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Date created
17-Oct-2014, 12:42 PM

Ryan McAvoy said:

I'd never read (or even heard of) GOTG before the movie. But now I'm interested in going back and reading some. My local book store had put together a display stand of GOTG (and Starlord) books but I didn't know where to start.

Can anybody reccomend a collection/paperback/volume/story-arc/writer-tenure that is a good place to start? I'm more interested in books with the same-ish vibe as the movie (and with decent art obviously).

The real answer is ANNIHILIATION! 

It's complicated, of course, but ANNIHILATION!

Infinity Gauntlet is required reading from back in the day.  And there's tons of older stuff too that you could get into...

Semi-recently, Keith Giffen's issues 7-12 of Thanos 2003 (http://www.comicvine.com/thanos/4050-20764/) started to kick things off, and they really got going in his Drax (http://www.comicvine.com/drax-the-destroyer/4050-18291/).

Which rolls right into ANNIHILATION! (http://www.comicvine.com/annihilation/4045-41287/)

It has been collected into 3 TPBs or HC, which include the aforementioned Drax story.  Its by Keith Giffen and some others- at some point Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning come on as a writing team- and they are fantastic.

Annihilation pretty much is directly followed by ANNIHILATION CONQUEST (http://www.comicvine.com/annihilation-conquest/4045-44982/)- which is where the Guardians are put together.  It's not too unlike the movie- they are all in Prison when they get together.

Annihilation Conquest is collected in two TPBs/HCs.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (2008) (http://www.comicvine.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy/4050-21550/) is a direct followon to Annihilation Conquest- and not actually a great jumping on point.  Its 25 glorious issues were written by DnA (Dan and Andy).  Then it was cancelled.  Then they announced a movie- then they relaunched it with Brian Michael Bendis- and I don't think it's been as good- though I have enjoyed it.

It bears stating that Nova (2007) (http://www.comicvine.com/nova/4050-18462/) (also by DnA) is the other regular comic that spun out of Annihilation.  Nova (Richard Rider) was a crap character that suddenly became awesome during Annihilation.  There's a good chance he'll be in GotG2.  His series ran 36 issues and is collected over several TPBs.

 All that being said, nothing has the exact same humourish tone that the movie had.  They have, IMHO, a wonderful tone, but it's not quite as funny as the movie.  More adventuresome, but still lighthearted.  Like a certain space opera that many people on this site seem to enjoy.


They are some of my most favourite comics and I can't recommend them highly enough.