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Post #678963

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Date created
19-Dec-2013, 11:48 AM

I once criticized people for being close to their pets. I saw them projecting human emotions and thoughts into animals, and reminded them that dogs and cats are incapable of our higher cognition.

And then someone dumped a puppy on me earlier this year. I tried to live by my own words. I taught him his name and trained him to potty outdoors and treat others gently. I played with him often, cared for him, but all while trying to stay distant. I thought I had. After several months, the dog began to suffer from a digestive ailment. It was a slow death. However long he had left when I chose euthanasia was too long.

I felt numb until later that night when I left my bedroom to make some coffee. I looked at the couch, his favorite sleeping area. He should have rushed over to me as usual, but he was gone. A few minutes later I was weeping like a child.

I was ashamed that his death had more an effect on me than some people that have died in my life. I had fallen into the same trap that I'd been disgusted with others for falling in.

He lived less than a year. He was a dog. But he taught me some profound lessons about myself.

Anyhow, do you have a pet?