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Post #646893

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DD DTS THX [BD project] (* unfinished project *)
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Date created
24-Jun-2013, 8:43 AM

I'm probably not the right person to ask as I'm only watching them on a laptop but they seem 'clean'. Having said that, that's based on what I can see; I don't know if it's because they're mts or the bit rates on some of them are high or what but on both THX trailers and a couple of the others, the video is only becoming viewable about half way in. Your call but I would be inclined to just include official trailers and add your preferred test trailer at the start/end.

Another unaccounted for trailer (and it's very doubtful you'll get it) is the DTS water drop trailer. Apparently it's very similar to Imagine Films' intro logo, and they took issue with it resulting in DTS pulling the trailer. Instead we got the Sonic Landscape trailer.