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Star Wars: The New Dawn (The First Episode in DuracellEnergizer's New PT Re-Write) *COMPLETE* — Page 6


DuracellEnergizer said:

SIRI: Good. (beat) Goodnight, Siri. I'll catch you tomorrow, hopefully.

 Siri talks to herself? :P



Anakin makes his way along the corridor to his room. His hair disheveled and his eyelids heavy, he is clearly pooped from the day's activities.


Nik opens the door to the small room and steps inside.

ANAKIN: 'Shira, I know it's my turn to cook dinner, but today was just --

Noticing for the first time that the room is completely empty, Anakin goes silent.

ANAKIN: 'Shira?

Guessing that Nashira's in the bedroom, he goes to check it out. Finding it empty, he strides over to the closed refresher door and raps on it lightly.

ANAKIN: You in there, 'Shira? I was saying that I'm really tired and I was hoping you could do the cooking tonight.

Anakin receives no answer from the other side of the door.

ANAKIN: (frowning) Nashira?

Still no answer.

ANAKIN: You'd better be dressed, 'cause I'm coming in.

Opening the door to the refresher, Anakin immediately finds a message scrolled on the mirror in bright neon-blue lipstick; it reads: "CHECK THE DATACARD ON THE TABLE".

Spinning around, the teenaged boy sprints to the round table. There, neatly arranged in the centre, is a datacard and datapad. Picking them up, he slams the card into the pad and activates it; a recorded image of Gurkan's face immediately comes to life on the small screen.

GURKAN: Hello, Skywalker. Doubtless you're wondering what's happened to your girlfriend. Rest assured, she's safe.

As he says that, the Abyssin quickly pulls Nashira's still-living face into view before pushing her back out again.

GURKAN: (cont'd) For now.

ANAKIN: (grinds his teeth) What do you want?

GURKAN: You and I have a score to settle, Skywalker, and I'm the type who likes seeing scores settled. But as we are where we are, it gets so very hard trying to do that -- too many hardassed Mandalorians and snotnosed trainees running around to get in the way. (beat) I want to meet up with you, Skywalker, where none of the busybodies can interfere with us -- down in Sublevel R.

ANAKIN: Sublevel R?

GURKAN: Sublevel R has been abandoned and sealed off for decades, so nobody goes down there anymore. I know a way of getting there through the ducts, however, and I've provided you with a map to show you the way. (beat) But don't get any grand notions of calling the Mandies or your Jedi friends for help. If you show up with anyone or anyone other than you shows up, I'll give Nashira a brand-spanking new red-lipped mouth to go with the one she has already. (beat) See you soon.

With that, Gurkan's recorded message comes to an end. Anakin, bristling with pent-up rage, can barely keep himself from crushing the datapad in his hands to powder.


Having followed Gurkan's map on the datacard to Level 4, Anakin now finds himself at the end of an empty corridor; there, set high up in the wall near the ceiling, is a metal grate.

Walking up to the wall, Anakin pockets his datapad. Bending his knees, he takes a leap, arms outstretched. Reaching the grate, he begins clawing at it, desperate to catch a hold through the metal slats, but fails and falls back to the floor.

ANAKIN: (under his breath) Dammit!

Flexing his fingers with impatience, Nik tries again. Closing his eyes in concentration, he crouches down low to the ground. Then, flinging his eyes open, he rockets upward, nearly overshooting the grate and taking a headlong collision into the hard ceiling.

Throwing out his arms, he reaches for the grate, takes hold of it, and manages to pull it right off the opening into the ducts.

ANAKIN: (landing hard on his feet) Yes!

Transferring the loose grate to his left hand, Anakin leaps again and manages to catch hold of the open hole's edge. He hoists himself up and in and, with caution and care, manages to twist himself into a position allowing him to pull the grate back into place.


As Siri walks in after a long day of activity, sporting bruises from her fight with the punks along with her clashes with merciless Mandalorian instructors, she finds that Obi-Wan has already set the table and is currently dishing out each of their suppers.

OBI-WAN: Good evening, Siri. Glad to see you could make it to dinner on time this time around.

SIRI: (weary) What did you make?

OBI-WAN: Well, they're supposed to be nerf steaks in white chocolate sauce, but we both know it's just nerf stock mixed with gelatin smothered in dehydrated milk mixed with artificial chocolate powder.

PRIMEDAY: (takes a bite of faux nerf steak) It's delicious! My compliments to the chef!

SIRI: (astonished) You're actually eating that?!

PRIMEDAY: It's perfectly edible.

SIRI: But ... but ...


SIRI: It's not Primeday Surprise!

PRIMEDAY: (frowns) Of course it is. (slices off another bite and forks it into her mouth)

SIRI: No, it isn't! It's nerf jello in chocolate syrup!

OBI-WAN: (rolls his eyes) Thank you for framing my cooking in such delicate terms.

SIRI: (holds her finger up at him) You keep quiet.

PRIMEDAY: Primeday Surprise comes in a myriad of forms. You just can't see them all at once.

SIRI: (sighs) I give up.

Wearily, she plops herself down at the table and begins to eat dispassionately.

OBI-WAN: (sits down at his plate) Rough day?

SIRI: As if you even need to ask.

OBI-WAN: Yeager made you run the gauntlet again, didn't he?

SIRI: I was talking about the fight at lunch.

OBI-WAN: What fight?

SIRI: The fight at the mess hall.

Obi-Wan furrows his brow. He obviously doesn't know what she is talking about.

SIRI: (to Primeday) You didn't tell him?!

PRIMEDAY: (shrugs) I didn't see the need to.

SIRI: (incredulous) Didn't see the need to!?

PRIMEDAY: He would have found out eventually. (beat) He did find out eventually.

OBI-WAN: What happened at the mess hall?

SIRI: Today, during my first rest period, I had lunch in the mess hall with Primeday and Nashira. While we were eating, four scumbags showed up and began assaulting us, causing a fight to break out. Nashira got separated from us, and one of them -- the leader -- cornered her in an alley and tried to rape her.

OBI-WAN: My God.

SIRI: She was saved, though, by one of the Mandies. Zull, her name was.

OBI-WAN: You got her name?

SIRI: She revealed it to Nashira. The two apparently hit it off right away.

OBI-WAN: That strikes you as odd?

SIRI: Most of the other Mandalorians -- the ones who aren't abusive -- tend to stay detached, aloof from the prisoners. But this woman ... she was different ... very friendly, very warm. She even took her helmet off for Nashira.

OBI-WAN: That is unusual.

SIRI: I got the sense that she was ... hurt, somehow, wounded.

OBI-WAN: Wounded. You mean emotionally, not physically.

SIRI: (nods) Exactly. (beat) I don't think she's been a Mandalorian very long. She was forced into the role, and fairly recently.

OBI-WAN: She's one of us, then.

SIRI: No, not anymore, but she was. (beat) She's a friend, at the very least.

PRIMEDAY: Yes, a friend -- a friend to help link all others.

SIRI: (frowns) What do you mean?

Before the H'nemthe can respond, Ben suddenly doubles over, grimacing with pain.

SIRI: (alarmed) Ben, what is it!?

OBI-WAN: Siri, it's Anakin ... He's in danger! He's in grave danger!



Anakin makes his way through the dusty duct system, resisting the urge to sneeze as he crawls along on his belly. Soon, he comes to a drop in the duct leading straight down. Peering downward, he can see nothing in the darkness.

ANAKIN: If only I hadn't broken the glowrod on the way down. (beat) I hope it's a short drop.

Pushing himself forward like a worm, he drops all the way down to the bottom, putting his bent arms out before him to shield him; though it is a relatively short fall, he still lands roughly and painfully.

ANAKIN: (angry) Goddammit!

Having reached the end, he finds that an opening stands directly before him. Crawling forward, he emerges into a long-unused, dust-encrusted, junk-cluttered corridor dimly illuminated with a line of bulbs affixed to a wall.

Standing up, Anakin immediately comes face-to-face with a Mandalorian. Gasping, he jumps back, only to discover that it is only an old suit of rusting Mandalorian armour standing before him.

ANAKIN: I'm here -- now what?

Without an idea of what to do next, Anakin begins walking forward. As he nears a bend in the corridor, he sees a blinking red light ahead of him.

ANAKIN: What's this?

Stepping closer, he finds himself looking down at a small beacon sitting atop an overturned box; beside the beacon is another datacard.

Picking up the datacard, Nik takes out his datapad and replaces the old card with the new. As the datacard's information is accessed, Gurkan's cyclopean face returns to the small screen.

GURKAN: Made it, I see. Good. It wouldn't have been very satisfying for me if you'd broken your flimsy neck on the way down.

ANAKIN: You're all heart, Gurkan.

GURKAN: I've provided you with another map. It'll lead you out of the corridor to a supply room. There I'll be waiting with your blonde beauty on my arm.

The short message comes to an end. Accessing the datacard's map, Anakin continues on his way.


Ben and Primeday both stand together outside the open door leading into Anakin and Nashira's empty quarters. Siri steps out of the unit and joins them.

SIRI: They aren't here. There's just a message written on the mirror about a datacard on the table.

OBI-WAN: They aren't here. (beat) But I think I know where they've gone.

Ben takes off into a run, and Siri and Primeday are quick to follow after him.


Having arrived at the end of the map, Anakin finds himself standing before a partially-closed door. Moving toward the door, he squeezes past it and emerges into the room beyond.


Having emerged into the supply room, Anakin finds it unlike the rest of Sublevel R; most of the dust and debris has been cleared out, leaving the room largely spotless and empty -- empty save for a large partially-assembled mechanical apparatus which stands against the far wall. Waiting for him, his hands on the shoulders of Nashira who sits tied to a heavy chair under coils of metal wire, is the Abyssin Gurkan.

GURKAN: Our guest has arrived! (to Nashira) Aren't you going to say hello, Nashira?

Nashira, her mouth stuffed with a rag, directs a stream of muffled expletives Gurkan's way.

ANAKIN: Okay, Gurkan, you've got me. Now let Nashira go.

GURKAN: That was the agreement, wasn't it?

ANAKIN: Yeah, it was.

GURKAN: (a sad expression coming to his face) When I made that agreement, I didn't take into account the possibility that your girlfriend, once freed, would go to the Mandalorians for help and bring them down here. (grins) I just can't let that happen.

ANAKIN: (angry) You bastard! You --

As Nik takes an angry step forward, Gurkan quickly pulls out his crude knife. Seeing the jagged blade, the young human male freezes in his tracks.


Having come to the same spot Anakin was earlier, Siri, Primeday, and Obi-Wan find themselves staring up at the grate in the wall.

OBI-WAN: He went in through there.

SIRI: Why would he go in the ducts?

OBI-WAN: Wherever Anakin and Nashira are, the ducts lead there.

Leaping upward, Ben easily grabs hold of the grate and pulls it off.

OBI-WAN: It'll be a tight fit, so it's best if I go alone. You stay here and wait for us.

SIRI: Maybe we should tell the Mandalorians about this.


SIRI: Why not?

PRIMEDAY: We stand at a crossroads leading to a multitude of futures. Involve the Mandalorians in this and we travel down a wrong path, losing the best future available to us.

OBI-WAN: Anakin and Nashira don't have much time. (beat) I'll be back as soon as I can.

Leaping up, Ben pulls himself into the ducts.


ANAKIN: Listen, Gurkan, if you do this, the Mandies won't let you get away with it. They'll have you executed.

GURKAN: (laughs) Do you really believe me to be so stupid as to let them know I've killed you? (beat) Once I'm done with you, I'll stash your bodies away in one of the rooms down here where they'll never be found. The Mandies will just think you managed to escape into the wilderness. I won't be suspected of a thing.

Taking his knife, Gurkan rakes the point against Nashira's right ear, drawing a pained wince from her. As blood pools up from the wound, the Abyssin draws his finger across it and then places his fingertip into his mouth.

GURKAN: Delicious. (beat) I'll be generous, Skywalker. I'll let you decide who goes first.

At that moment, Orowi suddenly enters the room, flying in on his wings.

OROWI: Gurkan, I -- (seeing 'Shira and Nik) What the hell is this?!

GURKAN: (angry) What are you doing here!?

The Abyssin distracted, Anakin takes advantage of the situation and rushes Gurkan. Calling on the Force, he seizes the Abyssin's arms and pushes him back away from Nashira. Growling with rage, Gurkan's grip on his knife tightens and he fights to free himself from Nik's hold.


Emerging from the ducts, Obi-Wan begins racing down the corridor in search of Anakin and Nashira.


Anakin and Gurkan continue to grapple, carrying them about the room in a twisted paroxysm of a dance.

ANAKIN: Orowi, get 'Shira loose! Get her out of here!

It takes a moment for the Toydarian to get over the surprise of seeing Anakin fighting Gurkan in the room. Once he does, he flies over to Nashira and begins trying to loosen her bonds.

OROWI: I can't untie this!

In reply, Nashira mumbles something from behind her gag. Reaching for it, the Toydarian pulls it out of her mouth.

NASHIRA: Bolt cutter! On the floor!

Looking down on the floor, Orowi searches it with his eyes for the bolt cutter. Finding it, he flies over to retrieve the tool.

Meanwhile, Gurkan and Nik continue to struggle.

GURKAN: I'm going to gut you like a Tarakian eel-slug, boy!

His power starting to fail him, Anakin grimaces as the Abyssin slowly begins to overpower him. Grinning, Gurkan frees an arm and then, with a hard slap, sends the boy sprawling.


Racing through the corridor, Obi-Wan leaps over the junk and debris in his way.


With the bolt cutter, Orowi cuts Nashira free of her bonds. Pushing the wire aside, she leaps out of the chair.

NASHIRA: We've gotta help him!

OROWI: But he said --

Without waiting for him to finish, 'Shira grabs the bolt cutter out of Orowi's hands.

As Anakin lies semi-conscious upon the floor, Gurkan bends down over him. Pulling him up by the collar, the Abyssin brandishes his homemade knife before the human's face.

GURKAN: Wake up! It's time to die!

As Gurkan rears back his arm to deliver the fatal cut, Nashira runs up to him. Swinging the bolt cutter, she knocks the Abyssin upside the head. Grunting with pain, he drops the knife and collapses to his knees.

Regaining his wits, Anakin climbs back to his feet. Bending over, he takes the Abyssin by the chin and lifts his head up until they are staring each other in the eye.

GURKAN: (spits blood in Anakin's face) If you wanna talk mercy, you won't get any from me, human.

ANAKIN: The time for talk is over.

Balling his right hand into a fist, Anakin punches the Abyssin in the face. With a groan, Gurkan's head is thrown back.

ANAKIN: It's all over for you, Gurkan.

With those words, Anakin begins to beat the Abyssin. With a series of kicks, punches, pulls, pushes, and throws, the relatively scrawny human boy lays waste to this towering non-human brute.

As the beating comes to an end, Anakin seizes the unconscious Gurkan's head in his two hands and begins to apply nigh-superhuman pressure to the Abyssin's skull. It is at that point when Obi-Wan -- his face, hands, and tan coveralls encrusted with dust -- enters the room.

OBI-WAN: Anakin, no!

Seeing his master, Anakin stops.


OBI-WAN: (walks up to Nik) Anakin, don't do it.

ANAKIN: But I should do it. He kidnapped 'Shira. He was going to kill us both. If I don't kill him, he'll just come for us again.

OBI-WAN: We can find a way to stop him without killing him.

ANAKIN: I've got to end this here and now!

OBI-WAN: At what cost to yourself?

ANAKIN: (angry) Don't tell me killing him is of the dark side! He's of the dark side! Getting rid of him would only serve the good side!

OBI-WAN: Many have said that before, all with more conviction than you. Most went on to become monsters, worse than those they opposed. (beat) Is that what you want to become? To become a monster worse than Gurkan?

Looking down at Gurkan, Anakin closes his eyes.

ANAKIN: No, I don't want to become that. Never.

Releasing his hold on Gurkan's head, Anakin rises to his feet. Smiling, Ben puts his hand on the boy's shoulder.

OBI-WAN: Let's get out of here. (looks at their dirty clothes) And then let’s get cleaned up.

Obi-Wan then sneezes, causing Anakin to laugh heartily.



The first rays of light from Dania VII's three suns falls over the central tower of the Mandalorian complex, illuminating the outer deck of the penthouse. There on the deck, kneeling with her face to the suns, is Zull. Nearly nude save for a diaphanous nightgown which envelopes her body, she moves her hands around on her belly, eyes closed in deep meditation.

PRE VIZSLA: (O.S.) In communion?

Hearing the voice of her master, Zull opens her eyes.

ZULL: She is healthy and she is happy.

Turning around, she finds Vizsla standing behind her; in stark contrast to her own exposed form, he wears a heavy black robe which conceals his entire body save for his head and hands.

PRE VIZSLA: She will be among the first of the Mandalorian Knights born into our order. Her entry into this world will be cause for celebration.

Rising to her feet, Zull turns and steps up to her master.

ZULL: When I first found out I was with child, all I wanted was to cut her out of my body. Now, I can't imagine a future without her.

PRE VIZSLA: The sins of fathers must never be visited upon their children. Birth is a glorious aspect of life. It must always be cherished.

Reaching out, Zull takes Vizsla's hand.

ZULL: You gave her to me. (kisses his hand) You are her father.

Hearing those words, Vizsla can't help but to shut his eyes tight with emotional pain. Though Zull has come to terms with her pregnancy, Vizsla can never forget the horror that led to it or the shame he feels for the part he played in bringing it about.


DuracellEnergizer said:

PRE VIZSLA: You gave her to me. (kisses his hand) You are her father.

 I think you meant to say Zull, not Pre Vizla.

Screw lightsabers, I’ll stick with regular swords. At least they won’t blow up in my face like this franchise has.



Orowi is busy looking through an assortment of loose datacards when a knock is heard on the door.

OROWI: (to someone in the bedroom) Hey, Olo, where's my report on the Battle of Cathar?

Olo -- a tall, slender, multi-limbed xexto -- leans his head out the bedroom door. Another knock is heard through the door.

OLO: Are you going to get that?

OROWI: Momentarily. Now tell me -- do you know where my report is?

OLO: Knowing you, you dropped it in the toilet.

OROWI: Ha, ha. It is to laugh.

Another knock resounds through the door.

OROWI: (to the door) Just one hot minute!

Rising up from his seat, the Toydarian flies over to the door and opens it. Standing outside his door is Anakin Skywalker, his expression serious.

OROWI: (surprised) Anakin!

ANAKIN: Surprised to see me, Orowi?

OROWI: What can I do for you? Make it quick, though -- my first course starts in twenty-three minutes.

ANAKIN: (walks in) I'll make it quick.

Crossing over to the chair Orowi was sitting in a moment before, he plops himself down in it and begins to look Orowi's datacards over one-by-one.

OROWI: (flies over to Anakin) Be careful with those. I don't need any of them going missing.

ANAKIN: What were you doing there last night?

OROWI: (worried) Uh, last night?

ANAKIN: Down in Sublevel R, remember? Where Gurkan had taken Nashira and held both of us at knifepoint?

OROWI: Well, I --

ANAKIN: (puts down a datacard and stands up, towering over Orowi) Gurkan told me that place had been sealed up for decades and no one went down there anymore. Yet you just happened to waltz right on in, just as if you had been there before, and as if you expected to find Gurkan there.

OROWI: Nik --

ANAKIN: (frowns) I want to know what part you had to play in his little revenge scheme.

OROWI: (sighs) Nothing, Nik. I had nothing to do with his plan to hurt you and Nashira.

ANAKIN: Then what were you doing down there?

OROWI: (shrugs) I may as well tell you. I was going to tell you eventually, anyway. (beat) I have been to Sublevel R before, and I knew Gurkan was going to be there.

ANAKIN: (angry) So you did know!

OROWI: (frowns) No! I told you already, no! (beat) You saw that machine down there, right?


OROWI: And you remember when Gurkan took that piece of machinery from the supply room.


OROWI: Nik, Gurkan and I ... we were both working on building a transmitter.

ANAKIN: Transmitter?

OROWI: (nods) For the past two years, a small outfit of prisoners has been working on building a deep space transmitter which will allow us to call for help on select, secure frequencies. I myself joined up only three months before you arrived. (beat) We were setting it up in Sublevel R to avoid detection from the Mandies.

ANAKIN: (furrows his brow) I find it hard to believe you actually had Gurkan working with you.

OROWI: He may be a prick, but he wants out of here along with the rest of us.

ANAKIN: How many of you are there? Working on this, I mean.

OROWI: Twenty-two. Mostly fellow Level 9ers, though we have managed to recruit a few higher-and-lower levellers.

ANAKIN: (under his breath) Is your roommate one of you?

OROWI: Of course. Do you think I'd be speaking so freely on the subject if I were keeping it secret from him?

ANAKIN: How far along are you on the transmitter?

OROWI: At our current work pace, it should be complete in about five or six months.

ANAKIN: You said you were going to tell me about all this in the first place, right?

OROWI: (nods) Yes. I knew I could trust you. (beat) Of course, if you don't want to help us, that's alright.

ANAKIN: (shakes his head) No, no. I do want in on this. I've got some expertise on mechanics, after all, and I'm dying to get off this damned planet.

OROWI: (smiles) Good, that's good. (beat) Just don't tell anybody about this, okay?

ANAKIN: (frowns) But I have to tell the others. They can help us.

OROWI: (shakes his head) No. No way. Absolutely out of the question.

ANAKIN: Oh, c'mon! You don't expect Ben or Siri or 'Shira to rat on us, do you?

OROWI: I don't expect, but I do suspect.

ANAKIN: Now you're just being paranoid!

OROWI: Alright, okay, you can tell the Jedi.

ANAKIN: (grins) Excellent. I'm sure they --

OROWI: (cont'd) But not a word of this to 'Shira. Got me?

ANAKIN: Why not 'Shira?

OROWI: She's a cute little pixie and I like her, but I don't completely trust her. If the Mandalorians get their hands on her -- and I mean really get their hands on her -- she'll squeal and squeal loud. You can't expect her to hold up against their interrogations.

ANAKIN: (resigned) Alright. I won't tell 'Shira.

OROWI: Good. (beat) You can start tonight, two hours after lights out. I hope you like your caf black, 'cause that's the only way we serve it.



In a gorge kilometres from Bunker 13, a number of Level 34ers are being forced to scale the side of a steep wall bare-handed without any climbing equipment. Supervising their ascent, safe and secure atop a hover platform, is their Mandalorian taskmaster.

TASKMASTER: Climb, damn you! Climb faster!

Unholstering a blaster pistol, the taskmaster takes aim at a skeletal givin -- KELETONS ONESB -- as he makes his unsteady climb up the rock wall.

TASKMASTER: You! Onesb! Get your vacuum-sealed ass in gear!

KELE: I'm trying, sir, I'm trying!

TASKMASTER: (mocking) I'm trying, sir, I'm trying! (in his normal voice) That's not good enough, Onesb!

Pulling the trigger, the Mandalorian sends a blaster bolt hurtling into the stone face of the wall directly above the givin's head. Startled by the bolt's scream and the sudden shower of rock debris over him, he loses his grip on the wall and plummets.


Falling fast, he hits several protruding rocks before finally managing to break his fall by grabbing hold of a short outcropping. His grip is tenuous, though, and he immediately begins to slip.

KELE: (panicking) Help me! Please!

TASKMASTER: Help yourself, ghostface! (laughs)

As Kele continues to slip, Obi-Wan, who happens to be climbing the wall fifteen metres to the left from him, immediately takes notice of the givin's dangerous situation.

OBI-WAN: Hold on, Kele!

Taking care, Ben begins making the perilous crossing across the face of the gorge wall. Redoubling his efforts, Kele manages to regain temporary hold of the slight outcropping.

TASKMASTER: (enraged) Kenobi! What the hell do you think you're doing!?

OBI-WAN: (grits his teeth) What the hell do you think I'm doing?

TASKMASTER: Leave him and get back to climbing, Jedi!

Ignoring the Mandalorian, Obi-Wan continues his trek.

TASKMASTER: (aims his blaster at Ben) I won't tell you again! Leave him where he is and get back to climbing the wall!

OBI-WAN: Perhaps you can make his death look like an accident, but there's no way you'll ever be able to make a blaster hole through my back look like an act of God. As I understand it, Vizsla doesn't take kindly to murder -- even the murder of Jedi.

TASKMASTER: (hesitantly holsters his blaster) Chaos take you, Kenobi ...

Now unencumbered by the taskmaster, Ben continues his tenuous journey until he finally reaches Kele.

OBI-WAN: (reaches out to Kele with his right hand) Take my hand, Kele!

KELE: I don't know if I can!

OBI-WAN: It's alright, I'll catch you before you can fall. Now please, take my hand!

Deciding to trust the Jedi's words, the givin takes his right hand off the outcropping and thrusts it in Ben's direction; just as he begins to fall, Obi-Wan seizes the givin's free hand in a strong grip and prevents his descent.

OBI-WAN: Alright, now I'm going to swing you over a bit to the left. Twist your body as I swing you and grab hold of the rocks under me.

Nodding his head, Kele does as Ben commands as he swings him. Twisting his body a bit so that he's in a proper position, he releases the Jedi's hand and clamps down onto the rock wall directly beneath Obi-Wan.

OBI-WAN: You good?

KELE: I'm onto the wall. (beat) I don't know if I can climb the rest of the way.

OBI-WAN: Don't worry. I'll help you.

With that, the two prisoners of Level 34 reassume their ascent.


Having reached the top of the gorge, Ben and Kele pull themselves up and onto solid ground. Standing, they find themselves on the outskirts of an old rock quarry.

KELE: Thank you, Kenobi. I would've died if it weren't for you. If there's anything I can do for you, just mention it and it's done.

OBI-WAN: Pay for lunch, and we'll be square.

As their brief conversation comes to an end, the Mandalorian taskmaster strides up to them, his body language full of hostility. Reaching them, he backhands the givin and punches Ben in the gut, sending them both crashing to the ground.

TASKMASTER: (points at Kenobi) Maybe I can't kill you, but I can do worse -- much worse. (beat) You're going to go back down there, Kenobi, and you're going to climb back up. And when you're done, you're going to go down and climb up again. It'll take you all the rest of the goddamn day, and when you're finally done, you'll be so kriffing raw you won't be able to sit, sleep, or have sex without suffering a full-body muscle spasm for weeks. Maybe that will teach you not to go against me. (beat) Jedi garbage.

Turning on his heels, the taskmaster leaves his two wards crumpled up on the stoney ground.

OBI-WAN: (to Kele) It looks like we'll have to take a rain check on that lunch.


I've gone back and edited all prior entries in the script; beyond the requisite spelling corrections and minor rewordings, I've changed the colour of Siri's lightsaber from pink to fuschia, the burly Gungan mentioned in the early portion of the screenplay is now described as a "rephibian" than as a reptilian, and Force-sensitive Mandalorians are now clearly identified as Mandalorian Knights throughout the text.  



A sped-up montage of the various warriors, workers, and prisoners within the Mandalorian complex making their way to-and-fro about their business.


A time-lapsed shot of the three suns of Dania VII moving across the emerald sky above the Mandalorian complex and sinking below the horizon, casting this side of the planet into night.


Siri helping a pain-wracked Ben into bed. Wincing as he stretches out on the mattress, he thanks Siri as he closes his eyes. Turning, she walks out of the dark room.


Anakin as he lies down on the sofa for his brief sleep before the night shift. Sitting at the table, Nashira looks upon him yearningly.


Zull lying upon her ornate, king-sized bed alone. Turned over on her side, she stares ahead unblinking, her expression unreadable.


Siri, sitting on the sofa, her eyes growing heavy with sleepiness.


Nashira climbing into bed. Pulling the sheet up to her chin, she quickly falls asleep.


Under a full, pale-yellow moon set within a dark blue sky, Obi-Wan, Siri, Anakin, Nashira, and Zull find themselves suspended within the air atop stone pillars which disappear into a heavy cover of billowing clouds below them. Arranged in a circle, they find themselves surrounding a central pillar which towers above them; standing upon this central pillar, wearing robes and beads of iridescent black, is Primeday Surprise.

PRIMEDAY: Welcome, children.

SIRI: (confused) What is this?

NASHIRA: A dream. It's gotta be.

PRIMEDAY: (cont'd) This is no dream, Nashira. This is a nexus, where many minds become one.

OBI-WAN: We're in a rapport. Primeday's gathered us together inside her mind.

ANAKIN: (gestures toward Zull) Who the hell's that?

NASHIRA: It's Zull!

ANAKIN: (frowns) The Mandie who gave that rapist bastard the snippety do dah?

PRIMEDAY: (raises her arms) You have many questions that require few answers. I will give them to you. Now, be silent.

They all quiet down to hear what the enigmatic H'nemthe has to say.

PRIMEDAY: (cont'd) The day and hour of your deliverance draws nigh. Those who would be your saviours are coming, and you have but to call to them. But before you can, before you must, you will have to prepare. (beat) As we six have become one soul in the Force, so must all who have been unjustly imprisoned within the Mandalorian walls. (beat) Together, here, we will show each other the way ...


Obi-Wan rising up in bed awake.


Siri on the sofa as she wakes up.


Anakin rolling over on the sofa as he comes awake.


Siri in bed as her eyes fling open.


Zull as she sits up in bed wide awake, her expression troubled.


As three prisoners work on calibrating the various components of the as-yet-unfinished transmitter, Anakin and Orowi stand off to the side conversing.

ANAKIN: (cont'd) You got all that?

OROWI: (frowns) I think so. (beat) It'll help?

ANAKIN: Do you have any better alternatives?

OROWI: No. We were winging it, really, just hoping things would fall together nicely on their own. (beat) Okay, I'll do it and I'll tell the others to do the same.


Opening his door, Keletons Onesb allows Ben to step inside his quarters.

KELE: Kenobi?

OBI-WAN: (turns to Kele) You recall that favour you owe me?

KELE: Of course. What can I do for you?

OBI-WAN: Just listen to what I have to say. After I'm done, you can do what you wish.

KELE: I don't understand.

OBI-WAN: You will. (beat) One other thing.

KELE: What?

OBI-WAN: If you agree to go through with this, you have to agree to pass what I teach you on to others -- others you can trust.


Out in the wide open space of a lush arboretum, Nashira walks about gathering beautiful flowers of many different colours and hues.

NASHIRA: (singing) (in Irish Gaelic) And I feel it. And I feel it. Where ya going to tomorrow? Where ya going with that mask I found? And I feel. And I feel. When the dogs begin to smell her. Will she smell alone?

Having finished gathering flowers, Nashira walks off.


Zull stands before a full-length mirror, staring back at her reflection. Clad in a form-fitting black bodysuit, her Mandalorian robes and armour sit laid out upon her bed to her left. Her face, her eyes, are grave.

Suddenly an electronic buzz resounds through the air, alerting her to the presence of a visitor. Turning from the mirror, she walks off to see who is there.


Making her way down the short hall, Zull reaches out for the panel which controls the door and presses a button. Unlocking, the door slides up into the ceiling, revealing Nashira standing there on the other side, a bouquet of flowers in her arms. Her expression serious, the young girl hands the bouquet to Zull.

NASHIRA: For you, Zull.

Gingerly, Zull takes the flowers. Planting her face in the petals, she closes her eyes and breathes in deeply. Then, casting the bouquet aside, she scoops Nashira up into her arms, hugging the human child close to her as tears begin to run down her cheeks.


A montage of the events which occur over the next five-to-six months. The prisoners work on the transmitter, adding more-and-more components as the days and weeks pass on by. Ben, Nik, Siri, and 'Shira teach other prisoners how to rapport through the Force, and those prisoners in turn teach even more prisoners. Zull's belly grows ever larger as the child within her womb approaches her due date.



Standing within the centre of the large training room, heavily pregnant, Zull holds her ignited lightsaber upward, eyes trained on the three lightsaber practice 'droids which stand in a semi-circle before her. Lean but powerfully-built, the 'droids -- Purple Eyes, Orange Eyes, and Green Eyes -- are plated with a thin layer of Mandalorian iron alloy and armed with lightsabers taken from captured Jedi.

As Zull moves her blade downward just a fraction of a millimetre, Purple Eyes pounces. As it swings its green blade, the Meketrex ducks, allowing her to block Green Eyes' yellow weapon just as it comes in swinging after Purple Eyes.

Twirling over to the right, Zull moves out from under Purple Eyes and goes for Orange Eyes. As the near-human Mandalorian Knight brings her chartreuse blade down, the 'droid turns its blue lightsaber sideways, blocking the blow easily. Pushing forward, Orange Eyes forces Zull backwards toward Green Eyes.

Spinning around, Zull brings her lightsaber down just in time to intercept Green Eyes' underhanded swing. Forcing Green Eyes' blade down to the floor, Zull quickly brings her yellow-green blade up to the 'droid's unarmoured neck. Hitting the 'droid, the blade doesn't sever its head; instead, the 'droid and its lightsaber automatically power down.

Turning away from the dormant machine, Zull refocuses her attention on the remaining 'droids. Bringing their weapons to bear, Orange Eyes and Purple Eyes attack.

As the 'droids run towards her, Purple Eyes throws its right leg out in a high kick while Orange Eyes swings its lightsaber low, trying to catch the near-human woman in a nasty crossfire. Hurling herself forward, Zull manages to pass through the empty space between the two dangerous blows. Springing back up, she swings her lightsaber around before Purple Eyes can turn around; as the chartreuse blade makes contact with the unarmoured joint between the droid's unarmoured hips and torso, the droid shuts down.

Deciding to put a swift end to this training session, Zull hoists her weapon up like a javelin and then hurls it head-long toward Orange Eyes. Sailing forward straight and true, the tip of the yellow-green blade strikes against one of the 'droid's photoreceptors, deactivating the automaton instantly.

Perspiring from the effort she just put herself through, Zull walks over to her lightsaber and retrieves it, readjusting its power level back to full. Pocketing the weapon, she turns around and walks away from the three 'droids toward the front of the room, where Pre Vizsla stands against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

PRE VIZSLA: You shouldn't be sparring this far into your pregnancy.

ZULL: You don't have to worry. I had their programming set on easy mode.

PRE VIZSLA: Nevertheless, your due date is approaching. If you don't want to suffer complications, I suggest you go easy on the physical exercises and focus on the mental ones.

ZULL: Could you hand me a towel, please?

Turning toward a short table, Vizsla retrieves a white towel and hands it to Zull. Taking it, she mops the sweat from her head and shoulders.

PRE VIZSLA: You're hiding something.

Zull freezes at those words.

PRE VIZSLA: Something troubles you.

Draping the towel across her shoulder, Zull averts her gaze from his.

ZULL: You're mistaken.

PRE VIZSLA: You can't hide your feelings from me, Zull. I know you too well.

Bringing her head back up, she restores eye contact with Vizsla.

ZULL: I'm afraid.

PRE VIZSLA: For the child?

ZULL: For the child, for me, for you. I'm afraid for the future.

PRE VIZSLA: (puts his hand on her shoulder) We make our own future.

ZULL: (brushes his hand off) You made me believe that was true.

Taking the towel from her shoulder, Zull tosses it back on the table. Turning away from her master, she then leaves for the door.



After years of construction, the transmitter is almost finished; all the remains left to do is the installation of a vital transistor.

Hefting up the large transistor, Orowi flies over to Siri and Anakin and hands it over to them. Taking the component, the two Jedi slide their upper bodies in through an open cavity into the guts of the machine and, securing the transistor in its alcove, begin soldering the proper connections into place. Once that is done, they move out and place a panel over the open cavity, bolting it shut.

ANAKIN: Alright, that's it.

SIRI: We're done.

The small crowd of workers gathered around the machine give each other a round of applause.

OROWI: All that remains to be done is the calibration. Once that's out of the way, we can begin broadcasting immediately.

SIRI: And we're all clear on what we're broadcasting and how we're broadcasting it.

OROWI: (nods) The transmission will be a sting of carefully coded pulses, not visual or aural messages, so that if the Mandalorians manage to intercept it, they won't recognize it for what it is and just assume its naturally occurring background radiation. Along with the general information of our situation and location, the transmission itself also contains instructions to respond only in kind so that the Mandies will think that the transmissions of our benefactors are also natural and ignore them.

SIRI: (nods) Good. (turns to Anakin) Our job here is done, Anakin. The others can take over from here.

Together, the two Jedi then leave the transmitter room for the dirty, cluttered corridors beyond.

ANAKIN: How long do you think it'll take before someone picks up our transmission?

SIRI: I don't know that, Anakin. It may never be picked up or ignored as natural phenomena.

ANAKIN: But you said the transmission would be coded in a recognizable Imperial format.

SIRI: Which only helps us if an Imperial ship happens to pass along this way. Without knowing where in the galaxy we are, we have no way of knowing how likely that possibility is.

ANAKIN: Primeday seems certain it'll happen soon.

SIRI: I admit that there was more to Primeday than met the eye, but she's still loopy. From her perspective, a thousand years could be a single day.

ANAKIN: So what are we going to do now? Just keep going with the Mandalorian program as we've been doing?

SIRI: Yes, but we also have to prepare ourselves, to get ready in case our transmission is picked up by friendly ears in the near future. (beat) It's about time Obi-Wan and I got our lightsabers back, don't you think?


Zull kneels before a series of idols carved to represent the Meketrex gods, her hands clasped together and her eyes shut tight as she prays in silence.

SIRI: (O.S.) Zull.

Hearing the Jedi Knight's voice, the former priestess opens her eyes.

ZULL: What are you doing here?

SIRI: (O.S.) I need to talk to you.

Rising to her feet, Zull turns to acknowledge her visitor. Seeing the Jedi, her eyes narrow.

SIRI: (notices Zull's bulging abdomen) I didn't realize you were pregnant. (beat) Is Vizsla the father?

ZULL: He will be. (beat) I didn't invite you here, Tachi.

SIRI: I'm sorry. I'll try to be as brief as I can so you can return to your prayers.

ZULL: Very well. Tell me what it is you want.

SIRI: Zull, I want you to retrieve the lightsabers that were taken from me and Obi-Wan.

ZULL: Your lightsabers? (walks up to Siri) Why in the worlds would I do that, Jedi?

SIRI: Zull, you know why -- Primeday showed us both. We have to get ready for the uprising.

ZULL: Uprising? There will be no uprising.

SIRI: We can't know that.

ZULL: Even if your toy succeeds in drawing your allies to this planet, neither you nor they will succeed against us.

SIRI: (frustrated) Do you even hear yourself? We share the same enemy!

ZULL: Your enemy is not my enemy. Your enemy is my master, and I will not betray him.

SIRI: (angry) What loyalty do you owe him? He kidnapped you and forced you to fight for a cause you didn't believe in!

ZULL: (angry) That may have been true, but only in the beginning. Pre has opened my eyes. Through his kindness, through his love, he has shown me the truth of the Mandalorian way.

SIRI: (incredulous) Kindness!? Love!? Are you even aware of what he has done?! Thousands have been massacred in the raids he orchestrated, all whom he could have spared. Where was his love and kindness then?!

ZULL: (averts her gaze) It was unfortunate but it was necessary. Sometimes the few must be sacrificed for the sake of the many.

SIRI: You've been brainwashed and you don't even know it.

Her eyes flaring wide with anger, Zull refocuses her gaze on the Jedi.

ZULL: (sneers) You are one to point fingers, you sanctimonious hypocrite.

SIRI: What are you talking about?

ZULL: I know who you are, Siri Tachi, knight of the Coruscanti Order. I did my research. You belong to the same sect of Jedi Pre once belonged to -- a sect of baby snatchers who mold those they kidnap into unquestioning extensions of the emperor's will.

SIRI: When we become aware of an acolyte's dissatisfaction with our ways, we allow them to leave to follow their own path. Vizsla just has the unruly beaten down until they're forced to submit or die.

ZULL: Submit or die ... submit or die. (laughs bitterly) Death isn't always physical, Tachi.

SIRI: I don't follow you.

ZULL: You don't know what happened to Pre, do you? You don't know what it was that led him to leave the Coruscanti Order.

SIRI: No, I don't. Why don't you enlighten me?

ZULL: During the First Clone War, he met and fell in love with a fellow soldier. This soldier, of course, wasn't a Jedi -- she was just an average, non-sensitive sentient. In spite of that, Pre chose to marry her, rejecting over a thousand years of dogma in favour of love.

SIRI: And so he left. Am I supposed to feel empathy or sympathy? He knew the price for marrying outside the Order.

ZULL: But he didn't leave. Their relationship was discovered, and his title was stripped from him and he was cast out.

SIRI: That changes nothing --

With lightning speed, Zull seizes Siri's throat in an ice-cold grip.

ZULL: (brings her face close to Siri's) His wife was not yet cold in her grave when they excommunicated him. Instead of consoling him, instead of serving as beacons for the light side they claimed to represent, they kicked him out to rot in the cold, dark world of his own misery. And all this was done for what? For falling in love. (beat) Anyone who would choose to serve an order like that is no friend or ally of mine. If you wish assistance in your war, you'll find none from me. (beat) Now begone. Never show your face to me here again.

Releasing her hold on Siri's throat, the near-human turns away from the Jedi and returns to kneeling before her idols. Siri, for her part, can only stand and stare at this coldly formidable woman.

SIRI: Zull ... I --

ZULL: (closes her eyes) Go.

SIRI: (resigned) Alright. I'll go. (beat) Zull.

ZULL: (impatient) What now?

SIRI: (sighs) What the Council did to Vizsla was wrong, but does that make what Vizsla is doing here and now right?

The Jedi Knight turns and departs, leaving the Mandalorian Knight alone with her own conflicted thoughts and feeling.


I've gone back to my last post and completely rewritten the exchange between Zull and Siri. What I had originally wrote was just horrendously awful in my eyes -- the dialogue, the pacing, the characterization, everything -- so I had to cut it out. What I've replaced it with is much, much better; it flows now, I feel, instead of crashing about like a boat stuck in rapids.


I think it's improved, except for the addition of Zull's final line of dialogue. It was more effective to have Zull respond with silence. Unless you aren't planning on having Siri win over Zull, I think you should change it back.


I went with your advice and changed it. You're right, it does work better that way.



Primeday lies reclined across the sofa, a meditation sphere in her left hand; as she turns the crystal globe about with her fingers, she influences the fiercely blazing liquid within to take on several complex shapes. The H'nemthe continues to concentrate on the sphere as Siri walks in, her brow creased with frustration.

PRIMEDAY: (forms a crackling bonfire within the sphere) You were chastized by the Meketrex.

SIRI: (sits down in a chair opposite Primeday) She won't assist us. Vizsla's brainwashed her too deeply.

PRIMEDAY: (forms a miniature replica of the Mona Lisa within the sphere) All have been brainwashed, both by our nature and by our nurturing. Zull has been brainwashed, you have been brainwashed, I have been brainwashed. (beat) But even the most thorough brainwashing fails to permeate the whole psyche; a small portion always remains free, unsullied, pure.

SIRI: Her psyche's been permeated thoroughly enough. She's refused to help us.

PRIMEDAY: (forms Wayne Knight's grinning face within the sphere) Yet she doesn't hinder you, either. Were her loyalties to the Mandalorian complete, she would have revealed the conspiracy to him upon leaving the nexus.

SIRI: Are you saying she will eventually come over to our side?

PRIMEDAY: (tosses the meditation sphere over her shoulder) I say no such thing. Whatever she decides to do in this specific reality is unknown to me. What I do know is that between now and the day of the uprising, she will not stand in your way.

SIRI: "Your way". Why do you always speak as if you were watching these events unfold from the outside? (beat) Who are you, Primeday? What are you?

PRIMEDAY: A humble servant of the Force. Where it sends me, I go. What it commands me, I do. This I have done and will continue to do until the time comes for me to become one with all creation.

SIRI: That answer isn't good enough. You display powers I've never seen or heard of before. Where did you learn them? Who taught you how to use them?

PRIMEDAY: Those two questions have more than two answers. Be content with this revelation: a rainbow comes in the seven different colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet; while you perceive blue, I perceive indigo.

SIRI: Are you saying the Force is made of many colours -- wavelengths -- and that you operate in one I simply can't perceive?

PRIMEDAY: If you know the answer, why do you ask the question?

SIRI: You could free us, couldn't you? If you wanted, you could break us out of here single-handedly. You have the power.

PRIMEDAY: I can do many things you cannot, and you can do many things I cannot. In both cases, our power is finite. As our power is finite, neither of us can do anything alone. The Force thrives on co-dependence, not independence. (shakes her head) You are learning, but slowly. Oh so very slowly.


I have to say I really like your ideas about the force.


I've got to admit I didn't come up with the ideas myself, though. I got them from the Hand of Thrawn books.


Time for yet another game of "assign a face to the character". In this case, though, it's actually "reassign a face to the character".

Originally, I'd noted that I'd come to associate Dolores O'Riordan's face with that of Zull's. However, after watching some music videos by the Canadian singer Alannah Myles, I've now come to associate her likeness with Zull instead. Frankly, her physical features and overall demeanour just synch with how I envision Zull better than O'Riordan's; her eye colour is even similar to the green-gold of Zull's eyes.

I still imagine Zull with an Irish accent, though. =P 



In the darkened interior of his quarters, Bail Organa lies asleep upon his bed.

BAIL: (asleep): A lot of blue hair. (laughs) What a freak!

The door suddenly slides open, casting bright light in upon Bail's face. Bolting upright awake, he immediately finds Vaness standing in the doorframe.

BAIL: (shielding his eyes from the light) Dammit, Raia, don't you ever think to buzz first?

CMDR. VANESS: We've got something, sir.

BAIL: (rises out of bed) Got what?

CMDR. VANESS: A transmission, Bail. Come see for yourself.

Wasting no time, Bail follows after Vaness.


Arriving on the bridge, Vaness and Bail stride over to the communications officer's station. Reaching the communications officer, Bail turns to regard the dark-skinned female human-Arkanian hybrid.

BAIL: What've we got, Ororo?

LT. ORORO: A coded message, Admiral. It appears to be Imperial.

BAIL: All the way out here? (beat) Have you decoded it yet?

LT. ORORO: Working on it, sir.

BAIL: Good job, Lieutenant. (turns to Vaness) I think we've finally found our needle, Commander.


Inside the transmitter room, Obi-Wan and two other inmates sit on duty.

SULLUSTAN: (cont'd) The Mathusians beat the PDRs again.

ORTOLAN: They should be in another league.

SULLUSTAN: (to Ben) Do you follow the ecometrics?

As the Jedi opens his mouth to answer, a bright red light begins to flash on the transmitter, indicating an incoming transmission.

SULLUSTAN: (surprised) The transmitter! We're receiving a message!

Without wasting a moment, the three move in on the machine. Reaching for a small keyboard, the Ortolan enters a command into the machine. In seconds the transmission comes through, instantly decoding into a typed message on a small screen.

ORTOLAN: It's a message from the Deliverer, an Imperial star defender commanded by an Admiral Bail Organa.

OBI-WAN: (surprised) Did you say Bail Organa!?

ORTOLAN: Yes, I did. (turns to Ben) You know him?

OBI-WAN: (grins) All too well.

SULLUSTAN: Should we respond?

OBI-WAN: (incredulous) Yes, of course!


LT. ORORO: We're receiving another transmission.

Leaning over Ororo's shoulder, Bail reads the message as it's swiftly decoded.

BAIL: (dumbfounded) My Lord! Obi-Wan!

CMDR. VANESS: (frowns) Obi-Wan Kenobi?

BAIL: He's down there with the other captives, the slick trickster. (beat) It really is a small galaxy. (to Ororo) Move over, Lieutenant. I'll take over from here.

Moving from her station, Ororo steps aside to allow Bail to take her seat and start to work on another reply.


As the communication with the Deliverer comes to an end, Ben leans back away from the screen, a slight smile appearing on his face.

OBI-WAN: Gentlemen, our ship has literally come in.


Rising from the communications officer's station, Bail turns to the helmsman.

BAIL: Warm up the navicomputer and enter in the coordinates for the Mandalorian home base that were transmitted to us. We're going to do a little recon before heading back to Imperial space. (to Vaness) It's about time Lady Karma paid the Mandalorians a long overdue visit.



Anakin, Obi-Wan, Siri, and Nashira all sit together in the mess hall, quietly going over the details of the conversation with the crew of the Deliverer from the night before over lunch.

ANAKIN: So how long is it going to take them to get here?

OBI-WAN: Depending on how fast they can assemble a fleet together, on which hyperlanes they choose, and how many stops they make, it could take them two-to-three weeks, perhaps longer. (beat) Once they get here, they'll bombard the dockyard from orbit and take out as many capital ships as they can before sending fighters down to the surface to finish the job.

SIRI: We're assuming this world's defenses are all tied up in the same general location as the spaceport. Take it out and this world will fall into Imperial hands within hours.

ANAKIN: There's just one thing I don't understand.

OBI-WAN: What?

ANAKIN: For the past couple months we've all been training to pool our energies together in the Force. If the Imperials are just going to swoop in and liberate us, then what was the whole point of it all?

OBI-WAN: You're unaware of how closely Mandalorians guard their possessions and acquisitions.

ANAKIN: What are you talking about?

SIRI: The Mandalorians of the past were infamous for how poorly they accepted defeat. If there was a danger that something they had would fall into enemy hands, they'd see it destroyed than lost to them. (beat) If the Death Watchmen stay true to form, they'll slaughter every sentient within these walls once it becomes apparent to them that they can't win against Organa's forces.

ANAKIN: (horrified) My God!

OBI-WAN: If we want to survive, we'll have to act in concert with Bail.

NASHIRA: How do we do that?

SIRI: Once the fleet arrives, they're going to send a message down to us informing us of their arrival. They'll give us an hour to inform the others, and then they'll attack. When that happens, we make our own move.

NASHIRA: What about Zull?

SIRI: What about Zull?

NASHIRA: Do we tell her all this?

SIRI: I wouldn't advise it.

NASHIRA: Why not?

SIRI: Primeday told me Zull wouldn't interfere with us before the revolt, but she also said she didn't know what Zull would do once the revolt took place. There's no telling how she'd react to this news; it could be the very thing that turns her against us.

NASHIRA: Or turns her to us.

SIRI: (sighs) If you want Zull to learn about this, I won't be the one to tell her. You'll have to tell her yourself.

NASHIRA: Me? Why me?

SIRI: You're the only one of us she knows all that well and the only one she's displayed affection for. If she ever takes the news well, it'll be because she heard it from your lips, not ours.

Troubled by this revelation, 'Shira turns her gaze downward at her lunch and begins to haphazardly stab at it with her fork.


Zull walks through the well-maintained garden with Nashira by her side; dressed in a beautiful ultramarine gown with her hair elaborately held by finely-crafted silver mesh, she looks positively stunning.

NASHIRA: I'm glad you could see me, Zull.

ZULL: (smiles down at Nashira) I've always got time for you, Nahira.

As they approach a strange cyan-and-aquamarine mottled tree-like plant with huge pods, Zull comes to a stop, regarding it reverently.

ZULL: This is a vinz clortho, a plant from my homeworld. Knowing how homesick I've been, Pre had it brought here so that I'd feel closer to home.

NASHIRA: (smiles) It's beautiful.

ZULL: The vinz clortho is a most unusual plant. Its evolved so that it can only be fertilized by the zuul.

NASHIRA: What's a zuul?

ZULL: A zuul is a large, flying insect. The poison it secretes is fatally toxic to most species.

Reaching into her gown, Zull withdraws a medium-sized vial. Holding it up to the light, an iridescent liquid can be seen resting within.

ZULL: (cont'd) But to the vinz clortho, it is the seed of life itself. Without it, the plants cannot reproduce and release its spores. Without the zuul, the vinz clortho would die out.

Zull unsheathes a thin dagger and, uncapping the vial, dips the blade into the iridescent poison.

NASHIRA: How does the zuul, you know, fertilize the plant?

ZULL: (resealing and repocketing the vial) How else?

Moving up close to the trunk of the vinz clortho, Zull draws back her dagger and then, grimacing, proceeds to stab the plant over-and-over again; semi-self aware, the vinz clortho shudders with each stab into its waxy flesh.

ZULL: It stabs into the vinz clortho with its stinger, again and again, until all its poison has been emptied into the plant.

Withdrawing her blade, Zull resheathes it. As blue-black sap runs from ten cuts, the vinz clortho begins to shimmer with a slight radiance.

ZULL: From the violence of the zuul comes the beauty of the vinz clortho, and the beauty is worth the violence. (turns and walks back to 'Shira) What was it you wanted to talk with me about?

NASHIRA: Zull, we got a reply.

ZULL: (stoney) A reply?

NASHIRA: An Imperial star defender picked up the transmission. A fleet should be here within three weeks, give-or-take.

ZULL: I see ...

NASHIRA: Zull, I wanted to tell you 'cause I wanted you to be ready when they got here.

ZULL: Of course ...

NASHIRA: (takes Zull's hand) Zull ...

Zull looks down on the human girl.

NASHIRA: (cont'd) I want you to help us. Fight with us, please.

Smiling sadly, Zull puts her hand on 'Shira's cheek.

ZULL: I can't, Nashira. I'm a Mandalorian now, and Pre's my master. I can't betray him after all he's done for me.

NASHIRA: Zull, please ...

ZULL: (removes her hand) I'm sorry.

NASHIRA: (crying) Zull, you told me you were homesick. Well, I'm homesick, too. I miss my friends, I miss my family. I want to see my mom and dad again! I want to go home!

Sobbing, Nashira grabs the fabric of Zull's gown and weeps into it. Unable to tolerate the young girl's horrible crying, Zull immediately gets down on one knee and hugs the trembling child to her.



Later that day, Zull stands within the room dedicated to showcasing the various trophies and antiques Vizsla has collected over the years. Various bladed weapons -- Jedi katanas, Sith swords, Massassi lanvaroks, and miscellaneous axes, daggers, and polearms -- line the north wall; three suits of armour -- a suit of ancient Lettow armour from the time of the First Great Schism, a suit of bulky Mandalorian armour from the Great Sith War, and jet-black Neo-Sith armour from the New Sith Wars -- stand side-by-side against the east wall; a tall shelf loaded with ancient books, scrolls, and outmoded data plaques stands against the west wall; and heads and other appendages from miscellaneous species -- sentient and non-sentient alike -- sit mounted upon the south wall. Within the direct centre of the room, situated directly beneath Zull's gaze, is a glass display case containing over a dozen lightsabers.

PRE VIZSLA: (O.S.) I didn't expect to find you in here.

ZULL: Did you collect all these lightsabers yourself?

Vizsla walks up to Zull and peers down over her shoulder at the Jedi weapons.

PRE VIZSLA: Yes. They were all taken from adversaries I've defeated over the years.

ZULL: Do you remember who owned each weapon?

PRE VIZSLA: Yes. (points to a long-handle lightsaber) That one belonged to a wookiee Dark Jedi. (points to a lightsaber with a carved wooden hilt) That one belonged to an Ithorian priest. (points to a black-and-chrome saberstaff) That one belonged to a spice addict who didn't even know how to use it properly. I don't know where she got it from. (points to a familiar hilt) And that one's a recent edition. It belonged to the ronin Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. The one right above it belonged to his friend, Siri Tachi.

ZULL: Why do you collect them?

PRE VIZSLA: As a reminder that all those beings, with all their mechanical plasma swords, couldn't defeat a single warrior with the Force as his ally.

ZULL: (turns to face Vizsla) You have something to tell me, don't you? I can sense it. What is it?

PRE VIZSLA: The time has come to make another raid, this time to Ryloth. I'll be leaving in three weeks, and I'm putting you in charge until I return.

ZULL: (frowns) Me?


ZULL: Surely there's someone else, someone with more experience --

PRE VIZSLA: (puts his hands on her shoulder) There's no one else I can choose. You are my closest confidante. You know me, more than anyone else on this planet knows me. You will know how to run things in my absence.

ZULL: Pre ...

PRE VIZSLA: I won't be gone long. A week, at most. You don't have to worry. I trust you.

Taking his hands from her shoulders, the Jedi-turned-Mandalorian turns and leaves. Once he is out the door, Zull turns her attention back on the display case. Reaching down, she touches the tips of her fingers to the glass directly over Ben's lightsaber.


As a loud buzz sounds through the air, Siri rises from her sleep. Groaning with grogginess, she pushes up from the sofa and saunters over to the door. Pressing a button, she opens the door. Standing there, the concealing hood of a voluminous cloak pulled up over her head, is Zull.

SIRI: (sobering up instantly) What is it? What are you doing here?

Reaching into her cloak, Zull pulls out the two lightsabers belonging to Siri and Ben.

ZULL: I replaced them with replicas, so they won't be missed. (holds them out) Take them.

SIRI: Zull, I --

ZULL: (angry) Take them before I change my mind!

Wasting no more time on idle chatter, Siri takes the two lightsabers.

SIRI: Thank you.

ZULL: I don't want your thanks.

Readjusting her hood to make certain it is still in place, the Meketrex ex-priestess turns and leaves.


Well, it's time to finally say the end is nigh. Starting with the next post, the final showdown between the good guys and the bad guys will begin unfolding and this script will finally draw to a close.

To be quite honest, I'm glad this script's almost finished; I've become quite tired with the setting of this story, I've developed the characters as far as I can develop them in this setting, and frankly, I'm just starting to get bored. I'd very much like to move on to the second episode of my rewrite; that's where the meat of my PT lies and the timeframe I'm most interested in fleshing out.



Zull and Vizsla stand together on a small landing pad, his personal shuttle standing before them. Vizsla -- in full armour minus his helmet, which sits tucked under his arm -- turns to his apprentice.

PRE VIZSLA: Just remember what I said. Should something of importance arise, just handle it as I would handle it.

ZULL: (nods) Yes. I understand, Pre.

PRE VIZSLA: (puts his hand on her shoulder with a smile on his face) Good.

With that, Vizsla brings out his Mandalorian helmet. Slipping it down over his head, he turns to walk toward his awaiting shuttle. Just as he reaches the ramp, Zull takes one step after him.

ZULL: Pre!

The Mandalorian Knight turns to face her.

ZULL: (raises an arm) The Force be with you.

PRE VIZSLA: (raises his arm in return) And with you.

Turning, Vizsla heads up the ramp and disappears inside the shuttle. The ramp then closes and the shuttle rises vertically up into the air. Zull watches the craft as it then takes off with a blast of hypersonic speed, disappearing from sight within moments.


As Nashira makes the bed, Anakin stands in the doorway, watching her. Sensing his presence, she stops adjusting the sheets and turns to face him.

NASHIRA: (cocks an eyebrow) Yes?

ANAKIN: (steps into the room) Nashira ...

NASHIRA: (grins) Yes?

ANAKIN: (cont'd) Nashira, don't go to your classes today.

NASHIRA: (frowns) What? Why?

ANAKIN: I've got a feeling ... a feeling that today's the day.

NASHIRA: (steps toward him) What?

ANAKIN: (puts his hand on her shoulder) I don't want you to get hurt. Go down to the transmitter room, stay with the others there, stay there until I come to get you, okay?

NASHIRA: Okay, Nik, okay. (beat) Why aren't you coming with me?

ANAKIN: My place is with the others, up here.

NASHIRA: But, Anakin ...

ANAKIN: (places his fingers over her lips) No, no more. (beat) I have to do this.

NASHIRA: (crying) I don't understand you.

ANAKIN: (smiles) Yes you do.

Ending it there, Anakin turns and starts to leave.


Lunging out, she grabs him by his wrist. Yanking him towards her, she pulls him against her and then, with fierce desperation, hugs him tight.

NASHIRA: Stay safe.

ANAKIN: I will.

Pulling out of her embrace, he playful runs his finger across the tip of her nose. Turning around, he then leaves the room.


Siri and Ben stand in the kitchen, their eyes fixed on the two lightsabers which sit upon the counter plugged into the power outlet in the wall. As the red indicator lights on the two weapons change to green, Obi-Wan reaches forward and unplugs them, handing Siri's to her.

SIRI: (runs her hand along the length of the hilt) Fully charged.

OBI-WAN: You want to test them out?

SIRI: Yes, let's.

Stepping out of the small kitchen into the main room, the two Jedi face each other as they bring forth their weapons. As one they engage their weapons, and with a pair of sharp snap-hisses, blades of azure and fuchsia spring into existence. The coloured plasma blades, blazing and buzzing at full power, vibrate as the two Jedi move them gently through the air.

OBI-WAN: Doesn't appear they suffered any damage.

SIRI: Good. It'd be a hassle trying to find certain replacement parts in this place.

Disengaging their blades, the two Jedi then proceed to secure them on their person in hidden pockets sewn into their tan coveralls.