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Post #727354

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Droids Series Complete Set. Reconstruction from multiple sources. V1.0 is out! (Released)
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Date created
15-Sep-2014, 1:06 AM

Video Collector said:

point5 said:

Video Collector said:

P5, I am really not okay with this. As a custom cover designer I generally frown upon people cannibalizing my work.

Feel free to make such modifications for yourself, but please refrain from distributing them.

Not much I can really do about it if you persist, but I just wanted to let my feelings on the matter be known.

I generally frown upon people cannibalizing my work.

*smiling at the irony* Haha!! ;-) I thought this whole forum operated on the premise that fan art is intended as a compliment to the original artists. We always assume of course that the original artists will see it that way and not as a stolen and cannibalized manipulation.

please refrain from distributing them.

*sigh* No intention whatsoever and now I know your feelings, not at all. I guess I was just trying to show others what I was talking about re the front cover and need for a clearer image, which is why I posted up a HIGHLY reduced image which was useless to anyone who may have downloaded it. And "far be it for me" to distribute something that isn't mine. Heaven forbid! ;-)

Not much I can really do about it if you persist.

I'm taking that gem with me all the way to the summit of Mt Everest and back. :-)

P5, the more I read your post the more condescending and spiteful it seems.

However, irony of ironies I actually have a copy of the cover you asked about, and have made a high-rez scan of it which I have PM-ed you a link to. Now, please refrain from ever speaking to me again, as I find you most unpleasant.

I am beginning to see that this was all just a big and very silly misunderstanding that got out of hand really fast. It probably relates more to our cultural differences than anything else.

VC you seem to forget that I greatly admire your work. I had intended using your work as a compliment and tribute to you. I meant no offense by it. Basically my heart was in the right place and I should not have surprised you without properly consulting you about it first. I still praise you highly and always will. Without you and people like you these forums would be a much poorer place.

I'm willing to get in my Tardis and back peddle through time a bit. Let's forget this unfortunate and ridiculous incident ever took place shall we? I will not mention Droids cover art on these forums ever again. I promise!!