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Help me remove annoying HUM/BUZZ from an audio file (PCM Laserdisc soundtrack)


Normally laserdisc soundtracks are cream of the crop. However, a few of them (usually Hong Kong releases) have some hum or buzzing that is noticeable during quieter moments. 

One such title is Jackie Chan's POLICE STORY. I have the Extended laserdisc and no doubt the audio beats the terrible DVD remixes all to hell. The only issue is there is a damn hum throughout and I am failing at removing it (without hurting the audio overall). 

Here is a short clip. I have Soundbooth (CS5) and Audacity on my PC and would appreciate any help in finding a way to diminish the humming. It's not noticeable when there is music or lots of action going on. But during dialog it's quite pronounced. 

Thanks in advance. Audio cleanup is not my thang. :)




If you look at a Spectral Frequency Display in Adobe Audition (I think Soundbooth too) you can see that the low-frequency hum comes up to almost 500Hz, and overlaps with the low-end of their speech.

Dunno what you can do.


Maybe nothing. :(  Quite annoying. Every attempt I have made at reducing the hum results in the sound becoming either hollow or flat.


Izotope Rx to the rescue:


on the left channel, the sample, untouched.

On the right channel, the sample, processed to remove hum.

How do you like it?


Whoa! How'd you do that and who do I have to go down on to find out?! :)


Matt_Stevens said:

Whoa! How'd you do that and who do I have to go down on to find out?! :)

He said what it is, and this program is the shit! Izotope RX II.


Oh I get it. Sorry. I missed that. Checking it out now. 

EDIT: Ouch. I don't really have $350 right now. :(


It is a very good program, yes a little pricey lol, but I have never heard of it until I think hairy_hen mentioned it at one time in a PM,really good stuff.


PM me, I can do the clean up if you wish.


Leonardo said:

PM me, I can do the clean up if you wish.

What settings do you use? I have not run into this yet(knocks on wood) but would love to know what settings you use just in case.



Okay, these are the settings I used with this particular clip. I would recommend, however, fiddling with it on a case by case basis, as different audio could demand lighter or heavier correction.

I highlighted the waveform, opened the "Remove Hum" module.

Clicked on "Frequency Type", selected Free. Linear phase, high pass, low pass boxes are all unchecked. Harmonics is set to 8. Harmonic slope is set to "0".

Linking Type: All. Filter DC Offset is checked.

Click on the "Learn" button, select "Process".

Voila. :)


Leonardo said:

Okay, these are the settings I used with this particular clip. I would recommend, however, fiddling with it on a case by case basis, as different audio could demand lighter or heavier correction.

I highlighted the waveform, opened the "Remove Hum" module.

Clicked on "Frequency Type", selected Free. Linear phase, high pass, low pass boxes are all unchecked. Harmonics is set to 8. Harmonic slope is set to "0".

Linking Type: All. Filter DC Offset is checked.

Click on the "Learn" button, select "Process".

Voila. :)

Thank you very much! will definitely hang on to this info just in case I run into something like this.


It's worth mentioning that in a pinch, Audacity (which is free) can do a pretty good noiseprint noise removal, too.

You have to fiddle with the parameters, as it's a tradeoff between removing more noise and impinging on the wanted signal, but it's surprisingly good. I have used it to rescue quite a lot of rushes from shoots where the environment doesn't behave.

It's probably not as good as Izotope, but it's a great deal better than the bog standard attempts to notch filter that a lot of people use.