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Post #727409

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Disney's attitude towards fan edits / restorations?
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Date created
15-Sep-2014, 7:13 PM

moviefreakedmind said:

For OOT reconstructions/upscales like Harmy or DarkJedi, it depends on what their plans are. If they are going to re-release the OOT then maybe they're waiting to see if that stops all these fan edits, and if their release isn't completely insulting like the GOUT, then it really should. If they have no plans to release the OOT then I think they would've shut it down by now. Given how little Lucas seemed to care about fan edits I think Disney will want to go about dealing with them as peacefully as possible, and releasing the OOT would get rid of the need for projects like the Despecialized Edition. As for things like Adywan, I don't think they care since most people who would watch those probably already love and have/would purchase the films anyway (I say "would" because they may be waiting for the OOT). I agree that they may not be so quiet about it when it comes to Ep. VII, but again, if they do a good job then there won't be a need for such big fan edits like there were for the prequels. As for prequel fan edits, I don't think they care at all since no one wants to buy the real movies anyway.

 Having just watched some of the previews for the new "Aladdin in Space" series (which is what many SW fans are calling it), I must say I am very disappointed in the direction this has taken. I doubt whether too many hardcore Star Wars fans will be bothered with fan edits of Rebels in future. Hopefully nobody will try to restore it in another 20-30 years either, but let it die and erode away into nothingness as quickly as possible. I only hope Ep. VII is not similarly "Disney-ized" or my love affair with Star Wars will end at the time when Lucasfilm ceased production. I have great fears for the future of the Star Wars saga. Oh well, I guess us die hard fans will still have the books to satisfy our need for the "real" Star Wars.