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Info: Mad Max Rarities/Road Warrior Japanese DVD — Page 5


The best evidence was provided by the original cinematographer on the commentary track IIRC. He talked of having to go to the film lab multiple times to push the colors to get that more saturated look of the desert. That is the intended look reflected on the 35mm theatrical prints, the VHS, LD and DVD issue from a print sourced master. That used a US print under the RW title and slightly edited. The BD uses what is presumably a fresh HD scan of the Australian master, hence the uncut film and MM2 title card. It also is the master so it lacks the intended color timing, making it yet another film misrepresented in HD due to using camera negatives and not replicating theatrical color timing.

It's that simple, people don't do their homework, nor do they care to. The BD version looks horridly wrong, I had hoped the revisit would address it, but it didn't. Even Thunderdome got it right!

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
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Interesting about the AFI print screening. It would be nice to know if the print shown of MM was US edited or the Auzzie original. The only downside of the first film's BD transfer is that it lacks a lossless Australian mono track. That has never been released anywhere in higher quality, and would have to be sourced off of a print for us.

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Isn't the australian mono even on laserdisc? Too bad. I can do a restore of the DD track if you want. It's easy to sync to the Blu-ray image. I tried it, and they appear to be the exact same master source. It's on sync the whole film.


Stamper said:

Original DVD release was Road Warrior print woldwide. It's sightly cut (actually it's the US theatrical cut).

New version on Blu-ray is Mad Max 2. Longer cut with extended violence, but it lacks some of Papagallo dialogue in the first part of the film.

I would like to get a script which can combine the colors of the DVD to the Blu-ray picture. Fixing the missing parts should be easy, they are only a couple of seconds.

This can be done using Elastix. It is a slow slow process, but it does a perfect job.


I wonder if anyone here won the 35mm reel of the Australian release?



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i finished the mad max 3 syncing.


i fully watched mad max 3 with my synced laserdisc audio and from time to i switched to the dts-hd 5.1 audio. i like the ld audio better. the mix feels more natural. mind you, i didn't do an extensive comparison ;)

anyway... special thanks to pdb for providing the source file.


I have the old Japanese DVD around here somewhere, if anyone is still looking for it.

Is there a capture of the original Australian mono from a laserdisc floating around?


OK gentlemen, this one needs to get back on the radar because it's too good a film to overlook...


The theatrical color timing is clearly quite different from the Blu-ray presentation and makes for a different experience altogether.  It deserves a preservation.


This will be a project that _,,,^..^,,,_ (Andrea) will be taking on in the future.


I'll third this. Especially if Andrea uses the newer Blu-ray release. All he'd have to do is colortime it. Perhaps to the VHS or one of the early DVD releases. More the general pallette compared to the low color gamut of the VHS and DVD format.
Can Blu-ray handle 4:4:4?


My ears were burning, now I know why... (^^,)

Here you are my first attempt - top DVD, middle ColourMatch, bottom BD:

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That's more like it... very nice color indeed.  This is going to be the one I look forward to this year.  Thanks, Andrea.  Always loved this film and it will be great to see those vibrant hues and desert vistas once again in a proper presentation.  That ColourMatch frame actually looks gorgeous and since the source is the MM2 uncut international BD version, it's the best of all worlds.  The U.S. DVD was the slightly edited version of course.  Should be a great project and the fans will be very pleased.  Great stuff!


A spoRv Road Warrior? Fantastic news! Let me know if you want to talk about sound, Andrea.


I'm so anxious for this project!

Thanks for the cap and all the hard work Andrea. It's looking awesome!

I hope you and Jonno can figure out to put in a bit perfect LD PCM track.

I think part 3 can use some work  too.




However, some scenes have bette color on the BD 



I would like to also chime in and say, I'm excited for this project!


Wow, thanks, I wasn't sure there were so many Mad Max fans around that wanted a regraded version, but now I'm sure, of course!

Jonno, I have the laserdisc letterbox edition; IIRC is a remastered one, so *maybe* the track is better than your P&S version; or not?!?

MM3... mmh, I think it could benefit of a color grading, too; but what about MM1? It seems the BD has too much green for my tastes... caps-a-holic

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


I'm another huge fan of Mad Max.  :)





as the video source, will you be using the new and superior Warner AVC encoded disc?

I've seen this asked before, but I couldn't find the answer.


I will use the most extended version - the one included in the Mad Max trilogy, am I right?

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Wow, thanks, I wasn't sure there were so many Mad Max fans around that wanted a regraded version, but now I'm sure, of course!

Jonno, I have the laserdisc letterbox edition; IIRC is a remastered one, so *maybe* the track is better than your P&S version; or not?!?

MM3... mmh, I think it could benefit of a color grading, too; but what about MM1? It seems the BD has too much green for my tastes... caps-a-holic

That colour-match version is looking good, definately the best of the three IMHO! Nice work!

Those Mad Max 1 blu-ray screencaps are pretty painful, very green and underexposed as well. It really does need help. I might look into it myself in fact.


_,,,^..^,,,_ said:

Jonno, I have the laserdisc letterbox edition; IIRC is a remastered one, so *maybe* the track is better than your P&S version; or not?!?

 It's a tough call, but since I have both I'll make some comparisons at the weekend. The newer disc may sound cleaner and louder, but it may also have been remixed to smooth some of the (occasionally rough) effects and transitions. In which case I'd go for rough every time :-)

As for the video source, the original BD (and HD-DVD) was standalone and used a VC-1 encode. The version included in the newer trilogy sets (at least, the US version) is a fresh AVC encode, and consequently a little more detailed (though still suffering from the original release's colour issues, of course).


Is it possible to add back the old Saul Bass Warner logo?


PDB said:

Is it possible to add back the old Saul Bass Warner logo?

 And you ask it?!? (^^,) Of course!

@Jonno: waiting to know your track comparison...

Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash… 😦 | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com