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Post #730566

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Other than Jar Jar and midichlorians, what don't you want in episode 7?
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Date created
3-Oct-2014, 11:59 PM

NeverarGreat said:

point5 said:

RicOlie_2 said:

Agreed. Please put large spoiler tags on each of your posts, the two of you...

You must be kidding right? These are not spoilers. They are part of a discussion about what we do not want to see in Episode 7.  They can only be spoilers if they ARE actually in Episode 7. Do you have a crystal ball?

 /Film, which has previously reported on almost every other leak of Episode 7 material, decided not to report this particular potential spoiler because it was so huge. If on the off chance it is in the movie, knowing it would be like spoiling 'I am your father'. For the record, I don't think this has much chance of being real, but it's the principle of the matter.

An opinion is not a plot spoiler. Get real!

Consider this hypothetical:

The following article appears in a tabloid article: "Joe Blogs claims he is a good friend of a script writer for the upcoming Star Wars movie. Joe informs us that in Episode 7 Luke will ride a talking unicorn that can spit fire."

Fact: This is a rumour, NOT a plot spoiler.

Reply from fan to article in tabloid journal: "I would not like to see Luke ride a talking unicorn that spits fire in Episode 7 because it would spoil everything".

The statement made by the fan is an opinion, NOT a plot spoiler.

Someone wrote the following on a forum two weeks after the official release of Raiders of the Lost Ark: "Indiana Jones finds the lost Ark of the Convenant and is chased by Nazis. The Nazis all die when they open the Ark, but Indiana and his friends survive because they do not look at the light."

This is a plot spoiler.

Please understand the difference.