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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 492


TV's Frink said:

TV's Frink said:

This isn't 100% on-topic, but that never stopped me.

uloz appears to be down.  Not sure what's going on.

 Curious if other USA/Comcast users are having this problem...

 I live in Oregon and have Comcast.  I just checked uloz.to and checked it on www.websitedown.info and both are UP.



can anyone send me a myspleen invite please?


Last night I sat my two nieces down to watch STAR WARS. V2.5 AVCHD via PS3 on a 72" HDTV. 

The girls are 10 and 12 and complete Star Wars virgins. They had no idea who Luke's father is. They had heard of the prequels, but never watched them. Thankfully their father is a real Prequel hater. 

Long story short, they were blown away by the film and become so engrossed that when Ben was cut down they screamed. When Han saved the day, they cheered. 

When it was over they wanted to watch EMPIRE. But alas, it was already late and mom would not approve. They had to go home. 

I saw STAR WARS back in 1977 in Denver Colorado as a 5 year old boy. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the very first time I had been to the movies. 

Seeing the STAR WARS SE at the Ziegfeld theater back when it was released in 97 (97, right?) was a huge let down. When Han shot second I became deflated. What was George doing? Yes, it looked amazing and for the most part it was the film we loved, but those changes were jarring and worse... harmed the film.  

From that point on it became difficult to see these films as originally released. 

I backed up my laserdiscs and kept the PCM sound completely in-tact and uncompressed. Later I 16X9'd them and a friend helped me clean the image up a bit. As my TV's grew in size I stopped watching the STAR WARS films because the image quality just wasn't up to snuff. 

While I had downloaded Harmy the mkv's around a year or so ago I never sat down to watch them all the way through. Life was too busy and I hate having to use a computer to watch stuff. I knew that great work had been done and did watch most of STAR WARS over the course of a few months. With the release of v2.5 I knew it was time to sit down and see the film properly and experience it with my nieces.

Anyway... Last night was an absolute blast. This was the most fun I have had watching STAR WARS since the 80's. Harmy's work is jaw dropping. I would do some things differently, yes, but I can respect and admire the incredible effort that went into this. 

I hope that in the future a higher bit rate BD will be available. At 720p squeezed onto a DVD9 compression issues are obvious to my eyes, though admittedly few will care or even notice. Most people wouldn't know artificial edge enhancement if it smacked them across the face. I'm guessing the 17GB mkv looks better. Unfortunately I can't see it on my current setup.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK with my nieces. Likely next month. I'll wait for them to have a Saturday night free so I can experience it with them. It's been man many years. Feels like a long long time ago.


Matt_Stevens said:

Anyway... Last night was an absolute blast. This was the most fun I have had watching STAR WARS since the 80's. Harmy's work is jaw dropping. I would do some things differently, yes, but I can respect and admire the incredible effort that went into this. 

I'm really glad you and your nieces had a good time watching this :-)

I hope that in the future a higher bit rate BD will be available. At 720p squeezed onto a DVD9 compression issues are obvious to my eyes, though admittedly few will care or even notice. Most people wouldn't know artificial edge enhancement if it smacked them across the face. I'm guessing the 17GB mkv looks better. Unfortunately I can't see it on my current setup.

 Yes you can - or I assume you can, since when you say you'd prefer a BD version, I assume you do have a BD burner - if that's the case, you can simply use TS muxer to remux the MKV to a BD folder or ISO and burn a fully functioning Blu Ray disc. It doesn't have PCM sound but it does have the three original tracks in DTS-HD, which to my understanding should be exactly the same quality, only at much lower bitrate.

Also, SW v2.5 and ESB v2.0 AVCHDs and DVD5s are now up on paradox on mega.


Harmy said:

 Yes you can - or I assume you can, since when you say you'd prefer a BD version, I assume you do have a BD burner - if that's the case, you can simply use TS muxer to remux the MKV to a BD folder or ISO and burn a fully functioning Blu Ray disc. 

Also, SW v2.5 and ESB v2.0 AVCHDs and DVD5s are now up on paradox on mega.

Sorry, I should have clarified that I cannot view "MKV's" on my setup (or at least, in my Home theater). I would have to watch an MKV on my computer. Yuck. 

I've always found MKV's a pain to demux and turn into a BD. Something always goes wrong. It's not my area of expertise, I am afraid to admit. I guess I just have to suck it up and find out why. 

Of note about PCM... One reason they sound better is an illusion. There is more sound bleed into the rears in Pro-Logic or Pro-Logic II mode, so they just sound fuller vs. DTS versions. I'll take that illusion any day over the official 5.1 mixes or those terribly compressed 192kbps 2.0 tracks on the official 4X3 ltbx DVD's. Yuck.


Man, you seem like a nice fellow but please do a little reading before you comment on something! The 5.1 DTS-HD sound mix here is a fan restorations of the 70mm mix created from LD PCM and upmixed using Pro-Logic II on professional equipment, with the LFE channel recreated separately. Read more about it here.


Harmy, you completely misunderstand what I wrote. I am not not NOT finding any fault AT ALL with that mix! I am well aware of how your DTS mix was created. I have read about it and found it to be fascinating.

And it was blasting through my surround setup last night. It was spectacular.

I was referring to LPCM audio vs DD2.0 audio of the same mixes. Or how studios wil ltake the older mix and do it in DTS today, but not remixing. Ala CROCODILE DUNDEE on Blu-Ray, which is in 2.0 DTS but doesn't sound as good as the laserdisc's LPCM audio. 

Clarifying further: The laserdisc PCM Star Wars audio murders the DD2.0 192kbps audio on the official 4X3 letterboxed DVD's. 

It is also infinitely superior to the 5.1 remix by Lucasfilm for those DVD's. 

Take any mono or simple stereo film on DVD and compare the audio to the older laserdiscs and you find the Laserdisc PCM wins, hands down. 

And now (unfortunately) the same even goes for numerous 2.0 surround DTS tracks on Blu-Ray. They do not sound as good as the old laserdiscs. 

So again... I am NOT finding fault in ANY WAY with the Harmy DTS mix. NONE!!! I don't know why that is not coming across. What you guys did is far above and beyond what the studios are willing to do. Paramount pictures couldn't give a crap how their Dundee BD sounds compared to the laserdisc. It's a BD with DTS so to them, it's cool and they can market DTS. 

Trying to sum up. The only thing I am saying here is that having the PCM tracks as is would be a great thing and that PCM in general sounds better than the 2.0 DTS tracks we get from the studios

I highly doubt anything can top the 5.1 mix on v2.5. But as a purist who has owned those laserdiscs for two decades, it would be cool to have those exact mixes.


Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood, I thought, since you said this elsewhere:

"Why not leave PCM as is? I just don't buy into compressing it down. 16 bit LPCM cannot be beat and should be left completely alone."

that you meant that PCM would sound better than the DTS track here.


No, sorry. I am not being clear enough. I thought i was in the last post. Clearly in the post from earlier in the day i was trying to sum up too much information too quickly. 

But I just re-read the post from a few minutes ago and cannot in any way find where I am knocking your DTS mix. Not at all. No way. Never ever ever. No way would I do that.

I am referring to PCM vs DTS or DD2.0 in general. 

I need a drink. This has been way to stressful and all due to simple misunderstandings. I do my own work trying to restore Hong Kong (as I mentioned) so today is terribly depressing considering we are on the same side and have the same passions.


It was just that your saying that PCM is better than DTS was in response to a post, where I said, that while there wasn't PCM in this release, there was DTS-HD in the MKV version, so I made the (apparently wrong) connection :-)

Oh, and just to clarify, I had nothing to do with making that mix - it was all hairy_hen, so it's not my mix ;-)


Harmy said:

It was just that your saying that PCM is better than DTS was in response to a post, where I said, that while there wasn't PCM in this release, there was DTS-HD in the MKV version.

Yes, it's all a misunderstanding. There is the MKV version and the DVD9 version and there is DTD 2.0 from the studios and it's all gotten gooped up into one. :( 

I swear to God, on the negative to the original HIGHLANDER, we are just misunderstanding each other. :)

Harmy said:

Oh, and just to clarify, I had nothing to do with making that mix - it was all hairy_hen, so it's not my mix ;-)

 Then I owe him a bottle of scotch. Or something. It's crazy good work. 


Don't forget to give us a full report once you've shown them ESB!

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

Don't forget to give us a full report once you've shown them ESB!

I have to wait until next month! The audacity of their having girl scouts and class trips and track meets. 

It's difficult not just watching EMPIRE right now, but I swore I'd wait for them. I wonder if they will gasp when they find out who Vader really is. 


If hairy_hen doesn't drink, could you throw a bottle of hooch my way? I'm feeling kinda dry.


Harmy said:

Also, SW v2.5 and ESB v2.0 AVCHDs and DVD5s are now up on paradox on mega.

 Fantastic!  Thanks, man. :-)

JEDIT: Are the links identical to the uloz ones, so I can just grab the ones I'm missing, or should I start from scratch?



That story is adorable! Can't wait to hear about your nieces' reaction when they find out that Darth Vader is Luke's father. :D


TV's Frink said:

JEDIT: Are the links identical to the uloz ones, so I can just grab the ones I'm missing, or should I start from scratch?

 This jedit may have gone unnoticed.


First Thank you for that incredible work, its really a sight to behold.

been wondering if the blu version was still n the works?

A single layer Blu-Ray version of this project with higher bitrate video and lossless audio options is going to come out as well. It may take some time to author the BD however, because it will contain various extras and animated menu, which are not finished yet.



Thanks :)

if i followed correctly ROTJ is still in the making so the blu Versions are not gonna be this year?

oh and thanks for putting all of the available dbz and subs its really cool when project like this are really international :)


RobotWalrus said:

I'd like to point out, though, a little problem I found in the Castillian Spanish audio track. From 1:16:45 to 1:19:46 (the first half of the trash compactor scene), the audio is in Latino Spanish instead of Castillian Spanish.

Just to close the loop on this, there is certainly an error here, and it's like that on the GOUT, which means it likely has been an error on most Castilian dubs of the OT since it was first out on home video.  IIRC there's a reel change right in the middle of the trash compactor scene, so if, perhaps, there was damage on their Castilian audio at the end of one reel, maybe some wise guy thought they could just splice in the Latino audio and nobody would care.  When they went back and re-did things for the Special Editions, they either found some undamaged audio or managed to repair or re-record it, so it's correct on the Blu-rays.  Since that scene isn't very much altered, it should be a piece of cake to restore.

It reminds me very much of what happened with the missing dialogue on the German dub, and I wonder if the other pre-home-video dubs (French, Italian) may need some looking over too.  RobotWalrus has checked the rest of the trilogy and the Castilian dubs for those are fine.

I'll make a fixed track and make it available to any interested parties.  I don't have it yet, but let me know if you're interested.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Hi Harmy,  I was wondering how to get the DTS HD MA to play .  my video card supports DTS HD and I can get DTS HD MA through my blu ray burner on my PC when I play blu-rays.  When I play one of your Star Wars movies that have the DTS-HD MA as one of the audio options I can only get DTS 5.1.  My software is PowerDVD 14 and I have it set to play the DTS-HD-MA but when I go to the option to play uncompressed High Definition audio there is no sound.  So i have to go to uncompressed Dolby digital/DTS to get the sound and I only get DTS 5.1.  Any suggestions? 

Bye the way I love your work on these movies. Thanks for all that you do
