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Post #689533

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Superman II: The Prettiest Girl In The Cut (SII/III Hybrid) (Released)
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Date created
11-Feb-2014, 2:12 PM

I’ve decided to go back in and redo my earliest fanedit project “Superman II: The Prettiest Girl In The Cut”, this edit will include most of the Lana Lang segments from Superman III and spin the story of II so that instead of Clark pursuing Lois, he pines for Lana and is merly tempted with the power of the red sun chamber, and it is breifly hinted to the viewer that he goes through with it off-screen, and it’s only when he confronts Zod and company at the Planet do we learn he hasnt.

Here’s the timeline and cutlist for the new draft

*Classic Warner. Bros Logo
*Lester opening of Superman II up to the point the criminals break the crystal, then it’s Donner footage

  • After the destruction of Krypton and the fade out from the criminals phantom zone prison, we cut to teen Clark, Brad, and Lana in Smallville, Jonathan’s death
    *Titles with John Williams alternative Superman march played
    *Immediatly after credits, we cut to Supes diverting the missiles and freeing the Kryptonian criminals (blend of Donner cut and Lester cuts

*Clark has a nightmare of the red sun chamber (footage taken from Lester depowering scene from his cut of II and “Clark’s morning” sequence from Superman IV

*Clark gets the Smallville assignment from Perry. Lois heard but not seen

*Lex and Otis discuss Superman in prison.
*Superman saves the plant, Jimmy’s injury cut
*Clark meets Lana at the dance (trimmed slightly with a bit of a deleted track from Superman IV)
*Lex escapes prison (deleted scene from Donner Cut rather than baloon escape), Warden does not go over-the-top and only says “it’s a break” once…and quietly.
*Clark and Lana tidy up the dance hall, Lana has the “one that got away” line
*Zod and co wreak havoc on the moon
*Clark saves Lana’s kid from the harvester.
*Lex and Tessmarcher at the fortress
*Clark tells Lana Superman will be at Ricky’s party
*Zod and crew touch down. Zod’s “very strange surface” line cut
*Superman honored by Smallville for saving Ricky
*Zod and crew terrorize town further, Ursa’s killing of the snake cut.
*Love struck Supes makes a diamond for Lana (borrowed sequence from ADM’s Superman Redeemed edit)
*Lana decides to travel to Metropolis (“tomorow” line cut for continuity reasons)
*Zod and crew continue to attack the little Idaho town, news begins to spread of the assault.
*Clark and Jor-El have a talk in the fortress. Jor-El brings up the crystal chamber. Scene heavily trimmed to omit shots of Lois.
*Zod and crew conclude their terrorizing of the town
*Clark visits Lana and gives her the diamond. The audience does not know if Clark used the chamber.
*Zod and crew attack washington and the White House (borrowed a very small bit from Selutron’s Superman II edit samples for this)
*Clark, Lana and Ricky at the bowling alley.
*Lex visits the villains
*Daily Planet attack by Zod and crew, conveying to the audience that he didnt use the chamber after all.
*Everything proceeds up to the Fortress, Supes tricks Zod and crew into depowering
*No Fortress destruction, no Clark/Lois kissing, no balcony farewell. No turning back time.
*Superman saves the kid at Niagra Falls, Lois begins joining the dots regarding Clark and Superman
*Supes flies past sun and winks at the camera

And here’s a rough draft of my ending
