I watched V2.5 through my home projector on a 120" screen this past weekend. We both grew up seeing the original in the theater and SW was a life changing experience for us. Seeing your restoration brought back those memories, that 'magic' that all of us experienced when first introduced to SW.

Thanks again. This is the only version I will ever watch now, unless you manage to do another upgrade in the future :)


Will the AVCHD version work on a DVD player, or only a Blu-ray player?


Jamould said:

Will the AVCHD version work on a DVD player, or only a Blu-ray player?

 I've found it will work in either a Blu ray player or in a computer's DVD drive. I doubt it will work in a standard DVD player, since those don't output HD video. You could try, though.