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Post #695671

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Ninja Encounter: No Baby On Board Edition (Released)
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Date created
15-Mar-2014, 11:39 AM

"AYE-AYE-AYE, The Serpent of Darkness has completed it’s transformation"-Alpha 5, "The Ninja Encounter Part Three"

Go Go Power Rangers!

A series known principly amongst fans of the japanese Tokusatsu superhero genre for it’s extensive editing of the popular series Super Sentai into one of the most iconic shows of 1990s childhood,  Power Rangers took various Sentai shows over the course of it’s span and, depending on the creative supervision, either adapted the episodes wholesale from the original or added their own little touch to things. The latter happened with the subject of this edit.

Originally a three-part episode, “The Ninja Encounter”, which introduced us to Rocky, Adam and Aisha, has, over time, become increasingly derided for it’s pointless fight scenes and redudnant second act where the Rangers are continiously split-up and distracted from saving the three teenagers because of Zedd’s monsters Terror Blossom and the returning Hatachasauros, there is an uneccersary and rather childish SEVEN MINUTE sequence involving the teenagers trying to stop a baby carraige. Indeed a lot of the “Baby Joseph” sub-plot with Bulk and Skull stretches a story that could be told in under half an hour to longer than it needed to be

This review from Power Rangers fan TOO-1 from Rangerboard.com puts it all in perspective

This was awful. I mean… unbelievably bad. This was a padding multiparter to fill time until Jason, Zack, and Trini left and it shows. Zedd’s plan was probably his most idiotic to date, making no sense and only serving to show off the cool new kids. The constant running back and forth between goals was completely unneeded, the way they handled the three missing actors was completely atrocious, the pacing was terrible, the writing was perhaps the worst of the show so far…

This did not need to be a three parter. Hell, it could have been done (as I said above) in one (albeit rushed) episode that still would have ended up better. Teens get kidnapped, monster attacks, team splits up, saves the day, tournament, end of episode. Part two had no purpose in existing other than FIGHT SCENES EPIC BRO!

Hands down, the worst episodes of the series at this point. I’m probably getting far too worked up, but my God… I hated every single moment of this three parter and cannot wait to move past it. Judge if you want, I’m standing by everything I just said.

The challenge for this edit was to take the three-parter and transform it into one half-hour story. To this end, I have removed the “team split-up” storyline aspect, leaving it until the very end, removed the bsttle with the Hatachasauros monster, removed Jason, Zack and Trini being frozen by Terror Blossom’s pettals, removed the “hour long” preperation for Zedd’s wooden snake so it conversts immediatly into a real creature and threatnes the teens, and most of the Baby Jacob/Bulk and Skull scenes have also been removed.

If you want to download the edit, please ask

Here’s a comparison video I made
