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Star Wars Laserdisc Preservations. See 1st Post for Updates. — Page 12


Jetrell Fo said:

On a side note, I am wondering how you made your simple menus for the BD.  Since I have some HD-DVD stuff that I'm synching with cinema DTS and putting them in to a Bluray format I'd like to be able to do the same for them.

Any chance you'd share how you did it?


 I purchased TMPGenc Authoring Works 4. It cost about 75 bucks at the time if I remember right.  I didn't realize it only encodes mpeg2 at the time though.  After making a test disc I found that I could replace the mpeg2 files with x264 files using this method. It was rather difficult to do all of the muxing and hex editing though so that's why I only replaced the 3 films and left the menus alone.

I believe TMPGenc authoring works 5 does both mpeg2 and x264 encoding so that would be the easiest route to pursue.  It is rather easy to use and creates compliant discs but it is limited to only a couple of audio tracks per title and the same with the subtitles.  The menus can be customized but it is still a template so you won't be able to create anything like with more expensive software but as we all can tell it gets the job done :).

Is there some reason you couldn't use multiavchd?  Multiavchd has about a 50/50 chance of burning a brick instead of a compliant disc though lol. Oh, and the menus really suck on multiavchd imo.

BTW, thanks to Harmy for the excellent cover he provided.  Can I pin that up on the first post so everybody will see it?

I've decided to do a similar BD-25 release for the '97SE captures.  This will happen before I re-up the '97 raw files again. I've not got a timeframe on this.  It'll probably be after summer because summer is short here in Sweden, so I don't want to spend time on the pc or tv while I can be outside lol.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


Here is a test clip of the settings I plan on using for the 97 trilogy BD-25. Top left is adjusted and bottom right is the raw capture.  It's a 1.6gb file and the links are good for 7 days.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


althor1138 said:

Here is a test clip of the settings I plan on using for the 97 trilogy BD-25. Top left is adjusted and bottom right is the raw capture.  It's a 1.6gb file and the links are good for 7 days.

Wov the improvement it's amazing! for a moment it's hard to believe that the source is a LD and not a DVD. :-)

By the way in the scene of Han and Leia in the Falcon, there is a moment that some parts of Han's face looks a little bit yellow. (around min. 00:51:47)

He’s no good to me dead


A little update.  I've started with ESB97SE and decided these should probably get their own disc because of the extra audio options available.

I've already spliced and sync'ed the theatrical DTS discs and have 6 separate WAV files which represent each channel.  I've also sync'ed up the 2.0 stereo as a raw wav.  These have been resampled to 16bit 48khz via audacity as I believe 48khz is the only way to get audio onto a BD-25.  I'll also be syncing the 5.1 LD ac3 audio sometime in the next few days.

Now, I figure the 5.1 LD(ac3) should remain an ac3 file but I would like to know what is the best way to put the 2.0 and theatrical dts onto BD.  Should I encode to dts-hd, or is it possible to put the raw wav's on the disc without re-encoding?  If so, wouldn't the 6 separate dts wav files need to be somehow mixed into one file?  What would I use for that? BTW, I figure the .264 file will be encoded to a size of about 15-17gb which should leave plenty of space for raw audio files and a menu.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


I'd go with DTS-HD for the theatrical DTS, and consider either LPCM or Dolby Digital at an appropriate bitrate for the 2.0 track. The advantage of Dolby Digital over LPCM is that you can set the surround flags on the encoder to preserve the surround that is matrixed into the two channels. I don't know if that can be done with LPCM.

It could be possible to do a similar thing with the 2.0 track with DTS-HD. There should be an option to create a stereo surround file, but how it would sound could hinge on whether Dolby and DTS use the same/very similar methods for matrixing the surrounds into the two channels.

You could preserve the DTS as LPCM if you really wanted to as the Blu-ray spec allows for up to 8 channel LPCM audio, but your 6 WAV's would need to be in a single multichannel WAV or RAW PCM file to do that. Any DAW that supports multi-channel audio should be able to export to these formats.


For matrixed surround, it's really only a matter of telling the receiver what to do with the signal.  When using a Dolby or DTS encoder, you can specify whether it should interpret the input as an LtRt or regular stereo.  It's just a single bit in the metadata being flagged as one or the other—the actual mix doesn't change at all.  PCM tracks don't have any flags, so you have to manually choose which mode you want the receiver to play back in.  Not a hardship for me, since I tend to switch modes based on what I'm listening to anyway.

Concerning theatrical DTS, I don't mean to potentially throw a wrench in the works, but I just discovered a problem concerning subwoofer crossovers and level calibration, which leads to the mixes not sounding right.  Read about it here.


Thanks for the info guys. It sounds like DTS-HD would be the format to use for the theatrical dts 5.1 mix and the 2.0 laserdisc mix.

If I understand right, I can apply a 48db lowpass at 80hz cutoff on the lfe.wav and then apply a 12db highpass at 120hz cutoff on the sr.wav and sl.wav to make it sound right on a home theater system? Should I enable downmix to 2.0 when encoding?  I'm really an audio newbie in almost all regards.  I guess I understand the lingo but I don't know what parameters to use lol. BTW, my first test encode for the theatrical DTS came in at 2.2gb. 

EDIT: OK I applied the 48db lowpass on the LFE and it definitely cuts out everything but the bass.  Using Audacity, is it possible to adjust the LFE level to +17db like you recommend?  I thought I would try the amplify effect but that caused a lot of clipping.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


In this case the lfe.wav would have to be disregarded, and a new one created.  This would be done by duplicating the two surround channels, summing them to mono, applying the low-pass filter, and raising the gain by the appropriate amount.  In order to know the amount by which to boost the LFE, it is important to know first whether the process of summing to mono keeps the level at unity, or causes a gain increase of its own.  In the first case, the +17 dB increase would be correct; but if the resulting mono is 6 dB louder, then you'd only raise it by 11.  (I know it's confusing; it took me a while to wrap my head around all this.)

If you like, I can take care of all that and send you the results—all I'd need is the 2.0 PCM (synched to your video) to line it up with.


Thanks for offering your help.  I think I will take you up on it because it seems to be a bit over my head. I'd have a hard time figuring out how to do this I think lol. Do you just need the sr and sl files?  I have them uploading now but can send you whatever it is you need.  I'll pm you with the links asap.  

Luke threw twice…maybe.


This capture card has some problems with dot crawl with some scenes. I'm trying to remedy these scenes with a comb filter plugin in avisynth.

Here is a raw screenshot vs. tcomb with motion compensation.

Here is tcomb w/ motion compensation vs regular tcomb.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


I did notice a little dot crawl in the Aug 26 test clip; was that before you added this filter?

It eats into a few edges, but overall that looks much better than the original image. I'm impressed as I didn't know there was something significantly better than TComb.

I personally find the processed image a bit dark though. Maybe it's a gamma thing.


This is the first time i've implemented any dot crawl removal.  The processed image has had some slight sharpening with lsfmod so that could be what you are seeing with the edges. I might drop the sharpening before the final encode.  I had to stretch the histogram a bit because this release is pretty dull and washed out.  I plan on bringing up the black level a couple notches though and that will probably make it look a bit better.

I might be the first person to implement tcomb with motion compensation.  I didn't see it anywhere in any forums.  I just didn't like the artifacts that tcomb was leaving so I thought I'd try it out. Here's the function I wrote:

Function TcombMC(clip z,float "mode",int "mc",int "fthreshl",int "fthreshc",int "othreshl",int "othreshc",bool "map",float "scthresh",bool "debug",int "opt")


mc = default(mc, 1)

super = MSuper(z,rfilter=3)

# Motion vector search.

b5vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=5, isb=true,blksize=4)

b4vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=4, isb=true,blksize=4)

b3vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=3, isb=true,blksize=4)

b2vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=2, isb=true,blksize=4)

b1vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=1, isb=true,blksize=4)

f1vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=1,blksize=4)

f2vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=2,blksize=4)

f3vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=3,blksize=4)

f4vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=4,blksize=4)

f5vec = MAnalyse(super, delta=5,blksize=4)

# Motion Compensation.

b5clip = MCompensate(z, super, b5vec)

b4clip = MCompensate(z, super, b4vec)

b3clip = MCompensate(z, super, b3vec)

b2clip = MCompensate(z, super, b2vec)

b1clip = MCompensate(z, super, b1vec)

f1clip = MCompensate(z, super, f1vec)

f2clip = MCompensate(z, super, f2vec)

f3clip = MCompensate(z, super, f3vec)

f4clip = MCompensate(z, super, f4vec)

f5clip = MCompensate(z, super, f5vec)

# Create compensated clip.

interleaved = mc >= 5 ? Interleave(f5clip, f4clip, f3clip, f2clip, f1clip, z, b1clip, b2clip, b3clip, b4clip, b5clip) :

\ mc == 4 ? Interleave(f4clip, f3clip, f2clip, f1clip, z, b1clip, b2clip, b3clip, b4clip) :

\ mc == 3 ? Interleave(f3clip, f2clip, f1clip, z, b1clip, b2clip, b3clip) :

\ mc == 2 ? Interleave(f2clip, f1clip, z, b1clip, b2clip) :

\ mc == 1 ? Interleave(f1clip, z, b1clip):

\ mc == 0 ? z:

\ z


return(SelectEvery(filter, mc * 2 + 1, mc))


It works exactly the same as tcomb but tcombmc has the mc parameter added.  It's possible to have 5 forward and 5 backward mocomped frames but I don't think there is any advantage to having more than 1 so I set that as the default. I had to set the scthresh really low to like 2 or 3 but that might be because of the source clip.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


Amazing, man! For those of us who want a version of the OUT without quality fluctuations the JSC is our best bet and this is a fantastic preservation of it!


Ok, I'm going to scratch the tcomb method and go with the 5 capture average method to alleviate most of the dot crawl. The results are way more reliable and better looking. Thankfully I didn't sell the laserdisc player like I planned to. I might go back and apply this to the JSC set too now that I've got it figured out.

Since the 97se will be a 1 film per disc kind of thing, would it be better to have 480p or 720p? If done at 480p I think I could fit the LD 2.0, LD 5.1, and the theatrical 5.1 DTS all as PCM which I believe should provide the best quality.

@Hair_Hen, I've figured out how to sum to mono but could you explain to me how to figure out if the summing process maintains unity or causes gain increase? 

Luke threw twice…maybe.


With regards to the SE Trilogy project ......

I would LOVE Letterboxed 720p.  I can live with out the anamorphic part.  What you are doing with the SE Trilogy is always what I wanted to see for it.  Something FAR better than the SE Trilogy DVD 5 Star Collection in quality across the board. 

FrankT also made me some basic bluray artwork based on the SE Trilogy Platinum VHS Box Set. 

Maybe once you get everything sorted and locked in I could ask him to add the video/audio specs you're going with along with proper credits for those who helped make this all possible.



Jetrell Fo said:

With regards to the SE Trilogy project ......

I would LOVE Letterboxed 720p.  I can live with out the anamorphic part.

 I pretty sure there are many who would disagree with you. I can't think of anybody who has ever heard of letterboxed 720p in my life.

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Really? All the Despecialized Editions are in letterboxed 720p for example.


The audio sizes work out to be this size in pcm/ac3:

2.0 mix     1.25 GB

5.1 DTS     4.1 GB

5.1 AC3     around 350 MB

That's around 5.5 gigabytes for audio.

The menus,etc. should be under 1gb

This should leave at least 18gb available for the x264 encode, so it seems like 720p should be totally ok. I guess re-encoding the 5.1 ac3 to pcm would be a bad idea.

This is for esb97se but should be comparable for the other 2 films.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


Harmy said:

Really? All the Despecialized Editions are in letterboxed 720p for example.

 Sorry. I got confused. I was under the impression he meant letterboxed in 4:3. Aren't anamorphic dvd's technically letterboxed in 16:9?

Nobody sang The Bunny Song in years…


Does anybody know what the red stuff might be that is covering the m in Imperial?  I thought it looked like a drop of blood maybe. First time I've noticed it. It's only there for a single frame.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


EDIT: These are raw files with no audio btw.

OK, as a test, I've made esb97se available at absw.  It is all 5 captures averaged together, manually ivtc'ed, and cropped to 720x288.

The sides are posted individually instead of lumped together in 1 massive rar set. Each side has it's own header name and par set.  Nzbindex seems to not care about filenames or headernames so I'd suggest getting it elsewhere unless you want to just nab it all at once anyway.

Since each side stays around 10GB this way, there should not be any par problems like the 50GB rar sets I was trying to post last year. Somewhere over the 30GB mark the par's get screwed up.

Anyway, if everybody is positive about this method I can continue with it.

Luke threw twice…maybe.


I was having some unexpected difficulty getting the '97 DTS to sound correct, but I think I've pretty much nailed the calibration now.  Part of the problem was my own mistake in setting up the signal flow, so once I realized the error, things went much more smoothly.  I'll do a final listening test to make sure everything is in order, and then I'll send it over as a 5.1 DTS-HD MA.

Come to think of it, it would probably be a good idea to verify the synch before committing to it fully.  Althor, if you can provide me with a Quicktime file of your video, I'll bring it in to my Pro Tools session and make sure it's all lined up at the reel changes.  I don't need anything fancy in terms of pixel resolution or bitrate—a small standard definition file will do the trick.  It just needs to have a frame rate of 23.976 since I've already converted the audio to play at this speed.


hairy_hen said:

I was having some unexpected difficulty getting the '97 DTS to sound correct, but I think I've pretty much nailed the calibration now.  Part of the problem was my own mistake in setting up the signal flow, so once I realized the error, things went much more smoothly.  I'll do a final listening test to make sure everything is in order, and then I'll send it over as a 5.1 DTS-HD MA.

Come to think of it, it would probably be a good idea to verify the synch before committing to it fully.  Althor, if you can provide me with a Quicktime file of your video, I'll bring it in to my Pro Tools session and make sure it's all lined up at the reel changes.  I don't need anything fancy in terms of pixel resolution or bitrate—a small standard definition file will do the trick.  It just needs to have a frame rate of 23.976 since I've already converted the audio to play at this speed.

Would you consider doing the audio for all 6 films?  It would be nice for everyone who wants it to have a complete set of all 6 5.1 DTS-HD MA files.  Your work is greatly appreciated hairy_hen, greatly.