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Post #723248

JT 1138
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**RUMOR** Original theatrical cut of the OT to be released on blu ray!!
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Date created
21-Aug-2014, 1:06 PM

darklordoftech said:

imperialscum said:

TV's Frink said:

You who prefer the 97 SE are in the extreme minority.  There's no reason for Disney to release it because no one will buy it.  Hell, they probably don't even know about it.

I am aware of that. It would be for the sake of completeness.

However making that kind of argument also goes against the release of theatrical versions. Yes there are more people who want the theatrical versions, but still not that many. Looking purely from a financial benefit, it would be more profitable for Disney to spend the money required for restoration into making some stand-alone film or series and get way more money out of it.

Also, aren't the negatives the '97 versions? This means that if anything, the '97 versions would be the easiest to release. Furthermore, unlike with the OOT, there's no variations within the '97 versions.

It'd be fantastic if Disney would scan the negative as is (maybe with some cleaning first) and then go about restoring the OUT.  With that in mind, they can sell us both the OUT and '97 versions in a Star Wars trilogy mega set with new & old extras (Empire of Dreams in HD please) and make a ton of money.