doubleofive said:
My local Kmart is (finally) going out of business. The sales aren't insane yet...
The Kmart near my old Denver residence (and kitchen (wink)) has gone out of business 6 or 7 times in as many years. Like a stupid, I get lured in each time by the promise of insane sales due to the shuttering of the doors. Somehow K-Mart's prices at 40% off start to approach WalMart and Target's standard prices. Why does this store still exist?!?!
During the going-out-of-business sales, I see people who apparently don't watch as much TPIR as I do stocking up on overpriced junk they don't need. I don't mean to judge, but these people often look like they are the members* of our great society that can least afford to be paying higher than average prices for standard household goods... Anyhow, K-Mart seems to make enough bread during these events to unshutter their doors for another several seaons, only to promise going-out-of-business-price-insanity a few months later.
Though I picked up a few movie/game related items at these sales too.
<Shadows of Mordor review snipped>
It does feel a lot like Assassin's Creed, but that's not a bad thing at all.
Sounds good! Maybe once I get caught up on AC**, I will be picking this one up. I really do love the AC series, but I often want it to expand its horizons a bit. This new contender in the genre will hopefully shake things up and bring some new ideas to the melting pot.
*005, for example.
**It will never happen. I'm about to start AC4, but with 2 new AC games this year and all of the other crap I've got going on...