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Post #689553

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Date created
11-Feb-2014, 4:46 PM

iamweasel said:

sonofjones said:

Eh, even if he doesn't manage to restore Luke, it's still a one word difference. the entire context of the scene is reverted back to how it was originally (which is the big plus with the dialogue), so even if it's young skywalker instead of luke skywalker it won't be a deal breaker (least not for me)


I feel the same way. I can understand his desire for perfection, but young Skywalker is really fine to me as well.

Same for me as well.

I really like in Ady's "Emperor hologram scene" how, in his tone when the Emperor says "Young Skywalker", he sounded as though he were demeaning towards Luke.. even disgusted, that he can't bear to say the full name.. and that fits his character perfectly. It's formal/respectful to say first and last names in many cultures, but the Emperor isn't necessarily one who'd show respect towards others ;) so saying "Young Skywalker" fits his style.

On the other hand though, given the context, it does seem to make more sense that he would actually say "Luke Skywalker," for the sake of informing Vader who exactly it is. Which Skywalker? Well, we the audience know wh o(Vader of course already knows who too), but it seems clear that the Emperor doesn't suspect that Vader knows, so he would most likely say "Luke Skywalker".

So in short: If Ady can manage to make him say "Luke Skywalker" again, in that same demeaning tone, perfect! If not, and it must still be "Young Skywalker", that's just fine also.

My 2 cents :)