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STAR WARS: The Torrents thread — Page 10

Well you could painstakingly rotoscope out all the lightning and make it look like a force push. Spend hours and hours copying pixels from frame to frame, paint out all the skeleton shine throughs on Anakin...

Or, you know, just leave it in...

Hmm, good point...maybe edit it quickly so Dooku sticks out his hand, then take the shot of Anakin jumping toward Dooku+Obi-Wan later on and reverse it so it looks like a Force-push, then remove that shot later on so it's a surprise when the lightsaber shows up to block Dooku's and not so built up and obvious.

The only other thing I've heard about CLONE WAR that scares me slightly is Dooku's yellow lightsaber, which - sorry in advance - I find to be incredibly stupid. But I shouldn't judge since I haven't seen it. I know you wanted to make him a less-obviously-Sith character, but taking out everything else you did is good enough, I think, without giving him a ridiculous lightsaber color (again, just my opinion). I'd suggest simply changing the color back to red - IMHO that doesn't instantly make him a Sith, but with the way REVENGE OF THE SITH seems to be going it looks like he's going to have to be anyway. Just my $0.02.
A yellow saber in SW actually existed long before a green one ever did, so I see no problem with it...
I just think it was long overdue to be seen on screen.
If it weren't for skyline issues in Jedi, a green one probably wouldn't exist...

Anyone who had a Luke action figure as a kid in 77-79 should know what I'm talking about.
It's kind of an homage to that.
Besides, Maul always had a red blade.
Vader/Anakin had a blue saber and lost it and then got a new red one.
Dooku already had a saber and would have no real reason to throw it out, especially for something that would scream his affiliation, if he was trying to operate in secret.



In regars to further homage, those who have read "Shadows of the Empire" will note the first lightsaber Luke builds after losing his father's blue one at Bespin, is in fact a yellow one.

Oh hey MagnoliaFan can I make some tiny suggestions about tweaking Clone War?

Is it at all possible to just have R2 and C-3PO just stay in the ship on Geonosis rather than having to endure the bumbling droids during the fight scenes?

This way the only effect that they actually had on the scenes, namely R2 stopping the molten metal from killing Padme could be seen as just a lucky malfunction.

And I'd lose super-bouncy-ball Yoda and just have the force lifting end their battle. It's much more Yoda than that bizarre wildcat saber fight.

I compliment you on the rest of your decisions.
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Goering.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Goebbels.

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - Orwell.
Ah, now I see - that makes a lot of sense now! Okay. I'm looking forward to seeing this!
Hi, can any kind soul help out with a seed for the cover art torrent? TIA.
Is there any plan to make a DVDr version of "Balance of the Force" available via Torrent Download?

I am downloading the Xvid version as we speak, should have it in 30 minutes, but I would prefer the full DVDr version.

Has anyone tried the "Balance of the Force" Xvid on a Lite-On player? Does it work or will it require a re-encode?

Rikter, thanks for seeding out everything you have... it is most appreciated
does anyone here have a torrent for "Star Wars to Jedi the making of a saga"
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
EVERYONE - Please this is not a request thread - If someone wants to start a request thread for torrents please JOIN a BITTORRENTS message board or forum like MYSPLEEN.

I've been a very active member on these boards and have really enjoyed all the great topics and threads and I will continue to do so for a long time but please let's not let this tread turn into a request board.

As for those asking me to post it as a DVD -

I'm Sorry - I do not plan on posting it as a DVDr at all -

Every torrent that I've posted made it's way onto eBay.

My Holiday Special, My Phantom Edit 1.1 and most of my custom covers and some of Cerebro's have all made it onto eBay.

THIS file format will be a bit harder to try to sell on eBay.

MagnoliaFan and myself have been friend now for a bit over a year, I had asked If I could post these on myspleen.com

- As you can he said it was cool if I posted it in this format.

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

rikter, you recently said that your mastercopy from TR-47 was bad. does that extend to the torrents?
Originally posted by: adlai
rikter, you recently said that your mastercopy from TR-47 was bad. does that extend to the torrents?

No that was MONTHS ago - And it was also replaced MONTHS ago

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Make a DVDr with a menu explicitly stating that anyone stupid enough to buy a DVDr on ebay is a retard.
Originally posted by: Faid
Make a DVDr with a menu explicitly stating that anyone stupid enough to buy a DVDr on ebay is a retard.

True, but its VERY easy to remake the DVD with TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.6 and replace the menus. (I do it when I make multi DVD's)

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Hell, sometimes it can be done simply with Ifoedit. I use that to "turn off" FBI warnings and dumb intros, so that I don't have to remaster the whole disk.

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: Sadly, I believe the prequels are beyond repair.
<span class=“Bold”>JediRandy: They’re certainly beyond any repair you’re capable of making.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>MeBeJedi: You aren’t one of us.
<span class=“Bold”>Go-Mer-Tonic: I can’t say I find that very disappointing.</span></span>

<span class=“Italics”>JediRandy: I won’t suck as much as a fan edit.</span>

In all of the Original DVD sets I've seen in eBay, they came with a bonus disc included. Here's an example: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=617&item=6324821730&rd=1

Does anyone have the torrent for the bonus disc?

By the way, I was shopping for a set on eBay... until I cought on and found out that they're all bootlegs and I can get them myself. I even saw one titled "Only released in Canada". I live in Canada, and I never seen the original trilogy on the shelves.
The torrent for that is/was available at www.torrentbox.com last time I checked.

PM me your email address and I can send you it as the site seems down/gone.

I know you don't want to release any more DVD-Rs, and I also don't want to seem like all I do is ask for things, but do you have any plans to torrent the documentaries, I'd be happy with just an XVID of them.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Hi Ratlsnake,

I am new to this forum. How do you send PMs? I was in the middle of downloading the supplements dvd from torrentbox, but accidentally closed it a couple days ago and I hadn't saved the torrent file to my desktop. The torrentbox website still appears to be down
Justin, you'll need to go into you profile settings and turn on accept messages otherwsie when I reply to you you won't get it. Then click on the orange padlock on one of my posts to send me a message.

Hi there, I just finished downloading Magnolias "Balance of the Force" but i cant get it to play right. About every 2 minutes the image starts to jump and repeat itself, while the sound keeps going. Most players ive tried freeze as soon as this happens (Crystal, VLC Media) while others wont play it at all. Ive got the latest versions of bot Xvid and AC3, so i guess that cant be the problem and I dont like the idea of the file being somehow corrupted. Any ideas?
First off, what the is Crystal? I've never heard of that one. I use Media Player Classic and BS Player. I've never had a problem with it. It possible you're out of resources or the file is corrupt. Use G-spot or virtual dub to see if they report any problems.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

for those torrent folks
thumbs up for new QualityBroth OT set listed on suprn*va
contains Leia welding and looks crispy to me
what do others think ?

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…

I disagree... the picture was muddy compared to TR47 or even Farsight's version, and the audio was something like 224k mp2 if I remember correctly (I deleted it already).
Hey guys!!!

Rikter here -

I just wanted you guys to know that I've been realy busy with work and Rayna's been super busy with school - I've gotten baclk to most of your emails and I will be getting to PM's tonight so please don't FRET!

I will also be shipping out on tuesday and on thursday so if anyone has request they will be out FOR sure on time as I told you in your emails

I've also got some GREAT NEWS!

I have a new set that I will be uploading via the Bittorrents - I'm still waiting for the MAgnoliaFan Episode 2 - The Clone War si that will be at least anothr 2-3 weeks form now


I have just recieved this new version called the ISOMIX trilogy!!!!

I've watched ANH and will be posting them sometime next week!!

But here's the ROUGH low-down..........

Encoding info:

STAR WARS and EMPIRE were encoded with a 2-pass VBR of 3.8 minimum and 8 maximum using Compressor with Final Cut Pro. The ac3 tracks were encoded with a bit rate of 448 kbps with dialogue normalization at -27
DBFS. Due to the longer length of Jedi, it was encoded at 3.7 min, 8 max and the music only track was encoded at 384 kbps.


These DVD's were created from the Definitive Edition Laserdisc Box Set. Some small portions (like Leia's welding scene in EMPIRE) were taken from the "Faces" set. The spelling errors in the subtitles for RETURN
OF THE JEDI have been corrected. It was digitized via S-video and edited with Final Cut Pro. The audio was transferred via a digital coaxial connection to Pro Tools and converted to ac3. The music tracks
come from the RCA/Victor Special Edition soundtracks, except for some tracks that were only available on the 4-disc Fox Scores/Arista Box set.

The "Music Only" track for STAR WARS contains every cue used in the movie, plus an unused cue in the Trash Compactor scene.

THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK has an alternate cue in the scene where Yoda invites Luke to his home to eat. The only noticeable difference is at the very end of the cue as it cuts to Han and '3PO on the Falcon.

RETURN OF THE JEDI is missing the most cues; mostly source music. The music played after Chewie is taken prisoner and all the source music from Jabba's sail barge has never been released. "Lapti Nek" is a
different version than used in the film, and has been edited to sound more like the film version. There's also a few seconds in the scene where the AT-ST is smashed by two swinging logs that cannot be found on
the released soundtrack CD's. For this one portion, alternate music is used.

All the music tracks have been edited to match the original soundtrack as closely as possible.

MORE details LATER!!!

BTW- THIS set IS NOT FOR SALE - ONLY for download (for now.. MAYBE trades soon )

Word to the Spookies...


“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK