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What do you LIKE about the EU? — Page 32


I like the Plagueis novel. It provides much-needed info about Palpatine and Sofo-Dyas.


darklordoftech said:

I like the Plagueis novel. It provides much-needed info about Palpatine and Sofo-Dyas.

Darklordoftech likes something in the EU?! I finally have my job-winning article for the Daily Planet!


^I think he mentioned sometime ago that he liked the Dawn of the Jedi comics (or parts of them, anyway).


DuracellEnergizer said:

^I think he mentioned sometime ago that he liked the Dawn of the Jedi comics (or parts of them, anyway).

I did say that I like the Dawn of the Jedi comics.

By the way, my EU hate was largely a reaction to TFN's religous fundamentalist-like EU worship. 


What is your opinion on something like the Archie Goodwin comic strip, or Splinter of the Mind's Eye, or any other early material (1978-1985)?

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


^ The council wants you to keep them informed on all of darklordoftech's dealings.


I only asked his opinion, especially since he's a real minimalist when it comes to this stuff.

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.


You know what I'd like to know? What is the general consensus of the 'New Jedi Order' series on this forum? Were the Yuuzhan Vong an original and bold move, or misguided?


Personally, I like the idea of the Vong; a technophobic race of sadomasochists who use organic technology and can't be perceived through the Force is a rather interesting concept.

However, I'm not exactly pleased with how the concept was executed, I don't like that the Yuuzhan Vong War occurred right after the Galactic Civil War came to a final close, and I don't like how it impacted the main cast of the SW Expanded Universe.

IMO, the NJO era should have taken place thousands of years into the future, after everyone from the OT, their children, etc. were long gone, sort of like a reversed Tales of the Jedi


DuracellEnergizer said:

Personally, I like the idea of the Vong; a technophobic race of sadomasochists who use organic technology and can't be perceived through the Force is a rather interesting concept.

However, I'm not exactly pleased with how the concept was executed, I don't like that the Yuuzhan Vong War occurred right after the Galactic Civil War came to a final close, and I don't like how it impacted the main cast of the SW Expanded Universe.

IMO, the NJO era should have taken place thousands of years into the future, after everyone from the OT, their children, etc. were long gone, sort of like a reversed Tales of the Jedi

 There would've been far less criticism. The main complaint is that it was too dark and incongruous with Star Wars. They're correct, as far as the OT cast goes.


I think the biggest thing going against the NJO is that it paved the way for the really shittastic Legacy era.

The Sith return, another member of the Skywalker clan falls to the dark side, there's another galactic civil war, the Empire is reborn, the Jedi are once against hunted down to near-extinction by the Sith -- bleech! It actually makes the PT look good by comparison!


DuracellEnergizer said:

I think the biggest thing going against the NJO is that it paved the way for the really shittastic Legacy era.

The Sith return, another member of the Skywalker clan falls to the dark side, there's another galactic civil war, the Empire is reborn, the Jedi are once against hunted down to near-extinction by the Sith -- bleech! It actually makes the PT look good by comparison!

 This. This forever.


I like that there's non-Darth, non-black-cloaked, non-red-sabered Sith in Tales of the Jedi.


DuracellEnergizer said:

^We finally agree on something Star Wars related ;-)

There's other Star Wars-related things you've said that I agree on. Anything involving Sith and/or EU in particular.


What i like is most of the dark horse comics but not all, and most of the bantam and del rey books but not all.

There has been a tendency of quality over quality but after the real dry spell years before dark empire and heir to the empire most was forgiven.

There is not enough i dislike about the comics, games, and novels to have them suddenly all be canceled or pretend they never happened.

Depending on if the sequels are shit the only thing i may pretend never happened are the prequels and all the Disney continuity, including rebels and the new 2015 comics.

That reminds me have to buy some dark horse trades and some of the current comics before they are gone thanks to Disney.

I doubt any of my favorite EU characters will make a return in the Disney continuity and am almost glad they won't i could not stomach a Disney princess version of Mara.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I'm finally returning to reading Star Wars novels after a long time.  I am currently reading the original Han Solo Trilogy by Brian Daley.  Not too far yet, but what I've read I really like.  He has interesting prose, and tells a good story while he's at it.


I find a lot of the EU more enjoyable without "canon". For example, without the rest of the EU the Jedi Academy Trilogy is an entertaining story about Luke as a Jedi master. With "canon", however, you have the issue of what it means for the characters and how (in)significant everything is 20-120 years later.


One of Daleys novels in the trilogy had an almost Indiana Jones type feeling to it.   I think the third book. 

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


I did not really care much about Solo trilogy. I think the second one was pretty good with some nice character chemistry but the other two weren't that Star Warsy and they were too old fashioned.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


I like that the TOTJ Sith aren't Darths and don't have red lightsabers.


darklordoftech said:

I also love TCW's willingness to contradict other EU. Peaceful Mandalorians forever!

 But the Mando warrior super soldier  the Jedi were supposed to fight in the Clone Wars i thought was a concept Lucas and Johnston came up with originally.  So if anything its Lucas contradicting himself.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.