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Post #70285

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.: The Zion DVD Project :. (Released)
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Date created
7-Oct-2004, 10:58 PM
My pleasure... your project has the absolute potential to become a great LD-transfer, so I am glad to be of help.

Originally posted by: zion
Even if it ups the brightness a bit, it's not that big of a deal since I can always adjust that when I color correct in Premiere.

No, this wouldn't work... take a look at my first sample frame, the middle image. As you can see, the brighten up version of the frame simply blows out the white of the Stormtrooper helmet. The top of it becomes pure white, and kills the distinction between the helmet and the light on the ceiling. If you would take this image and darken it in Premiere, the helmet and the light would become darker in an equal manner, just producing a tone of grey. You wouldn't be able to get the slightly darker upper edge of the helmet back.

It's very important to watch your brightness levels. It can easily happen that some very light colors or greys become too bright, and just turn white. The same could happen with very dark colors, or greys, becoming too dark, and turning black. You can't get these colors or tones back.

So I really suggest that you apply the filters as I showed. After all the filters for removing the halos are all VirtualDub-filters, so they integrate perfectly into your workflow. I would say do it like this:

    1. Capture your footage

    2. Create an AviSynth-script (which contains the IVTC, the cropping and maybe the GuavaComb-filter to remove possible dot-crawl, and maybe some noise-reduction)

    3. Frameserve this script into VirtualDub, and add the following VirtualDub-video-filters (in the order shown):

      - Brightness/Contrast UI-enhanced (settings as shown above)
      - VHS toys (settings as shown above)
      - Exorcist (settings as shown above)
      - LanczosResize to 2000x1000 (*)
      - Add the Xsharpen-filter (play with the settings when all the filters are set up) (*)
      - LanczosResize to 720x400 (or whatever the desired anamorphic(!!!) height is)... don't add the black bars.

    (*) These two filters should only be added, when sharpening is really necessary... they might make the image look worse (just try it).

    4. -> Output to a new AVI

    5. Color correct the thing in Premiere

    6. Encode with TMPEG (you can add the black bars here, so that your image gets the final size of 720x480. Don't resize in TMPEG... AviSynth and VirtualDub are better).

This spares you some inbetween steps, and you only need two AVIs (the captured one, and an intermediate one).

By the way, could you provide a 20 seconds (or more) long clip of your raw capture? I guess the IVTC causes the stairstep-effect... I would like to do some tests regarding this.

Sorry, if I sound too bossy here