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Post #73284

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Question on multi-disc DVD cases
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Date created
24-Oct-2004, 1:26 AM
Hey guys,

I'm new here, although I have lingered in the shadows long. Anyway, I'm considering repackaging my OT set (a TR47 set that I paid too much for on ebay...this was before I did research and came here first, like a smart person ought to), and transfering the discs from the 4 individual cases to a big 4-disc amaray type of thing. Those of you that have done this: what cases are out there to choose from? I know of the ALPHA version, but can you recommend any other options?

The next step will be tracking down suitable artwork for the larger case, but that's a ways off. Anyway, I figured if there was anyplace to ask this sort of question, it'd be here with you all. Thanks so much!
