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Post #698313

Blofelds Cat
Parent topic
PS78: Pre-ANH Star Wars Bootleg VHS from 1978 ***"RAW" DVD RELEASED***
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Date created
1-Apr-2014, 1:40 AM

Hello. Hope this is an appropriate thread to post this query and associated images.

This last 34 years, I've had a 4x3 letterboxed pre-ANH version of Star Wars on a VHS tape. The original tape from which my copy was copied was purchased in Malaysia in '79 or '80. From my research into the various soundtracks, this one bears the hallmarks of the 'mono' mix.

Of all the screencaps from various boots I've seen to date, none seem to show the version that I have. The images below are captures from the MPEG-2 digital transfer I made of my VHS tape.

Can anyone advise me of the 'popular name' that's been given to this particular version? Or provide additional info.