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Vader and Chewie - Enemies With Benefits?


yoda1138 said:

Anyone else ever wondered why Vader saves Chewies life?

As Han is getting frozen, Chewie kicks off, Boba is about to blast him, Vader pushes Bobas gun away.  Considering Chewie is of no use to Vader, and Vaders fondness of choking even his own buddies, I always wondered why he spares the wookiee. Maybe under that dark exterior he's an animal lover.

In my personal canon, it's more than that...they're actual lovers.

What do you think?


It's because Vader built Chewbacca when he was a child.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Just taking this from Fookiepedia but it would seem that Vader taught Chewie in ancient noble art of Teräs Käsi back when he was still Anakin Skywalker.


Already Anakin had begun to see the Jedi order as an unjust organisation and took it upon himself to pass on Jedi skillz under the guise of a member of a martial arts society, the Followers of Palawa.

This was a total bogus and made up organisation apparently obsessed with volcanoes and sailing but the moves were all adaptations of genuine Jedi martial art techniques with a few random attempts at disco that Anakin was really into at the time.


He went by the pseudonym of Master Chop-Chop Miyagi and trained pupils or Onyenz as they were called from all over the galaxy from his Sandes Dojo on the planet Bunduki .

Many of the techniques and attacks of Teräs Käsi were named after various things his pupils noticed their Master doing in private. These include :

1. The “Disco Point”

The most basic of all Disco moves, this defensive stance communicates strength to your opponent.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
2. The “I’m Watching You”

The basic Disco Point also serves an offensive purpose as an aid in surveillance.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
3. The “Bunny Slope”

As a rule, Disco fighting requires a sturdy base. The “Bunny Slope” bounce (because it may make you resemble a dorky beginner skier) forms the basis of many Disco moves.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
4. The “The Russians Are Coming”

Modified from a Russian (Russia is a planet in the eighth universe) folk dance, this advanced maneuver allows you to travel quickly towards your opponent while also looking Psychlo-esque.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
5. The “Stealth Walk”

Excellent for creeping up on bad guys.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
6. The Giddy-Down

This clever action is meant to trick your opponent; while he thinks you’re about to move, you in fact stay in the same place, upper body completely static. Advanced: Maintaining an intense, Blue Steel-like stare into your attacker’s eyes.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
Attack Moves
7. The “Groovy One-Two”

An effective way to strike your aggressor. Note the correct positioning of the hands, extending palms first (not fist), so you can protect your knuckles.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
8. The “Yoda in a Skoda”

This moving kick allows you to stay close to the ground.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
9. The “Wheee!!!”

Inspired by wrestling techniques, this jump will squash your opponent while also confusing them by your incongruously jovial disposition.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
10. The “Butt Jump”

A variation of #9, you may imagine a rug being pulled out from under you. And under that rug is a bad guy. Who just got passively whooped by your butt.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
11. The “Grover Strike”

An adorable and easy technique for the un-coordinated.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
12. The “Wax On, Wax Off”

To master this advanced move, you must first wax Master Miyagi’s skyhopper several times.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
13. The “Diva Dance Instructor”

Essential to proper execution of this action includes a shiny tank top and diva mentality. Extend one arm while spinning, effectively slapping your opponent. With pizzazz.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
14. The “Jolly Jaywalker”

This move is about concept: Imagine you are happily walking down the street, and doing it in the most groovy manner possible. You are likely to hit someone.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
Intimidation Tactics
15. The “Needs No Introduction”

Disco Fighting is also an intellectual form of combat, so one’s entrance is everything. This step requires you to produce a lit deathstick out of nowhere, and to act as if that is totally normal.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
16. The “Man Of A Thousand Balls”

This jazzy reveal communicates power and influence. It also has the potential to blind your opponent right off the bat.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
17. The “Face Wave”

During breaks or before attacking, this “whatcha gonna do?” move distracts your partner and also makes them feel bad that they are not as cool as you.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up
18. The “Sad Split”

This move is meant to look as though it hurts, showing your opponent that you feel no pain.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up

19. The “Scared Shitless”

Many use this knee-wobbling tactic to communicate sarcasm — “Oooh, I’m so scared.” Keep in mind that this controversial move has been known to backfire given the perilous and violent nature of Teräs Käsi; members of the Sandes Dojo are often actually scared shitless.

19 Disco Moves That Could Beat Someone Up

Chewie was considered Anakin's seventeenth best student

Not wishing to extinguish the flame of Disco from the galaxy Vader spared his former pupil.


WOW Bingo....that post needs a site of its own!

18.The Sad Split......painful......double nut bounce



Jaitea said:

WOW Bingo....that post needs a site of its own!

18.The Sad Split......painful......double nut bounce


 Pure unabashed plagiarism my dear :-D


TV's Frink said:

Well that's disappointing.


Sir Mark Skywalker OGE asks :

(surprised) Disappointing that you should learn the truth?