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Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD** — Page 129


Tyrphanax said:

timdiggerm said:

Tobar said:

There are rumors that Ardnt is actually secretly working on the script for VIII now.

 That would make a lot of sense.

Script not thrown out, but decided to be more suited to the second episode of the ST, perhaps?

 Right, but reworked to be more appropriate for a middle-of-a-trilogy film.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


What thoughts do you all have on the accents of the cast members? Do you think any actors will have to adopt another accent for the part? There is speculation that Domhnall Gleeson could play Luke's son but I would think they would have chosen an American actor if that were the case.

The blue elephant in the room.


Foreign actors take on American accents for roles all the time. Sadly, most of the good talent that's out there these days is found outside of America.

Forum Moderator

They probably had to hire a certain amount of local talent in exchange for whatever UK tax credit they're receiving. From what I hear, it's way cheaper to hire British actors anyway.


I saw on twitter:

Episode 7:  A New Hip


TMBTM said:

The working title of Episode 7 is/was supposed to be THE ANCIENT FEAR.

I like the sound of it, even if it doesn't make all that much sense. Then again the movies never had amazing titles.


I like the sound of it, even if it doesn't make all that much sense. Then again the movies never had amazing titles.

 You don't think The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi was good?


m_s0 said:

TMBTM said:

The working title of Episode 7 is/was supposed to be THE ANCIENT FEAR.

I like the sound of it, even if it doesn't make all that much sense. Then again the movies never had amazing titles.

 From what I read, it is referring to the upcoming Villain in the movie. 


I like the sound of The Ancient Fear as a title (I nabbed the fake episode three title The Creeping Fear for my own version of episode seven some time ago). And I think Max Von Sydow should play the titular villain.

Reservations remain fully intact, though, on account of there being an absence of a certain bespectacled, bearded bloke in a lumberjack shirt from the photo of the read-through released last week

That's some bad hat, Harry

CO said:

m_s0 said:

TMBTM said:

The working title of Episode 7 is/was supposed to be THE ANCIENT FEAR.

I like the sound of it, even if it doesn't make all that much sense. Then again the movies never had amazing titles.

 From what I read, it is referring to the upcoming Villain in the movie. 

I get that, but I'm not sure the phrase "the ancient fear" makes sense on its own if you dissect it. That might change when we learn of the actual context.

Nitpicking, basically, but hey, there's nothing better to nitpick right now ;)

PelleTheConqueror said:

I like the sound of it, even if it doesn't make all that much sense. Then again the movies never had amazing titles.

 You don't think The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi was good?

They're not terrible, but they're not anything special either. Very matter-of-fact. Yup, the Empire does indeed strike back in the second movie - no argument there.

Lucas would've probably called Blade Runner something along the lines of The Hunt for Androids. Which is the better title, I ask you? :)


m_s0 said:

 I get that, but I'm not sure the phrase "the ancient fear" makes sense on its own if you dissect it. That might change when we learn of the actual context.

 I was just reading through a SW Thread on another site, and they say its is referring to Max Von Sydow's character, who we can all assume is playing the villain now.

I wonder if he will be an older (ancient) Sith, who was trained by The Emperor just in case Vader didn't live up to his jedi abilities after falling in the lava pit? 

Just a guess and pure speculation on my end.....


Ok, what is with the aint it cool guy constantly writing "OB1" instead of  "Obi-Wan"? Annoying. 


When was the last time anyone went to AICN? I'm smelling a rumor of desperation.

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Easterhay said:

Reservations remain fully intact, though, on account of there being an absence of a certain bespectacled, bearded bloke in a lumberjack shirt from the photo of the read-through released last week

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


I'm sure George is going to visit the set at some point. (And promptly be put to work shooting some second unit stuff just like on ESB.) He probably has enough common courtesy to a fellow movie director not to be looking over J.J.'s shoulder at this point.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


They're not terrible, but they're not anything special either. Very matter-of-fact. Yup, the Empire does indeed strike back in the second movie - no argument there.

Lucas would've probably called Blade Runner something along the lines of The Hunt for Androids. Which is the better title, I ask you? :)

Good point. The titles are quite literal. But I guess it had something to do with the B-movie serial thing Lucas had going. Blade Runner is better, but I would love to see The Hunt for Androids.


timdiggerm said:

Baronlando said:

Ok, what is with the aint it cool guy constantly writing "OB1" instead of  "Obi-Wan"? Annoying. 

That's a very old fan theory sticking around in his vocab.

 The "OB1" was Ben's clone designation theory? That is an oldie.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


The title kind of fits if you think about it as a play on words with the original.

"A New Hope" "The Ancient Fear"

The movie theater is my church and my holy trinity is a Trilogy.


SilverWook said:

timdiggerm said:

Baronlando said:

Ok, what is with the aint it cool guy constantly writing "OB1" instead of  "Obi-Wan"? Annoying. 

That's a very old fan theory sticking around in his vocab.

 The "OB1" was Ben's clone designation theory? That is an oldie.

 Yeah, but that's definitely where it comes from.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project