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Post #682196

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Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)
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Date created
7-Jan-2014, 12:57 PM

emanswfan said:

Let Naboo shine with technicolor color schemes and retro 35mm.


Wow, wow wow.  Emanswfan, I have zero love for the prequels but your work is nobly impressing the bejeezus out of me.

Question on making things "filmic":  My eye and general knowledge of film effects are not the best but isn't part of the problem in resolving the fakeness in these films that the CG animated elements will always appear distinct from the other elements due to the lack of motion blur as these elements are not actually filmed?  Almost akin to a frames per second issue but not necessarily even tied to more frames per second but simply that the CG is always crystal clear at any given moment.

If that supposed understanding is even ballpark accurate are there plans to better integrate these overly disparate elements?

No matter, the stills and the Youtube clips (the ones that haven't been removed at least) are proof enough that mere color correction, grain, etc. go a long way in improving the viewing experience.