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Post #728528

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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread
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Date created
22-Sep-2014, 6:08 AM

Hello these are some ideas of a PT revisited!

Phantom menace

Erase all jarjar presence and the gungans in general!I know its a lot of work but if your just erase digitally jar jar and keep the scenes it works!Another idea is introducing C3po (golden shiny suit) in the film actually beeing aboard the royal Naboo ship as a translator,and then have him inserted were jarjar is in every scene,imagine it i think it can work!(i know it need a lot of work with all that digital erasing and filming of a c3po intertion in the film but it willl be alot better!

We dont see Darth Sedious at all!(He is revealed in AOTC) he is replaced by Darth Maul!so we are wondering is Maul the apprentice or the master?And he doesnt get killed in the end he just leaves obi wan for dead!

Attack of the clones                                                                                                                                                                Replace c3po with the shiny golden suit and your ok!Erase jarjars limited show time and add c3po!No Count Dooku!Darth Maul takes his part!

Revenge of the Sith 

No Count Dooku and no General Grevious!Darth Maul takes Count Dooku part and Grevius is erased completly!

I know its a lot of work but i think its worth it!