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Info: Mad Max Rarities/Road Warrior Japanese DVD — Page 4


Just sent you the links, Stamper, sorry for the wait! If I've forgotten anyone else, please PM me.

Re. the opening logos, my laserdisc is inconclusive since it's pan and scan - this is the one I used:


There's a letterbox issue from 1994 which I don't own - I went for the earliest release with a digital track to minimise the likelihood of 'improvements' having been made to the sound.

Does anyone have a widescreen VHS copy?


I still have I think the widescreen laserdisc. But I can't watch it. I will give a listen to your track to see if it's as I remember. THX!


Jonno, your track sound ace. From my memory, it's the same Dolby Surround mix as the 1994 Laserdisc. Definetely better than the 5.1 remix.


Stamper said:

Jonno, your track sound ace. From my memory, it's the same Dolby Surround mix as the 1994 Laserdisc. Definetely better than the 5.1 remix.

Agreed on all points


Terrific, glad to hear it fellas. I've yet to rework my intro with the 4:3 WB logo but I'll let you know when it's done and uploaded.

Not sure whether to put the time in on Thunderdome or not. I wouldn't have bothered were it not for the fact that I had a quick listen to the opening of the new BD, and 'One of the Living' sounds downright strange. I'll keep an eye out for a laser in case the urge seizes me!


wasn't the thunderdome 5.1 mix derives from the 70mm 6-track audio? but still, the laserdisc audio would be a nice addition to i. if anyone has the ld, please let us know.


I like the new Thunderdome blu-ray audio, but would definetely like to compare with the LD. DVDs sounded absolutely crappy.


zeropc said:

wasn't the thunderdome 5.1 mix derives from the 70mm 6-track audio?

Are you referring to this review? That guy makes the leap that the 6-track mix was 'presumably' the basis for the 5.1 - unfortunately that is far from a given, it being much easier for the studio to do some roughly directional upmixing on a 35mm mix source.

Still, it's good to hear that people are liking the BD track - I'll certainly listen to it properly before dismissing it entirely (particularly in the absence of a laser track to use).


I would not be at all surprised if the 5.1 track was merely a cleaned up and newly EQ'd version of the old 5.1 done for the DVD. Probably pretty good, but lacking in the low end and ambiance of the original mix.

BTW, I've found that for many 80's action films that did have a 70mm blowup that the 4 channel mix was the same for both 35 and 70mm releases, minus of course discrete channels and the extra punch of baby booms, and on some occasions that the 35mm matrixed version sounds just as good if not better.


VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


i just finished watching mad max 2 with jonno's synced ld pcm. audio was spot on. a great track.

thanks jonno :)


Just saw a 35mm print of the Road Warrior last night at the American Film Institute in Silver Spring,

Maryland (USA):


I had just watched the new avc encoded blu-ray with Jonno's LD audio capture

and I was looking for what the color timing was on this print. Whether it was the

old DVD/LD's yellow color timing or the new bluer color timing of the blu-ray.

I printed out these color comparisons from blu-ray.com so I could be sure I

knew what I was looking for:




Long story short , even though the first reel had gone a little pink, it was clear that the old DVD's color timing is the original, correct color timing. I asked about the print after and it was an original for the early 80s. 

You lucky devil... awesome.  Good to know we're not crazy and that the BD is actually too cool visually.  I really hope this becomes a new project for big guns around here.  I would love to see those colors restored.

So what DVD is the right color timing? this thread is a little confusing.

The only DVD I've seen is the 1997 U.S. snap case release from Warner Bros.  The colors on that release are, to my eyes, correct.

Flexicon9 said:

The only DVD I've seen is the 1997 U.S. snap case release from Warner Bros.  The colors on that release are, to my eyes, correct.

And those were the colors I saw on this 35mm print. Color timing on the snapper DVD, laserdiscs and VHS tapes are all the same as the print. Very yellow and desert wasteland like. Thunderdome has a similar color timing. The blu-rays for Mad Max 2/Road Warrior have a very different cooler/bluer color timing.


One can see the Blu-ray is stuck from a new source (probably the negative) but is not color timed. The colors are dialed down and there's a green haze over the whole film to hide that fact.

Is there a way to combine the DVD colors with the HD image?


PDB said:

Flexicon9 said:

The only DVD I've seen is the 1997 U.S. snap case release from Warner Bros.  The colors on that release are, to my eyes, correct.

And those were the colors I saw on this 35mm print. Color timing on the snapper DVD, laserdiscs and VHS tapes are all the same as the print. Very yellow and desert wasteland like. Thunderdome has a similar color timing. The blu-rays for Mad Max 2/Road Warrior have a very different cooler/bluer color timing.

Road Warrior or Mad Max 2?


dvdmike said:

PDB said:

Flexicon9 said:

The only DVD I've seen is the 1997 U.S. snap case release from Warner Bros.  The colors on that release are, to my eyes, correct.

And those were the colors I saw on this 35mm print. Color timing on the snapper DVD, laserdiscs and VHS tapes are all the same as the print. Very yellow and desert wasteland like. Thunderdome has a similar color timing. The blu-rays for Mad Max 2/Road Warrior have a very different cooler/bluer color timing.

Road Warrior or Mad Max 2?

Same movie different cuts. But this was The Road Warrior, since it was a US print from the 80s.


PDB said:

dvdmike said:

PDB said:

Flexicon9 said:

The only DVD I've seen is the 1997 U.S. snap case release from Warner Bros.  The colors on that release are, to my eyes, correct.

And those were the colors I saw on this 35mm print. Color timing on the snapper DVD, laserdiscs and VHS tapes are all the same as the print. Very yellow and desert wasteland like. Thunderdome has a similar color timing. The blu-rays for Mad Max 2/Road Warrior have a very different cooler/bluer color timing.

Road Warrior or Mad Max 2?

Same movie different cuts. But this was The Road Warrior, since it was a US print from the 80s.

There is also thought the timing may be different 


Original DVD release was Road Warrior print woldwide. It's sightly cut (actually it's the US theatrical cut).

New version on Blu-ray is Mad Max 2. Longer cut with extended violence, but it lacks some of Papagallo dialogue in the first part of the film.

I would like to get a script which can combine the colors of the DVD to the Blu-ray picture. Fixing the missing parts should be easy, they are only a couple of seconds.


Jonno's Stereo Mix is great. Thanks for your efforts.


an update on mad max 3 laserdisc audio

we have it now! kudos to pdb for providing the pcm track. though, it needs to be synced. hopefully i find time to do so. but with the awesome weather, i rather spend time outside ;)


zeropc said:

an update on mad max 3 laserdisc audio

we have it now! kudos to pdb for providing the pcm track. though, it needs to be synced. hopefully i find time to do so. but with the awesome weather, i rather spend time outside ;)

Trying to sync it myself but not having luck...yet.


It's not stereo is Dolby Surround!


Well, actually it's Dolby Stereo ;-)

(Dolby Stereo - unlike 'regular' 2-channel stereo - is normally a L, R, C, S 4-channel mix. So yes it has a surround component, but it's still named stereo. Confusing. Perhaps they should have called it quadrophonic after all).

Looking forward to hearing that Thunderdome track fellas. Let me know if you need any sync assistance.