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What was your first reaction to Greedo shooting first?


I know this is old news, but I am interested to hear what were your first thoughts when you saw Harrison Ford's head digitally dodge that laserblast and shooting back.


I knew no better the first time I saw the film. Looking at footage of it now the '97 version looks pretty fake. This is one time I'm glad George-o does the endless tinkering, actually. If he's so dead set on Greedo getting to shoot, at least he can make it more convincing.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


"That sure looked stupid. I'm just glad I never have to see it again, since my laserdisc is the best a movie can look and always will be."


My first reaction is quite embarassing, cause I don't think I noticed. I had watched the OUT a few times before watching the SE97 in the cinema, but not enough to have a complete grasp of what was changed, except for the even more obvious stuff like the Jabba-scene, "Jedi Rocks", etc.

Of course, it is worth a mention that I was 9 years old back then. Jar Jar could've shot first and I would've been happy anyway - I was watching Star Wars on a big screen! In the subsequent years, as a realised the original scene was kept from us, I obviously grew to realise this change was anything but inconsequential. But my first reaction was one of indifference.


I was surprised to find out his name wasn't Gringo.


I was 15 or maybe 16 at the time (it came out just before my birthday). I had watched Star Wars for years and had it thoroughly memorized. Even at that age I was disappointed with the change, both because it looked fake and because it made Han weak. I immediately thought, "Well, that was dumb." I also didn't like the Jabba scene, much as I wanted to see it.


I didn't see what the big deal was at first. It became more of a self defense situation than it had before. So what?

The good news is I was only 17 and who the hell knows anything about anything when they're 17?

All I really want is each film as it was originally seen and heard in theaters; no fixes, corrections, "improvements" or modifications necessary.


Why change the scene the original made perfect sense and was better.

Han was like Clint Eastwood in  the original. 

No Need to Moralize the scene for kiddies, like Luca$ undid the blaster marks on some of the stormtroopers in the SE.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


My reaction can be summed up with three letters and one punctuation mark.



"Why add a mistake to the movie?" Was my first thought.

How could Greedo miss point blank? It seemed ridiculous.


Then when I heard that GL did it to make Han Solo not seem like a cold blooded killer my second thought was "Who the hell thinks that?"


It was almost the same scene from Raiders with the swordsman.

He didn't change that scene. No one thought Indiana Jones was a cold blooded killer so why change Han and Greedo.


It was just a "I don't have time for this" shooting. I thought it rather cool and comical at the same time; for both Raiders and ANH.





Battle droids the robotic incarnations of Jar Jar Binks.


At first I was just so thrilled to be seeing Star Wars again in the theater, I didn't care.  Then as I watched it over and over it really started to bug me.  The pacing of the original scene was just so cool.  That medium shot of Han punctuating his words with the blaster shot was classic film.   


The first time I saw it, I didn't notice that Greedo shot first. I saw the blast from his gun and thought that Lucas had Greedo shot at the same time as Han. When I watched the SE again, I noticed Han did this stupid looking head movement. When the 2004 SE came out, I was happy that Han's head movement look a little more natural, but sad\mad that Han shot second. Beside, how can someone less that 5 feet away miss their target. I've shot wild deer and ducks when I was 50 feet away and killed them with 1 shot. Now, if Lucas made Han and Greedo sit at the ends of a really long table, then Greedo would miss. But no, they're less than 5 feet away. Overall, it's the worst change made to ANY movie.

Creator of "The Death Star II Battle" Minecraft Map.

Star Wars Revisited TESB & ROTJ Ideas.

Creator of The Black Hole Revised (in progress)


My first reaction was feeling like I got stunned by Greedos blaster. At first I was interested in seeing the changes Lucas had made throughout the movie the first time I watched it. I was distracted from the enjoyment of the story by the crap that Lucas shoved in scenes. Crap that didn't even need to be in each scene. The only thing Lucas could ever do to fix Star Wars is release the old versions we grew up with.


"oh that sucked" was mine...


I don't even remember noticing it during my first viewing of the Special Edition. Things like the '97 CG Jabba and creatures stuck out to me more.

"And in the end, all the computers in the world can't generate the most basic thing that a movie needs: an emotional connection with the audience." -Harry S. Plinkett on the Star Wars Prequels


Didn't care because the special editions were my first exposure to Star Wars that I remember. Wasn't till about 2006 that I learned about it.


I was only seven at the time, so most of the changes that weren't in your face (i.e. cgi dinosaur asses blocking the screen) I didn't really notice.  But I do remember that particular scene seeming a little off to me, though I couldn't place what was different.  I didn't really care at the time due to me being seven though.


the first time I watched Star Wars in its entirety was in 2004 on a dormmates full screen Special Edition vhs set.

Watching the special edition documentary before, I was thinking to myself "wait, Han steps on Jabba's tail? Isn't Jabba a scary guy that Han would get in a lot of trouble for doing that?"

Overall the movie seemed very cliche, like I had read it a thousand times before. Well, I had just read Eragon and yeah, that was the story with the cliche and unoriginal plot.

I thought the landscapes looked dull and dreary, I was mad that the Death Star blew up Alderaan because it looked like it would have made a very scenic location.

I had heard that the stormtroopers were notorious for missing. However, when it got to the Greedo scene, I first was confused. It happened so fast that I couldn't tell who shot what and which one hit. When Greedo fell over dead, I thought "that's so cheap, two guys are sitting at a table and the good guy hits while the bad guy misses. Did Han Solo have invincibility turned on like in a video game? Cliche and lame." Because it happened so fast, I wasn't even sure if Han hit his target and Greedo missed or it was just a case of the dead guy falling down, regardless of whether the scene showed the hit connecting.

A few days later, someone was watching the movie at our school library and it was at that scene. I watched it again to get another look but it confused me further because it didn't have the same shot.

Later after getting the 2004 dvd set for Christmas and watching Empire of Dreams, I became really curious about seeing what was different in the original version. So I found an online website that listed the major differences. Then seeing that the VHS from the library were from 1995 with Vader's face, I decided to borrow those and watch it in a friends dorm room who had a vcr. After seeing the original Greedo scene and knowing that it was later changed, I was amazed at how good the scene looked.

You see a close up of Han and then hear a blaster fire that you didn't see. Only when Greedo falls over dead in the wide shot do you realize Han must have shot Greedo from under the table. It just is more suspenseful this way and it makes us feel that the main characters are vulnerable. A lot of people point out that it changes Han's character. What I haven't seen people say nearly is much is that by having Greedo miss from that close, it cheapens not just the threat of Greedo but any bad guy in the movie. We don't feel like the main characters are in as much danger and thus there is less dramatic tension.

Same thing with the Jabba scene. If Han can just brazenly talk back to his gang leader like that, why should we be worried about when they all get captured in Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi? But I'll save the rest for the Jabba thread.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



my reaction was:

WTF. George you ruined the movies 

These are your final steps


My very first reaction in the theater was confusion and not really knowing exactly what I had just seen. Like Knightmessenger said, it happened fast and didn't make much sense.

Up until that point, I had watched the Original Trilogy enough times to have every frame memorized. I also had spent my life up to that point regarding George Lucas as God, so it would be a long time before my mind was ready to process the possibility that he would do anything less than awesome (this realization was so hard for me that it didn't really sink in until several years after Revenge of the Sith came out, after I had lots of time to meditate on the prequels and special editions).

When I was sitting in that theater in 1997 experiencing the Special Edition for the first time, I went with the expectation that any changes would be done because of special effects that weren't possible in the 70's and 80's before the digital age, and also to make outdated-looking effects shots look better. Since the Greedo scene didn't fall into either category I wasn't expecting anything to be different about it, so the change left me scratching my head.

Now that I've had more time to digest the Greedo change, I have pretty much come to feel the same way about it that most fans do, although for me personally it's not one of the worst things about the Special Edition and I think it might be blown out of proportion a little by the fans. Don't get me wrong though, I am against it; it was wrong of Lucas to do it. It's just unfortunate that Lucas made other changes that were a lot worse (in my opinion).

Have you seen the picture of Lucas wearing a "Han shot first" t-shirt with a grin on his face? That grin annoys the crap out of me. Whether fans are happy or miserable, he gets to have pride over being the guy who gets everybody riled up. What he really deserves is for nobody to care. But then we come back to the fact that he gave us Star Wars in the first place and we wouldn't have it without him, so we can't simply hate him. Damn you Lucas. If I met you, I would want to kiss you, shake your hand, and punch you in the face all at the same time.


This is what George Lucas says about Greedo shooting first in a 2012 interview with "The Hollywood Reporter":

"The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn’t. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down."

Here is how the scene was described in the 1976 book "Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker", where Greedo is referred to as "the unctuous alien" and "the creature":

“Light and noise filled the little corner of the cantina, and when it had faded, all that remained of the unctuous alien was a smoking, slimy spot on the stone floor.


Solo brought his hand and the smoking weapon it held out from beneath the table, drawing bemused stares from several of the cantina’s patrons and chuckling sounds from its more knowledgeable ones. They had known the creature had committed its fatal mistake in allowing Solo the chance to get his hands under cover”.

So Lucas claims that Greedo always shot first, but it doesn't really sound that way in the book. Also, Lucas thinks that what the fans want is for Han to be a "cold blooded killer", which shows that Lucas misunderstands where the fans are coming from. The following is copied and pasted from swtor.com, it's a post on there by a fan named "AcousticColors" who sums up George's misunderstanding better than I can:

"nobody believes shooting somebody with a gun pointed at you who just told you that they could arrange to have something taken over your dead body makes you a cold blooded killer. That's called self defense.

So, let's look at the scenario...

The way the fans want it...

Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt, and at this range, there's no way he could miss, so Han preemptively pulls out his own blaster under the table and fires first, the shot hits, causing Greedo's aim to veer and hit the wall near Han's head.

The way Lucas wants it...

Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt and pulls his own blaster out under the table. Even so, Han sits there and lets a shot get off, counting on the fact that this bounty hunter has such horrible, horrible aim that he can't hit a large, non-moving target that's sitting two feet away. Han's incredibly stupid gamble pays off, Greedo does in fact miss the broad side of a barn, and then Han shoots him.

Which of those is the better story? It's not about wanting Han to be a cold blooded killer, it's about not wanting Greedo to be such a worthless Bounty Hunter that he can't hit somebody sitting right in front of him, and not wanting Han to be an idiot who just sat there and let himself get shot at from near point blank range."


The first Star Wars films I watched were the 1997 SE versions so I can't really give you a proper answer. But I can imagine that people were disappointed/angry with the scene because I experience that in 2004 seeing Hayden in ghost scene. But honestly I think ghost scene change is far worse than Greedo thing.
