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Star Wars: Deleted Magic (Released) — Page 2


"Leaving Mos Eisley"
(23.6 MB, Quicktime)

Greedo gets fried, and Imperial forces are closing in on our heroes. Run for your life, little guy! But it's all good times at the Cantina - all we need to do is reshoot. And hey - is that Bea Arthur?

"Tusken Attack/Old Ben"
(21 MB, Quicktime)

I keep skipping Part 6 when I upload the files! Here it is at last...

In part 6, we meet the Tusken Raider who attacks Luke - played by stunt coordinator Peter Diamond. We also meet some unknown actor named Sir Alec Guinness. Don't know if you've heard of him.
Great project! Very cool to see this.

But have I missed something or did you skip parts 5 and 7?


Nevermind! Found 'em...
Great stuff. More testament to how deticated fans churn out far superior products than money-hungry executives. The time and effort you must be putting into this is amazing!

Couple of questions:

With all your features on alternate audio, I was surprised you didn't mention Ben's new dragon call.

Also, do you plan on finalizing this in DVD format when it's all said and done?
Originally posted by: ocpmovie

(24.5 megs)

Very nice work so far! An obvious result of much time and care spent on your part.

Could you please check on Part 2? It appears that the end of the clip is possibly corrupt. Perhaps from an incomplete upload? I know you mentioned in another post that this clip had been revised.

Your previous post refers to a file size of 24.5MB but the downloaded file is only 24.2MB. I sure don't want to miss anything!

Anyway, keep up the good work.
>>Great stuff. More testament to how deticated fans churn out far superior products than money-hungry executives. The time and effort you must be putting into this is amazing!

Thank you! =) Thanks , everyone. We're now at T'Bone's StarWarz.com ... and the first parts have already been downloaded over 365 times ...

>>With all your features on alternate audio, I was surprised you didn't mention Ben's new dragon call.

Special edition/2004 DVD changes are not part of this edit, except in very minor cases. I'm basically concentrating on versions that would have been in existence in 1977.

The 2004 dragon call did wind up in part 6 instead of the old one -- this was not intentional ... I just didn't take the time to go back to the laserdisc version and get the old call. I might put the old one back on the final DVD. But I wouldn't do a comparison, as that's post-special edition stuff.

>>Also, do you plan on finalizing this in DVD format when it's all said and done?

You better believe it. The final DVD is planned to have lots of extra material and be generally glorious.

>>Very nice work so far! An obvious result of much time and care spent on your part.


>> Could you please check on Part 2? It appears that the end of the clip is possibly corrupt. Perhaps from an incomplete upload? I know you mentioned in another post that this clip had been revised.
Your previous post refers to a file size of 24.5MB but the downloaded file is only 24.2MB. I sure don't want to miss anything!

Yep! I'm amazed someone actually noticed this. I am on a dialup connection, so it's often hard to get files this big uploaded properly, and quickly. In the case of part 2, the upload crashed just as it was finishing. Since basically all of the file was there, I chose not to reupload in this case.

I can't download it myself, so does it actually look corrupt?

I doubt you've actually missed anything - the clip should end with Vader's aide talking to him as they walk down the hallway, with a caption about Kurosawa's classic "The Hidden Fortress."
Originally posted by: ocpmovie

>> Could you please check on Part 2?


I can't download it myself, so does it actually look corrupt?

I doubt you've actually missed anything - the clip should end with Vader's aide talking to him as they walk down the hallway, with a caption about Kurosawa's classic "The Hidden Fortress."

There's actually 4 seconds missing at the end. All of Vader's aide dialog. And the clip look corrupt.

Originally posted by: ocpmovie

Yep! I'm amazed someone actually noticed this. I am on a dialup connection, so it's often hard to get files this big uploaded properly, and quickly. In the case of part 2, the upload crashed just as it was finishing. Since basically all of the file was there, I chose not to reupload in this case.

I can't download it myself, so does it actually look corrupt?

I doubt you've actually missed anything - the clip should end with Vader's aide talking to him as they walk down the hallway, with a caption about Kurosawa's classic "The Hidden Fortress."

Unfortunately, it does look corrupt -- the screen freezes and pixelizes and you miss most of the final scene with Vader and his aide (although you can still read the caption). The corruption starts at time code 4:31 and the counter continues to 4:35 (so it appears the last 4 seconds are gone). The last thing you can hear is "Holding her is dangerous...", then the audio cuts out too.

Anyway, I know it can be tough with a dial-up connection, but if you get the chance to re-upload, it would be great.

Thanks again for your work!
Okay - as I suspected, you haven't missed anything whatsoever. That is the end of the clip.

But I know it's annoying to watch a clip that goes corrupt at the very end, so I am reuploading part 2 right now!

I actually started doing this the minute I read your posts earlier.

Cheers -

Oh, and yes, parts 1, 2 and 3 were slightly revised a while back, from the way they were originally posted. Part 11 (Jabba/Chief Bast) has also been VERY slightly revised.

I have made further additions to parts 3 and 4, but they aren't available online. They will appear in the final DVD version. =)

I am still hoping to revise the Jabba/Treadwell/Cantina material, if I can get better quality media from those CD-ROM clips.
Just watched these all this morning, this is fascinating stuff. Its my first exposure to anything other than just rumors of lost takes, etc. Fine work ocpmovie.
"You don't own space, so stop actin' like you do."
The bandwidth limit at orangecow.org has been reached for this month ... 9.4 gigabytes. That's an incredible amount of downloads and we're quite happy!

But it does mean that - sorry - the Deleted Magic files have been removed from orangecow.org ...

From now on, check them all out at:

So what timeframe do you have for the final DVD?

Will the cutscenes look bad in a higher resolution?
At this point I'm saying the final DVD will be available in early 2005.

The CD-ROM derived material looks excellent on a TV screen despite the low frame rate. If you didn't mind watching it from the CD-ROM, you definitely won't mind watching it in this.

I've written a FAQ for the starwarz.com/deletedmagic site ... (and designed a new site) ... which hopefully T'Bone will post soon.

P.S. I apologize for taking the files off of Orangecow.org just as I'd uploaded the non-corrupt version of part 2. If you missed it, it'll wind up at T'Bone's site eventually ... I'll let you know.
Originally posted by: ocpmovie
P.S. I apologize for taking the files off of Orangecow.org just as I'd uploaded the non-corrupt version of part 2. If you missed it, it'll wind up at T'Bone's site eventually ... I'll let you know.

No problem. I got the updated files before you removed them.

Your section on T'Bone's site looks great. Look forward to more installments.

Well, the new website is officially up now ... T'Bone did the original design of course, then I did a redesign, then he did another redesign and it looks all pretty now.



And yep - the non-corrupt version of part 2 is there.

The trailer has now been downloaded from starwarz.com 1174 times in the last week and a half or so, and the rest of the parts are almost as high. Combined with the 9.4 GB from orangecow.org, this has officially gotten out of hand ....


What's the latest on Deleted Magic?

I haven't noticed any updates since it moved to T-Bone's.
I'd love to see this project continued, but maybe he lost interest.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Originally posted by: TheSessler
... maybe he lost interest.

OR Maybe he's working on another project right now
(like it says in the FAQ section of his web page)

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

or maybe he's doing this on DVD now

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

He's waiting on some good captures of the cut scenes from the Behind The Magic CD-ROM. Plus, I have some ideas I still need to send him. It's not his fault, it's mind and another guys.
Oop! I hadn't realized I hadn't visited this site in over a month ...

Didn't see these posts asking what was going on ...

Sorry folks! Guess an update is long overdue.

So here's the update:

I have not lost interest in the project, nor will I lose interest in the project. It will be completed soon enough.

Some work has been done - CGI master Shadowman was kind enough to redo our third draft opening crawl up properly, the way it should be done. I got goosebumps when I saw those words come up in DVD quality: "The Republica Galactica is dead ..." He has also redone the opening shot - those lame laser blasts you see on the 2004 DVD have been replaced with the original 1977-style blasts. He wasn't able to put a real starfield back into the shot, sadly. But it's gorgeous, it is.

He's also working on some material for the Biggs scenes, and some other ... stuff.

As for the rest of the film: well, it's time for excuses here.

The problem is, I saw the VH1 special. I saw it, but I didn't have a good copy of it. And I immediately realized that with all those great making-of shots in the VH1 special, I would have to reedit the whole damn thing to include them.

And I wouldn't be able to do any more editing on Deleted Magic until I had it.

Problem is, I saw the VH1 shots online - I didn't have a proper copy of the special!

I have been waiting for my copy to arrive for ... well, months now.

A long time back, I asked Skot Kirkwood of the swcutscenes list to get me some good full quality captures of the Alternate Cantina, Declan as Jabba the Hutt, and Treadwell scenes from the Behind the Magic and Making Magic CD-ROMs.

As I write this, he still hasn't. I'm still waiting on him. And waiting, and waiting.

I'm also waiting on him to get me a full quality TIVOed copy of the VH1 special. He's just managed to grab one for himself ....

This was all requested months ago, but still isn't here.

So, I've just sighed and moved on to other things.

Right now I'm finishing up work on a feature film called Gods of Los Angeles, and creating merchandise and CDs for Neil Innes (singer/songwriter from Monty Python and the Rutles - neilinnes.org).

But .....

The second these items are in my hand, I'll have some very cool stuff for you.


Oh, and Mark - get me them notes on the Death Star run, woncha?
Thanks for the update!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK