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Post #723811

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How did you first see the Star Wars films?
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Date created
23-Aug-2014, 4:39 PM

My dad took me to see Star Wars at our local cinema when it first came out. I was four. I remember being terrified at Vader's entrance. When we got home he painted me a picture of Luke standing by the Falcon. I can still remember it now. Got an R2 figure soon after.

Empire: we went to see Empire as a family on holiday in Blackpool in 1980. My brother would have been two. I had a red plastic Star Wars hat and, on the same holiday, was not allowed to buy the 12" Luke figure. I was devastated. I did however get the Luke Bespin figure which slightly made up for it.

Jedi: my dad brought home a pirate video and surprised me by putting it on. I can still remember seeing the Lucasfilm logo and wondering what on earth was occurring! Then the crawl... the new Star Wars film at home!! Unbelievable! A week or so later my mam took me and my friend, Zac, to see it at the cinema.