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Date created
27-Feb-2014, 9:15 PM

muddyknees2000 said:

I agree that shots should not be added.....I had hoped, however, that troops would be worked into existing shots. They'd be tiny to small in the shots...but it WOULD have given the rebels a reason to have all been plugging away until the end of the battle. The battle is super busy and involved on the rebel side....but when you switch over to the imperials they're just lumbering on....not at all bothered by the shooting that is going on. The rebels on the ground should have been shown having SOME effect....even if it WAS just to stall/delay. They need to die for a reason. Right now they die for NO reason.

Again, I sound like I'm still pushing for this....but I'm not. I'm simply pointing out what, to me, seems like a major flaw in the visual storytelling of the battle sequence. Guys in a trench with rifles aren't shooting at armored vehicles.

I can understand what you mean Muddy, how it seems like the Rebel troops were still hopelessly plugging away at the end and dying for no reason... but for me that IS what works perfectly from a visual storytelling standpoint... it emphasizes how outmatched the Rebels were to the Imperials and yet they desperately did ANYTHING they could to try to stop/delay the behemoth walkers from getting close to the base, even if it meant shooting their rifles at them and giving their lives... and also because they were ordered to. No matter how suicidal or pointless something may seemingly be, even in the real world, a soldier MUST obey their orders. Princess Lea (who is hardly a military tactician) finally does okay the "evacuation code signal", and you bet they all did that immediately :) 

BlueCardinal said:

I guess they would rather make an ineffective defensive effort than no effort at all.

Exactly. I believe the Rebels knew they weren't going win ("We better begin evacuation" was suggested long before the walkers even showed up), it was just a matter of how long could they hold them off.

I can hardly wait for, when it comes time for ROTJ:R, a similar sense of seriousness and hopelessness against the Emperor's "entire legion of best troops" on Endor ;)