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OT.com in french newspaper

sweet we are getting through to the french.
A quick and dirty translation for the non-French. You'll get the gist of it.

I like the bit aout 'nerds' and DivX, that got me laughing.

Say what you will about the French but these guys are true cinephiles. The French invented cinema, despite what you may have been told to believe and they all but invented ways of viewing and cinematic criticism.

If there was any country to throw its arms up in disgust and yell merdé! at Lucas for his revisionism it would be the French. I love them but then I'm Australian and they love me right back.


Star Wars
The worst counter-attack
The fans had awaited it for seven years and their disappointment is immense.

Because the Trilogy repatouillée by the Master George Lucas does not have great any more a deal to see with the original version. One does not touch with the madeleines.

By Samuel DOUHAIRE Friday September 24, 2004 (Release - 06:00)

Star Wars Trilogy Comprend the Star Wars, a new hope (1977), the empire counter-attacks (1980) and the Return of Jedi (1983). Fox. Box 4 DVD, 49,99 Euro.

ls had between five and seventeen years when Star Wars entered their life. It was in 1977, and they never recovered from the discovery, on large screen, of the intergalactic adventures imagined by George Lucas. According to with passion episodes of the saga, ruining themselves in figurines, models and other by-products, deteriorating their video K7 through visionnages intensive. It is little to say that the admirers of Wars Star watched for impatiently the rebirth of the saga in DVD. Seven years after the birth of the numerical support, their waiting is finally filled. Since Tuesday, the DVD of the Star Wars, a new hope, Empire counter-attack and of the Return of Jedi invaded the whole world. As for launchings of the novels of Harry Potter or the Playstation consoles, of the large signs made sleepless night so that, as of the twelve blows of midnight, the most enthusiastic fans are the first to hold in their hands the magic box. The "original Trilogy" promises to be the largest paperboard of the history of the DVD: in France, where 700 000 specimens will be placed in the vats by the end of the month, the précommandes are enough to place it in the ten best sales before even its marketing. But as the Force of the knights Jedi, this triumph announced has an obscure side. That one could summarize by the heartfelt cries which run on innumerable Internet sites devoted to the saga: "but where are our Wars Star of antan?", or more directly: "George, whore, return to us our Wars Star of origin!!!"

Third version.
On DVD, the Trilogy "originale indeed "only the name has. These are not the films that the thirty year ones and quadragénaires of today discovered in rooms in 1977, 1980 and 1983. Nor "special editions" of 1997, re-examined and corrected by George Lucas with new special effects, a few new minutes and a band boostée in THX. But a third version still altered by the realizer-producer, to not only benefit from the last numerical projections, but to be perfectly "connection" with the three other episodes of the saga turned since - the phantom Threat in 1999, the Attack of the clones in 2002 and the Revenge of Sith scheduled for May 2005 (1).

The rumour ran since more than one year, but the fans of the first hour still refused to believe in it. A petition was even launched on the Web (2), to require of George Lucas to reconsider its decision and to leave in DVD films in their original measurings: more than 62 000 Net surfers, from San Francisco in Istanbul while passing by ÷rnsköldsvik (Sweden) already claimed that "these traditional of the science fiction and the history of the cinema" "does not fall into the darkness". George Lucas had already answered them by anticipation, proposing its vision of artist, and expressing his frustration not to have been able to do all that he had wanted in 1977 for questions of time, budget, and, especially, insufficient performances of the special effects.

In the "special Editions" of 1997, "All has the real air but the new buildings, the new creatures, all artificial, are created on computer, explained it at the time in Libération. And that tells finally the history that I wanted to tell." With hearing it, the witness would have some more for his money: more soldiers in the corridors of Star of death, more creatures odd in the village of Mos Esley, more vessels and shooting stars in the space battles, not to speak but about One new hope. Lucas had just forgotten a thing: Star Wars is the madeleine of Proust of a good part of the post-68 generation. To modify would be this only one image of the original saga, it is to break a memory of childhood idealized by nostalgia. Still more furious than disappointed, of the fans forget any precaution of language to evoke a "lamentable cinematographic revisionism". Certain actors were thus purely and simply unobtrusive of a blow of electronic paint system: when the emperor appears in hologram in the Empire counter-attacks, it is from now on the face of Ian McDiarmid (holder of the role in episodes I, II and III) which is used; identical blow of brush in the sequence of the phantoms of the Return of Jedi, with the detriment this time of poor Sebastian Shaw, replaced by Hayden Christiansen (which plays Anakin Skywalker, future Dark Vador, in episodes I, II and III)...

Surviving VHS.
The fans are all the more furax that no technical constraint prevented Lucas from associating with the DVD of improved films, their original version, for example by way of no-claims bonus on an additional disc. A party taken that Fox had adopted besides last year with four films of the Alien series, proposed in only one box in their "traditional" version rooms and in their new worked over again assembly. But, with Star Wars, all occurs like if the first films, however seen by hundreds of million people, had been only drafts now good to throw to the basket. As if no trace were to remain about it, once that the surviving VHS of the Nineties will be irremediably damaged, even if more nerds already transferred their Star Wars "vintage" in DivX format... Ultimate concern for the fans, or, more precisely, for their porte-monnaie: do the DVD put on sale this week present well the final version of the first Trilogy? Where George Lucas won't it will benefit from possible upheavals of numerical technology for rebidouiller its films and draw any from new profits? The serial Wars Star, at least in his dimension "cow with milk", is not ready to be concluded.

(1) Also called episodes I, II and III, because located chronologically before the action of the Trilogy. George Lucas ensured the last Festival of Deauville that there will be never episodes VII, VIII and IX.
(2) http://originaltrilogy.com
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.

"George, whore, return to us our Wars Star of origin!!!"

LOL!!! Now there is a great signature line.
Heh heh.

Dark Vador.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.

Originally posted by: Biggs_lives

"George, whore, return to us our Wars Star of origin!!!"

LOL!!! Now there is a great signature line.

Yes, but in that context, putain is better translated to fuck...

A better translation of this line would be: George, fuck, give us back our original Star Wars !!!
That's still a pretty good line. Ironically, my mother, who doesn't care much for the films, still tends to call him "Dark Vader".

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

I think that is his name in the french and other foreign language versions.
We Got Death Star!
We Got Death Star!
In french, the main characters have different names indeed!

Darth Vader = Dark Vador

Luke Skywalker = Luc Skywalker (it is even rumored that Skywalker was changed to Courleciel (skyrunner) in the end titles of Star Wars)

Han Solo = Yann Solo (only in Star Wars. He's called Han in ESB and ROTJ)

C3PO / 3PO = Z6PO / 6PO

Chewbacca / Chewie = Chiquetabac (litterally Chew Tobacco) / Chico (only called like this in Star Wars)

and some locations and ships too :

Millenium Falcon = Millenium Condor (only in Star Wars)

Death Star = L'Etoile Noire (Black Star)

Alderaan = Alderande
yeah the French have a hang for translating foreign names into French. but in this case it's really ridiculous., what have they done to chewie!!

concerning the article, it's cool that we're not the only ones who care about preserving the originals. makes my will to resist against the lure of the DVDs stronger.
"Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain."
I wonder how many signatures that article may have provoked?
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865

Originally posted by: Han's Girlfriend
yeah the French have a hang for translating foreign names into French. but in this case it's really ridiculous., what have they done to chewie!!

concerning the article, it's cool that we're not the only ones who care about preserving the originals. makes my will to resist against the lure of the DVDs stronger.

hi ! first, sorry for my english : I'm french

the problem with french dubbing is that translators try to adapt french dialogs to the movements of the actors lips (in order to have actors who seem to speak more naturally).
that's why, for example, "Death star" = "étoile noire" in french. the real translation "etoile de la mort" would take to much time to say.

Some others words are translated only because they can sound strange to hear for french people (like "darth vader" translated by "dark vador").

but these translations provoke many problems : some words aren't always translated like before.
"chewie" and "chewbacca" are "chico" and "chiquetabac" in episode 4.
but in episode 5 and 6, "chewie" remains "chewie"

"C3PO" is "Z6PO" in the original trilogy. but in the new trilogy, it's "C3PO" ...
as you can see, it's very hard to find something really logical in all this.

the worst problem, from my point of view, caused by the french translation, is the translation of "clone war" in the original trilogy.
it becomes "guerre noire" (black war) in french.
actually, most of french people (who has seen star wars) hasn't heard about a clone war before episode 2 ... which is a major link between the original trilogy and the new one.

to conclude, I'd say that i've grown up with the french dubbing of star wars so it's hard for me to watch these movies in english.
but I usually don't like french dubbing for many reasons

(I hope it won't be too hard to decrypt )
woohoo... great, i like to read libé, one of the funnier newspapers in france.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
"the empire counter-attacks (1980)"

LOL, so now ESB is ECA?

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

I think that the major problem of the French ANH is that the translators had no idea that the saga would continue, hence the "guerre noire" instead of "guerre des clones" (did the word CLONE even exist in french at the time?) or Z6P0 instead of C3P0 (more practical, as mentioned above). On the other hand, the "polite" way of speaking, typical of french and german grammar but not found in english, suits characters like Vader and Obi-Wan really well. The translation gem in ANH, thank God there's a least one, is Obi-Wan's "L'oeil ne voit que la surface des choses, ne t'y fie pas" ("The eye sees but the surface of things, do not rely on it"), when Luke trains against the remote in the Falcon; very Jedi-like!
yeah, its L'Empire Contre-Attaque, roughly translates to The Empire Strikes Back.
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)