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***The "ISOMIX" feedback thread *** — Page 2

Well after about 18 hours of downloading I burned the Isomix ANH to DVDr and watched it.

1. The Menus are AWESOME.
2. Couple good easter eggs.
3. The music only track is superb.
4. The sound quality is great.
5. The picture quality is great, not quite as good as the TR47 set but damn close.

Overall a great piece of work, thanks for the time & effort spent on this to the author.

“Good… Bad… I’m the guy with the gun.”

Rikter there is no need to make another same torrent
just because it has spanish subs.
because if you use the guide in half an hour you
get it with the extra subs.

I should wait for the mejedi or the zion projects if i were you.
Im really interested on those for patching them with subtitles.
Zion is the one im interested the most, because it is a dvd9
and the quality will be awesome , plus there will be more space for


1 more thing,

on dvdlab when you insert the subtitles
choose "time code is written in: 29.97 fps"
and for a font select arial narrow like the tutorial says, cant remember if
it looks better with a size 20, or 22, if forgot.

for the spanish one its better to use a yellow font with "black bar"
because of the alien language in the cantina with han solo.
, 2 white subtitles make a mess.

and the final step is on the "margins", select "middle margin" and put 94
that will make the subtitles appear at the bottom of the screen
and not on top of the video area.

Not the whole thing

I was going to torrent JUST the subtitle patch and the need software + MAYBE I can start to collect OTHER languages subtitle sets to add to the ISOMIX or the the sets.............. (Now I need Swiss, German, Portuguese and Aurabesh )


“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

I've found the easter egg on Empire!
LOL Let's put Luke in the Hoth Wampa....
Hi guys.

Is this set available 4 sale somewhere?

ps I'd also love 2 C score only versions of the Indiana Jones trilogy.

E Chu Ta!

Originally posted by: skywalka
Hi guys.

Is this set available 4 sale somewhere?

ps I'd also love 2 C score only versions of the Indiana Jones trilogy.

1st. No ones allowed to offer DVD's for sale here anymore

2nd. This set is FREE to download - The creator of the set requested that this NOT be sold, So per his request - I only offer it for free download

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Not from me. No really, I don't have it all ... *hint* *hint* *hint* *hint* (someone burn it for Daniel).
Aww, that's gunna mean I'm gunna have to download it - and it will take like weeks. And then people will PM me "Daniel burn me the ISOMIX, bitch". And then I'll curse myself for downloading... which means I guess in a few weeks, I might have downloaded it.
Originally posted by: Rikter

1st. No ones allowed to offer DVD's for sale here anymore

2nd. This set is FREE to download - The creator of the set requested that this NOT be sold, So per his request - I only offer it for free download

Hi Rikter, I am not here to rock the boat.

I thought they may not be allowed to be for sale here so I asked if there was somewhere they could be bought.

I don't have the facilities 2 download &/or burn DVDs. I hope the creator won't mind since I know they R available 4 free, but choose 2 pay somebody 4 their time & effort.

Then again I suppose if somebody has put time & effort into this it is the creator himself!

E Chu Ta!

Originally posted by: skywalka
Originally posted by: Rikter

1st. No ones allowed to offer DVD's for sale here anymore

2nd. This set is FREE to download - The creator of the set requested that this NOT be sold, So per his request - I only offer it for free download

Hi Rikter, I am not here to rock the boat.

I thought they may not be allowed to be for sale here so I asked if there was somewhere they could be bought.

I don't have the facilities 2 download &/or burn DVDs. I hope the creator won't mind since I know they R available 4 free, but choose 2 pay somebody 4 their time & effort.

Then again I suppose if somebody has put time & effort into this it is the creator himself!

PER the forum rules NO ONE can sell or offer to sell DVD's on this forum - SO in that vain.... It would be BAD form to even ask to BUY them on the forum as I keep posting the are NOT for sale. THAT and the creator himself WILL NOT SELL THEM and has requested that NOBODY sell them PERIOD he asked that we SHARE these for free.

- I was picked to distrubute this DVD's by the creator (Again THANK you ISO for lgiving me this honor!) and I'm the ONLY person that has these DVD's outside his personal circle of friends that has the ability to "upload" these DVD's so I will host them FOR FREE as long as my bandwidth will allow.


"ISOMIX" requested that I post them as FREE downloads via the bittorrents and so I will honor his request that these NOT be sold.

MAYBE after others finish downloading them you can find someone that can help get a set ~ BUT please do not request it here on the forum - IF you really need to use the forum use the "Private Mail" option.

Thanks for your interest and I'm SURE you'll find the help you need in getting this set!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

I crossed my mind, I'm not downloading them. I don't need them. While I would disagree as to saying Isomix should dictate how it is distributed (considering it isn't his property in the first place), Rik is right as far as we can't offer to sell anything on this forum.

PS: What version/s do you have skywalka?
At the moment I only have the new official DVD release. Which I think is great (though I'd prefer it if Greedo didn't shoot)! They have certainly rekindled my interest. I hope to expand my collection very shortly.

I was mainly interested in the bootleg DVD extras floating around because I had expected SPFX & stuff like that 2 come with the DVD pack. The official extras aren't bad but they could have given us all the stuff that we've already seen. It shoulda been a bonus disc 4 each of the movies. I was also hoping for (but not expecting) an isolated score track which is Y the Isomix is so appealing to me. At least the official DVDs have commentary. The Indiana Jones DVDs didn't even have that!

E Chu Ta!

oh my god, i just finished downloading the isomix empire strikes back
and the english subtitles are very badly done

sometimes the subtitles have 3 lines! no movie has 3 lines of subtitles
at the same time, ill have to do a new one all of them line by line from top to bottom.

but...hey... i luv u guys

give me a day or 2 and youll get em vipers way.

Thanks Viper.... I was going through the Empire disc Monday night and thought the same thing... damn that is too many subtitles all at once.

I got your corrected English and Spanish translated ANH subtitles. Thanks for putting in the time to this

I will also update my sets with the new subs

Viper - you wanna cancel your DL of Jedi - I'll send you Jedi this week - email me with the ISOMIX subject -

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Originally posted by: DanielB
I crossed my mind, I'm not downloading them. I don't need them. While I would disagree as to saying Isomix should dictate how it is distributed (considering it isn't his property in the first place), Rik is right as far as we can't offer to sell anything on this forum.

PS: What version/s do you have skywalka?

Once they are fully downloaded I would say give them 10 minutes to be on eBay (it sucks but its true!) then after that they will spread like wild-fire but not from me as I made a promise not to sell this set MYSELF and I can only ask that others not do so.

BTW - Skywalka you should check out my list

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

well, i think the english subtitle is done:


i havent tried it yet but it should work ok,

I completely edited every line and now it has the
"september dvd trilogy" subtitle lines, plus some more that
the isomix didnt have and missed.

i got very tired with this one, it was a complete mess.
ill take a few more days to come up with the spanish one.

rikter i will start downloading return of the jedi in 1 or 2 days. my pc
is full of downloads right now.

I can just mail you a copy

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Originally posted by: Rikter
I can just mail you a copy

sure. send it!!

tomorrow I promise the spanish subtitles for empire SB


Send me your mailing address!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

THE "ISOMIX" Jedi is done there were 8 seeds last i looked


NOW the fun starts

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Yo Viper

Any chace you could repost a link to your subtitles and the tutorials? as the old links no longer work for me. Don't know about anyone else though?

Thanks dude
Just wanted to say, I'm 6 hours away from finishing my ISOMIX download. God, do I love my new DSL!

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>