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Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released) — Page 491


guiser said:

Harmy said:

- "Introducing the Soundtacks"

I'd dearly love to include this one but I cannot with clear conscience attempt to do it myself - I could do the video side of it, but not the audio side and the script. The request for help with this still stands.

I thought hairy_hen was going to write the script for this?  My apologies if it was someone else (or if he ran out of time) I can't find the original post and don't want to step on anyones toes.

I just really enjoy reading his posts on the subtle changes and differences in the various versions of the soundtracks and mixes.  It always amazes me how much information he can discern about these things from just listening to them.

You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.  ;)

Heh, speaking of that, I'll give you a new example: just a few weeks ago I discovered that a delay processor was used on the Emperor's voice in ESB.  Listen closely, and you'll hear that every time he speaks, a slightly softer repetition of his lines occurs just afterwards, giving Clive Revill's voice a thicker, slightly echoing sound.  This is a trick commonly used on vocals in popular music to make them stand out and sound larger than they otherwise would; and though subtle, the effect also works well here.

This delay effect can be heard in the 35mm stereo and 1993 versions of ESB (which were sourced primarily from the same 4-track master), but it is missing altogether from the 1997 SE remix.  In that version, the Emperor's lines do not have this echoing effect as they do in the original mix—evidently they completely forgot about it when doing the remix.  Another indication as to how making changes to old work isn't always a good idea . . .

Anyway—I'm still interested in doing a documentary on audio changes to the films.  Whether I do or not is only a matter of whether I'd have enough time to do it properly.  If I did, it would be primarily audio-based, since that's how I perceive things most clearly, so I wouldn't write it in a visual-oriented way.  Actually, the main obstacle I'm faced with may be that I actually have too much information about the mixes: I've found so many differences that cutting it down to a manageable and understandable amount that can be readily explained to others is kind of daunting!  To really do that justice, it would have to be a separate project: for the purposes of what Harmy wants to include as a special feature, only a basic overview of the most obvious differences could be included.  I'll see what I can do about it in the next few weeks.


That's great news hairy_hen. It would be awesome, if you could cut together the sound for the doc and then I'd be happy to put together the video side of it. Or maybe the sound doc could even be sound-only, if you put it together that way - I've seen things like that done on BD extras. And yeah, just the general overview would be fine for this and I'd mainly like the story of how you made your sound restorations.


bings said:

Is the new ESB v2.0 AVCHD out on nzb anywhere please?
Yes-- search for "Despecialized" or "Harmy".

And thank you Chew for the DVD version!

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


I have to admit that I have not read all 491 pages of posts on this topic, so I apologize if my observations have already been discussed.

I have watched 2.5 multiple times now, and must say that I'm extremely impressed with the effort that has gone into this restoration, but it seems that things are a little off with the color correction. Most of the scenes are slightly over saturated, some very much so. The Tatooine scenes (conversation with uncle Owen around the table, etc) almost look like a colorized b&w.

Please do not misunderstand me - I truly appreciate the tremendous amount of effort that has gone into this project, but I would love to see a version with somewhat less aggressive color correction.


Harmy had pictures of a high quality Technicolor print, the colours of Harmy's video were matched to the colours of that print.


As pittrek says, the colors are based on a Technicolor print. It was sometimes difficult to get them to look better, because of how screwed up the source is, but I think it looks ok all things considered. If you feel it's too saturated, you can always lower the saturation on your TV - I remember when I first played v2.0 on my parents' HDTV and I was horrified at how over-saturated it looked, only to find out, that their TV was pretty badly miss-calibrated.

Also, sorry to go a bit off topic here but I need some technical help with interlaced video in AE. More here.


First of all, Mr. Harmy, thank you very much for creating and sharing this incredible redux (or should I say "dedux"?) of the Star Wars movies! It's just absurdly mind-blowing how a single guy working on this in his free time has managed to create a better cut of the original, unaltered films than what George Lucas and his +500 employees at IL&M did.

I'd like to point out, though, a little problem I found in the Castillian Spanish audio track. From 1:16:45 to 1:19:46 (the first half of the trash compactor scene), the audio is in Latino Spanish instead of Castillian Spanish.

It's a minor problem alright, since Latino Spanish and Castillian Spanish are pretty much the same, other than the accents used and some minor differences in vocabulary, but still, it would awesome if you could check that out and see if you can get it fixed.

Once again, thank you very much for your amazing effort! :)


Thanks. All I did with the dub tracks was that I downloaded and added them in but other people may know what's going on with that.


Darth Mallwalker said:

bings said:

Is the new ESB v2.0 AVCHD out on nzb anywhere please?

Yes-- search for "Despecialized" or "Harmy".

 I'm pretty sure this can only be done on https://www.binsearch.info/.


Wasn't that the Spanish track that Catbus put together from different sources? He might have been missing that part in Castillian Spanish and had to splice in frog DNA. Nature found a way!

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


First of all, many thanks to Harmy for this terrific restoration of the original movie! It's by far the best version available to the general public today.

I'm sorry if this has already been addressed, I checked the comparison gallery, but I didn't read through all 400+ pages.

I noticed something interesting today while watching the battle of Yavin: There's a first-person shot of a rebel fighter going into the Death Star trench that ILM evidently thought was so perfect that they used it twice: for the first trench run and then a second time for Luke's run. In the Despecialized Edition (2.5 mkv), the first shot is plain grey, while the second shot has a blueish tint. In the GOUT, (which, of course, is not a great source for accurate color timing) there doesn't seem to be much of a difference there, it would be great if you could elaborate on why they look different here.

The difference in color is not what bothers me, tough. Shortly before the camera swoops into the trench, there is a flash from a laser bolt which obscures the shot. It seems that the flash was used by ILM to cover up a cut in the shot. In the Despecialized Ed. this is pretty obvious in the first trench run, because the trench color changes pretty dramatically: 

Before flash:


After flash:


In the shot before Luke's trench run, the cut, while still visible when you look for it, is less obvious because the trench color doesn't change that dramatically due to the blueish tint:

Again, before flash:


After flash:


I hope I didn't waste your time completely, maybe you could look into this and elaborate on the different color timing. Thanks a lot, keep up the great work and please excuse me if my English wasn't perfect. ;)


Harmy, ever considered doing your own commentary track for the Despecialized Edition?

Would be great to hear your personal take about the films as you discuss the various changes you had to overcome to bring the films back to it's theatrical cuts. I know you have the sources trailer, but an added commentary would be epic! Just a thought.... :)


@MM1138: Hi, first of all, the pictures show up as broken - you have to rightclick the image and press view image (or whatever is the equivalent of that in your browser) before copying the address for inserting.

And now to your question - why is it like that? I suppose you'd have to ask the people who timed the BD - I did a shot-by-shot correction, not frame-by-frame, so this is something I just missed.

@StarWars4Ever: Yeah, I though about it, I even started recording one but then I decided not to.


Harmy said:

@MM1138: Hi, first of all, the pictures show up as broken - you have to rightclick the image and press view image (or whatever is the equivalent of that in your browser) before copying the address for inserting.

And now to your question - why is it like that? I suppose you'd have to ask the people who timed the BD - I did a shot-by-shot correction, not frame-by-frame, so this is something I just missed.

 Yeah, sorry, I noticed that as soon as I posted it. I haven't really figured out the image tool in this forum. Replaced it with the direct links.

So you color corrected each shot, but you didn't apply the same correction to Gold leader's and Luke's run, did I understand that correctly? Or is there a noticeable difference in terms of color between the two runs in the BD version?

Would you say the way the shot looks before Luke's run is closer to the way it looked originally? Because, as I said, it looks better for me, personally. Thanks! :)


stretch009 said:

Darth Mallwalker said:

bings said:
Is the new ESB v2.0 AVCHD out on nzb anywhere please?

Yes-- search for "Despecialized" or "Harmy".

I'm pretty sure this can only be done on https://www.binsearch.info/.
Or nzbindex.nl or ...

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


What I'm saying is, that I didn't compare the two shots when correcting them. But looking at the I.B. print reference, the first shot is actually somewhat closer to the original than the 2nd one.

And there actually is a color difference between those two shots on the I.B. print as well, albeit a smaller one than in the DeEd.


RobotWalrus said:

First of all, Mr. Harmy, thank you very much for creating and sharing this incredible redux (or should I say "dedux"?) of the Star Wars movies! It's just absurdly mind-blowing how a single guy working on this in his free time has managed to create a better cut of the original, unaltered films than what George Lucas and his +500 employees at IL&M did.

I'd like to point out, though, a little problem I found in the Castillian Spanish audio track. From 1:16:45 to 1:19:46 (the first half of the trash compactor scene), the audio is in Latino Spanish instead of Castillian Spanish.

It's a minor problem alright, since Latino Spanish and Castillian Spanish are pretty much the same, other than the accents used and some minor differences in vocabulary, but still, it would awesome if you could check that out and see if you can get it fixed.

Once again, thank you very much for your amazing effort! :)

Whoah.  That audio is straight off the NTSC GOUT IIRC (maybe PAL GOUT... the splicing was on the Latino track, not the Castilian one).  Maybe it's always been like this?  Does anyone have a source that doesn't do this?

PM if you've got another source, even if it's just partial for the section mentioned.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Harmy said:

What I'm saying is, that I didn't compare the two shots when correcting them. But looking at the I.B. print reference, the first shot is actually somewhat closer to the original than the 2nd one.

And there actually is a color difference between those two shots on the I.B. print as well, albeit a smaller one than in the DeEd.

 Got it - thanks for clarifying! 


TV's Frink said:

This isn't 100% on-topic, but that never stopped me.

uloz appears to be down.  Not sure what's going on.

 Just wanted to mention that I checked a few of those "is it down?" sites and they report it is indeed down.  At least it confirms it's not a problem on my end.

Curious if other USA/Comcast users are having this problem...


CatBus said:

RobotWalrus said:

I'd like to point out, though, a little problem I found in the Castillian Spanish audio track. From 1:16:45 to 1:19:46 (the first half of the trash compactor scene), the audio is in Latino Spanish instead of Castillian Spanish.

Whoah.  That audio is straight off the NTSC GOUT IIRC (maybe PAL GOUT... the splicing was on the Latino track, not the Castilian one).  Maybe it's always been like this?  Does anyone have a source that doesn't do this?

PM if you've got another source, even if it's just partial for the section mentioned.

I'd like to add that Special Edition sources would probably be fine for this segment, if there really is different Castilian Spanish for this.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


TV's Frink said:

TV's Frink said:

This isn't 100% on-topic, but that never stopped me.

uloz appears to be down.  Not sure what's going on.

 Just wanted to mention that I checked a few of those "is it down?" sites and they report it is indeed down.  At least it confirms it's not a problem on my end.

Curious if other USA/Comcast users are having this problem...

 Well, that sucks. Anyone know some other good sites I could re-upload to? Mega seems good but it has a 50GB upload limit for free users.


I heard that the 50 GB limit isn't strictly enforced, though I haven't reached it yet so I can't test it.  Personally I'd love for you to upload to Mega, given the lack of captchas.  I also use Megashares to upload stuff.


TV's Frink said:

I heard that the 50 GB limit isn't strictly enforced, though I haven't reached it yet so I can't test it.  Personally I'd love for you to upload to Mega, given the lack of captchas.  I also use Megashares to upload stuff.

As far as I know, the 50 GB limit is enforced (if you upload a file that surpasses the 50 GB limit, it won't cancel the upload, but an older file might dissapear when you least expect it), but on the other hand, there's nothing there to stop you from signing up for multiple Mega accounts, as long as you have spare e-mail accounts to sign up with. ;)


Here's what I'd try - upload the smaller AVCHDs to Mega and the larger mkvs to Megashares.