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Post #678755

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Ask the member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints AKA Interrogate the Mormon
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Date created
18-Dec-2013, 4:07 AM

Jaitea said:

darth_ender said:

The man essentially said the church doesn't have priestesses because women are too busy with the important job of mother. His wife was the "home manager".

 That's his view.  The real reason is, well, to put it frinkly, because God said so :P

 Now I don't want you to think this is me on my high horse again,......but this type of answer was what I found on the LDS site & the reason why I annoyed you earlier,.....it's the 'don't ask' or 'just because' reasoning.

I have 2 kids, if my son asks me for £10 and I ask him what he wants it for and he answers,...'just' or 'because',..... those aren't proper reasons,.....I'll press him until I find out what it's for, then I'll make a decision whether I give it to him or not.

I hear parents giving reasons to kids why they aren't allowed to do things or have things with, 'because I said so!'....this isn't an answer, it's a don't bother me response....It's better to give a reason why you think that what they want is too expensive or what they want to do is too dangerous etc.

The explanaton why women can't be priests in the Catholic Church has an explanation, which you can reason with, you can question that reason because of the changes in society today,.....but the explanations in the LDS to coffee drinking, women priests etc as 'The Lord says so'......to me......personally......sound half baked.

I have known you and respectected you for a few years _ender, and I know you are a wise and intelligent guy, but what harm would it do if you question.

In the Protestant Church I remember that the Lord encourages people to question, not just to follow.

Again, I'm trying not to push too much, just for you to take a step backwards to look at it from my perspective, I know you love your faith


 To be fair, Mormons do question and speculate. Even structured classes could turn into theory fests at the drop of a hat, especially where it concerned the universe's distant past or the afterlife (terrestrial, telestial, celestial kingdoms, the process of exaltation, etc.) You are allowed to ask off-the-wall questions, but there won't always be solid answers.

Protestant churches generally discourage that, because most are too wrapped up in ostentatious worship.

The area where I could see questioning being met with rebuke or the cold shoulder would be skepticism of the BoM, PoGP, or D&C. If you're already baptized, that is. Because to be a Mormon is to have a testimony of their validity.

(And yes, to be as balanced as possible: I did notice a tendency to be harsher with Genesis-Revelations than any other scriptures. I suspect you could probably get away with being dismissive of a few prophets or books there, but I don't know for sure.)