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seconds out - round 2...

As far as the DVDs go, we lost round 1...

OK, how about this...

there are 60K+ signitures on this site from people who want to see the original trilogy on DVD... As long as they're online they're just a 'virtual demonstration' towards LucasFilm. I'm sure somewhere in LucasFilm someone is aware of this site and what we're asking/complaining about - but lets face it in their eyes and alot of other people, we're (and I'm including myself here) just a bunch of geeky nerds when it comes to Star Wars and these rants/complaints can be brushed aside...

...So how about we make it where our demonstration is more real. Who ever the owener/person who runs this site is, how about creating a downloadable PDF that we can print out and sign, send back to you, then you can then deliver them in bulk to LucasFilm that may even get a fair bit of press coverage... 60K+ signatures is hard to ignore ...if the media got wind of it Lucas would be hard pressed to find an excuse not to realise that there are thousands of fans who really do want the OOT on DVD... especially when faced with a TV anchor asking the question:

"George, we've heard all your statements based on an artist can always return to his canvas and you were never satisfied with the original films. But thousands of fans were. Look, 60,000 of them have put pen to paper from all over the world just asking for a bare bones release on a popular durable format of the original trilogy. Look, 60,000 signatures George. Do you understand?? you ignorant fuck!! what is wrong with you???? will you notice them if i wap you around the head with them??" *WAP!!!*

...I'd say now would be the ideal time to start a paper-based campaign - seeing as the new trilogy DVDs have just been released LucasFilm may think we'll just back down and forget it now, if we do we'll never get it. Basically, we lost the first round but if we hit them with a paper based campaign, they simply can't ignore it and neither could the media, they love an underdog story...

I'm from the UK and i'll gladly pay £2 to send a signed form to the US...

...if anyone bothers to reply to this can they be positive constructive replies please... if you're going to post "you'll never get them, losers - booyah!!!" thanks but i've heard it before and all variations on that theme...

...so how about it???
Pherhaps if we all start sending letters to Lucasfilm Ltd. something will get done...hell...I'll even mail one letter every day of the week.....I guess we won't know until we try....

Originally posted by: Obi_Skywalker
Pherhaps if we all start sending letters to Lucasfilm Ltd. something will get done...hell...I'll even mail one letter every day of the week.....I guess we won't know until we try....

Just have the same letter printed off the cp mailed over and over. It would cost a bit for stamps, but what would GL do if he got 30 letters from all 62,000 people, Not to mention that we could must more support by asking members of other forms to do so as well, aka theforce.net. What would GL do if we could muster 1 mil letters... hahahah

that would be classic, but wait it would be more classic if we could get everyone to mail the letters on the same day, or in the same week. All the letters could have the same basis...

that would be classic...

that would be classic, but wait it would be more classic if we could get everyone to mail the letters on the same day, or in the same week. All the letters could have the same basis...

Not a bad idea......what if we did that...but have everyone not only mail on the same day/week, but mail out 20 letters each! That outta get some attention.
OK then, how do we start this????

who runs this site????
Jay does last time I checked. Forward inqueries to him.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Obi_Skywalker

that would be classic, but wait it would be more classic if we could get everyone to mail the letters on the same day, or in the same week. All the letters could have the same basis...

Not a bad idea......what if we did that...but have everyone not only mail on the same day/week, but mail out 20 letters each! That outta get some attention.

you could even get your freinds and family to sign the letters for a more dramatic effect.

Also perhaps you could host a copy of the letter on the internet so that the sender would only have to print out the letter and send it. I like the quote on the opening page of this site, and think if this letter writing campaign takes place that it should be integrated into the letter.

I like this idea. I would like to see the look on his face when he gets all the letters.
One of the good things about this is that many non purist would most likely join the cause. I know many, many PT/SE/NEW DVD Gushers that still would love to have a restored surround sound copy of the O-OT.